Shocked: Maine , woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro Trump signs

You are entitled to your stupid claim that you think you are a liberal, but your words on this forum prove otherwise.

So did you have a problem with OWS? If not and you have an issue with her protest, then you aren’t a liberal, you are a Regressive. You already stated you have a problem with her protest.

OWS was a brilliant idea that wasn't handled as well as I think it could have been. I don't have an issue with her doing what she is trying to do. I just think it's childish and funny.

That isn’t what you originally posted, you want to try again?

I originally said that if she would rather go to jail than to follow the law, then lock the old bat up. I stand by that. If she wants to try some bullshit claim that free speech justifies what she is doing, I think it's childish and funny, but she's free to try to weasel out of it any way she thinks might work.

I thought OWS was a good idea until they started protecting rapists and defecating on cars. I am okay with either as long as they are willing to pay the price. This lady I respect also, she is fighting what she thinks is a bad law. She didn’t know the signs were not within code until a neighbor who is somehow offended by a sign, complained. Not sure how one is offended by the signs.

Doesn't matter if a neighbor is offended by the signs. She has a problem with the ordinance. Her neighbor didn't cause her problem. She did.

Yep and OWS created their own problems and violated the laws far worse than the size of a sign, but hey, that agrees with your agenda, so it’s all cool.
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?

If she is willing to go to jail for her peaceful protest, in she believes is a bad law, then why would you have a problem with that? Real liberal progressives should not have an issue with people protesting bad laws. Why do you?
if she wants to waste her money for the $100 fine a day, go for it! it's not unconstitutional to have an ordinance on sign size or fence heights or home sizes and heights.... she might get the town's sympathy and they could change the law if the town wants, but as far as is constitutional for cities and towns to have these kind of does not stop her first amendment rights....

We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
OWS was a brilliant idea that wasn't handled as well as I think it could have been. I don't have an issue with her doing what she is trying to do. I just think it's childish and funny.

That isn’t what you originally posted, you want to try again?

I originally said that if she would rather go to jail than to follow the law, then lock the old bat up. I stand by that. If she wants to try some bullshit claim that free speech justifies what she is doing, I think it's childish and funny, but she's free to try to weasel out of it any way she thinks might work.

I thought OWS was a good idea until they started protecting rapists and defecating on cars. I am okay with either as long as they are willing to pay the price. This lady I respect also, she is fighting what she thinks is a bad law. She didn’t know the signs were not within code until a neighbor who is somehow offended by a sign, complained. Not sure how one is offended by the signs.

Doesn't matter if a neighbor is offended by the signs. She has a problem with the ordinance. Her neighbor didn't cause her problem. She did.

Yep and OWS created their own problems and violated the laws far worse than the size of a sign, but hey, that agrees with your agenda, so it’s all cool.

If I remember right, there was a response to OWS by the city. Do you expect anything less in this case? Should she be able to ignore the ordinance because she is a Trump supporter?
Personally, I think the woman is being a horrible neighbor keeping her nasty Trump sign up and causing division in the town, she is being selfish and could care less about the other people who live in town...

What else can you call it?

And would you feel the same if it was someone with a Clinton sign or an Obama sign? Many thought the Clinton signs were nasty.

They are all just signs to me.

The thought that this would actually divide a town or you wild,think they are a poor neighbor because they have an opinion different than yours is pretty funny.
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That isn’t what you originally posted, you want to try again?

I originally said that if she would rather go to jail than to follow the law, then lock the old bat up. I stand by that. If she wants to try some bullshit claim that free speech justifies what she is doing, I think it's childish and funny, but she's free to try to weasel out of it any way she thinks might work.

I thought OWS was a good idea until they started protecting rapists and defecating on cars. I am okay with either as long as they are willing to pay the price. This lady I respect also, she is fighting what she thinks is a bad law. She didn’t know the signs were not within code until a neighbor who is somehow offended by a sign, complained. Not sure how one is offended by the signs.

Doesn't matter if a neighbor is offended by the signs. She has a problem with the ordinance. Her neighbor didn't cause her problem. She did.

Yep and OWS created their own problems and violated the laws far worse than the size of a sign, but hey, that agrees with your agenda, so it’s all cool.

If I remember right, there was a response to OWS by the city. Do you expect anything less in this case? Should she be able to ignore the ordinance because she is a Trump supporter?

