Shocked: Maine , woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro Trump signs

Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
Ordinances against signs are rather common. Nothing criminal, so she isn't facing jail just fines. What I would do is turn those signs into a sun screen for my car's windshield and then park it backed into the driveway.
FTA: “I was shocked,” she said. “This is my freedom of speech. People have a right to voice their opinion.”Read more If you go to the bottom of the article, there is a spot where it says read more, if you click on that link, it will take you to a Maine website.

DUH! To OP's link went to INFOWARS, not to any other site. How many kinds of stupid are you? English not your first language?

Nut job, you are a special kind of stupid, at least we know you didn’t read the full article, that’s okay, you would have screwed that up anyway.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.

Yep, and you made up the other side.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
. Well the libs are still protesting the election 10 months now, so why should she stop her counter protesting ? At least she is peacefully protesting.

The left doesn’t like peaceful protests, they like riots, see Berkeley, St. Louis, Baltimore, Ferguson, and several cities where riots occurred after the elections. It is in their DNA to get violent when they don’t get their way.
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
. So your saying only leftist go to jail, and she should get ready to be in a hostile environment by sharpening up that shank eh ?? How stereotypical of you. lol
Ordinances against signs are rather common. Nothing criminal, so she isn't facing jail just fines. What I would do is turn those signs into a sun screen for my car's windshield and then park it backed into the driveway.
. Now that's using ones mind. Excellent.
What about this woman's freedom of speech? The ball players can express their feeling without reprisals but not this woman? More double standards!
If it we're me, then I would ride around taking pictures of all the blight in the city. If it's anything like most cities, the click/good old boy's get a pass on their properties that are in disarray, but the poor little soft targets that can't defend themselves get the full wrath of the law in some sort of feel good example to be set by the law.
If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.
Why would anyone care? You'd have to be an shit stain progressives to be offended by something so petty. Lol
If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.

The Berkeley school of First Amendment rights strikes again.

Take it up with the zoning board.
It has nothing to do with the zoning board, it's just fucked up pussy whipped progressives are offended by the signs. The Motherfuckers have no backbone…

Go back to your safe space snowflake… LOL
Nut job, you are a special kind of stupid, at least we know you didn’t read the full article, that’s okay, you would have screwed that up anyway.
Insults are the first refuge of the ignorant and incompetent.

So in response to my post you called me stupid, before I made my response call you stupid, so you are also ignorant and incompetent? Just wondering if you apply your words equally or if you just like to flame.

So you didn’t read the full article and yet made a comment without all the facts. Thank you.
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If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.

The Berkeley school of First Amendment rights strikes again.

Take it up with the zoning board.

Would the zoning board order her to remove the sign it it said: "IMPEACH TRUMP"?
Read the article in the link, and where it says READ MORE, click on it to get the details...her sign size breaks the law, if she reduces the sign size to that of her town's city ordinance, there is nothing they can do to her, the signs would be fine.

You are being "played" like a violin, by Alex Jones and the devil's spawn, infowars.
It really doesn't matter, these are the type people that are all butt hurt.... still.:lmao:
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?
How does the town have any right to tell her what kind of freaking sign she can have in her yard?
A city ordinance that's been the law on the books for decades....Did you read the op link IN FULL? Did you click on READ MORE...?

The words on her signs are not at issue, the size of her signs is what breaks the City's Ordinance.
It would not be an issue if there was not some shit stain complaining about it. The motherfucker thats complaining about it needs to be the one that's reprimanded. :fu:
A city ordinance that's been the law on the books for decades....Did you read the op link IN FULL? Did you click on READ MORE...?
The words on her signs are not at issue, the size of her signs is what breaks the City's Ordinance.

It is a ridiculous city ordinance that likely violates her free speech rights and rights to property use.

This would be a good case to take to SCOTUS and see what they make of it into case law.
Why would the hundreds of years of city ordinances be ruled unconstitutional now?

No one is stopping her from having a sign and what she wants to say on it....the size of the sign is something I can see all cities limiting, because larger signs could be a distraction and a hazard on the public streets to drivers....

Honestly, this whole op and Infowars link IS a Nothing Burger and simply MEANT TO DIVIDE US..... on the smallest of things....

just ignore these nimrods, and these silly threads....
Some shit stain/stains are complaining about the signs... no one should be listening to spineless motherfuckers like that. Lol
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?
How does the town have any right to tell her what kind of freaking sign she can have in her yard?
A city ordinance that's been the law on the books for decades....Did you read the op link IN FULL? Did you click on READ MORE...?

The words on her signs are not at issue, the size of her signs is what breaks the City's Ordinance.
The absolute stupidity of the ordinance be damned
I have no problem with the city gvt changing it, if that is what the citizens want to do....

it certainly is none of your business or my business since it is not my town ordinance, and is seems silly that an issue is even made of this....but leave it to Infowars, to pass the hate.
The problem is there is some shit stain complaining about it. Who wants to listen to such a person/persons?
Unless it is aimed at the ignorant or incompetent. Not saying you are that person, but just adding the counter perspective.
Present company included of course. When all a person adds to a conversation is insults, their opinions are worth less than nothing.
If she wants to piss away a lot of money on legal fees to show her devotion to a former game show host, I say have at it lady and enjoy the ride.
The person/people that are complaining are the most petty of people... they should realize the election is

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