I never said the city was in the wrong. She is violating the law, if she is going to protest and break the law, then it’s good with me. Those who protest and violate the law need to be willing to pay the price for their protests.
FTA: “I was shocked,” she said. “This is my freedom of speech. People have a right to voice their opinion.”Read more If you go to the bottom of the article, there is a spot where it says read more, if you click on that link, it will take you to a Maine website.

DUH! To OP's link went to INFOWARS, not to any other site. How many kinds of stupid are you? English not your first language?
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?
How does the town have any right to tell her what kind of freaking sign she can have in her yard?
A city ordinance that's been the law on the books for decades....Did you read the op link IN FULL? Did you click on READ MORE...?

The words on her signs are not at issue, the size of her signs is what breaks the City's Ordinance.
The absolute stupidity of the ordinance be damned
I have no problem with the city gvt changing it, if that is what the citizens want to do....

it certainly is none of your business or my business since it is not my town ordinance, and is seems silly that an issue is even made of this....but leave it to Infowars, to pass the hate.
What hate?
What are you even talking about? She has a right to free speech.

What law is she breaking? Please explain... The "executive branch" (of a local jurisdiction) is the one breaking the law here.

A higher court would shoot down the town's interpretation of the law as a free speech violation. If anything the woman would get fined, not go to jail. You need a warrant to arrest the woman for violations on her private property, which no court would legally be able to give out since it violates a Constitutional right.

That is why she needs to follow through with what she feels is a violation of her freedom of expression. A real liberal would back her for challenging the Constitutionality of the law. What we have here are Regressives that only believe in laws that follow their agenda which is stifling free expression.

I am a real liberal, but I like reasonable community standards. She didn't have a problem with what size signs were allowed until she decided Trump supporters should be given extra allowances..

You are so full of it. A real liberal wouldn’t mind a person protesting a bad law, hell did you have a problem with the protests by OWS? If she is willing to go to jail, and pay the fines to change a law, then what is your issue?

You are not a liberal, I know real liberals, you are a regressive and you just proved it.

I suppose you are entitled to your little opinion. I don't have a problem at all. If she is willing to go to jail, I say let her.

You are entitled to your stupid claim that you think you are a liberal, but your words on this forum prove otherwise.

So did you have a problem with OWS? If not and you have an issue with her protest, then you aren’t a liberal, you are a Regressive. You already stated you have a problem with her protest.
. It's only a one way street with these liberals. They protest, but be dammed if anyone else tries it.
Personally, I think the woman is being a horrible neighbor keeping her nasty Trump sign up and causing division in the town, she is being selfish and could care less about the other people who live in town...

What else can you call it?
. At least she is being open about her thoughts, and about her American experience, instead of trying to sneak an agenda into the schools that parents only learn about when their kids come home scratching their heads about who they are anymore. The ordinance committee must be comprised of the same people that are on the school board committies in these town's.
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?

If she is willing to go to jail for her peaceful protest, in she believes is a bad law, then why would you have a problem with that? Real liberal progressives should not have an issue with people protesting bad laws. Why do you?
if she wants to waste her money for the $100 fine a day, go for it! it's not unconstitutional to have an ordinance on sign size or fence heights or home sizes and heights.... she might get the town's sympathy and they could change the law if the town wants, but as far as is constitutional for cities and towns to have these kind of does not stop her first amendment rights....

We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.
Personally, I think the woman is being a horrible neighbor keeping her nasty Trump sign up and causing division in the town, she is being selfish and could care less about the other people who live in town...

What else can you call it?
. At least she is being open about her thoughts, and about her American experience, instead of trying to sneak an agenda into the schools that parents only learn about when their kids come home scratching their heads about who they are anymore. The ordinance committee must be comprised of the same people that are on the school board committies in these town's.
Yeah, that's the ticket, at least she's being open....
Her banner is not really a celebration, it was meant to be nasty towards her neighbors.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
Her banner is not really a celebration, it was meant to be nasty towards her neighbors.
. She was probably just being vocal towards the liberals who can't except the results of the election, and that would include all liberals who are anti-Trump whether local or just passing by. Now if she put on the banner "my neighbors can go to hell "Trump won", then she would be in some hot water.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
. Well the libs are still protesting the election 10 months now, so why should she stop her counter protesting ? At least she is peacefully protesting.

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