Shocked: Maine , woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro Trump signs

Insults are the first refuge of the ignorant and incompetent.
. Unless it is aimed at the ignorant or incompetent. Not saying you are that person, but just adding the counter perspective.
Present company included of course. When all a person adds to a conversation is insults, their opinions are worth less than nothing.[/QUOTE]

Yet in response to my second post to you, you started the name calling first. Interesting how you leave that part of the conversation out when quoting the conversation.
That is why she needs to follow through with what she feels is a violation of her freedom of expression. A real liberal would back her for challenging the Constitutionality of the law. What we have here are Regressives that only believe in laws that follow their agenda which is stifling free expression.

I am a real liberal, but I like reasonable community standards. She didn't have a problem with what size signs were allowed until she decided Trump supporters should be given extra allowances..

You are so full of it. A real liberal wouldn’t mind a person protesting a bad law, hell did you have a problem with the protests by OWS? If she is willing to go to jail, and pay the fines to change a law, then what is your issue?

You are not a liberal, I know real liberals, you are a regressive and you just proved it.

I suppose you are entitled to your little opinion. I don't have a problem at all. If she is willing to go to jail, I say let her.

You are entitled to your stupid claim that you think you are a liberal, but your words on this forum prove otherwise.

So did you have a problem with OWS? If not and you have an issue with her protest, then you aren’t a liberal, you are a Regressive. You already stated you have a problem with her protest.

OWS was a brilliant idea that wasn't handled as well as I think it could have been. I don't have an issue with her doing what she is trying to do. I just think it's childish and funny.
The whole thing should be ignored, who gives a shit about such a thing? Oh... it's the fuckers that are complaining.:fu:
You are so full of it. A real liberal wouldn’t mind a person protesting a bad law, hell did you have a problem with the protests by OWS? If she is willing to go to jail, and pay the fines to change a law, then what is your issue?

You are not a liberal, I know real liberals, you are a regressive and you just proved it.

I suppose you are entitled to your little opinion. I don't have a problem at all. If she is willing to go to jail, I say let her.

You are entitled to your stupid claim that you think you are a liberal, but your words on this forum prove otherwise.

So did you have a problem with OWS? If not and you have an issue with her protest, then you aren’t a liberal, you are a Regressive. You already stated you have a problem with her protest.

OWS was a brilliant idea that wasn't handled as well as I think it could have been. I don't have an issue with her doing what she is trying to do. I just think it's childish and funny.

That isn’t what you originally posted, you want to try again?

I originally said that if she would rather go to jail than to follow the law, then lock the old bat up. I stand by that. If she wants to try some bullshit claim that free speech justifies what she is doing, I think it's childish and funny, but she's free to try to weasel out of it any way she thinks might work.
The person that should be mocked is the person/persons that are complaining about the sings in the first place… Fucking pussies...:fu:
If she would rather go to jail than follow the law, then I would certainly grant her wish. Lock the old bat up.

The Berkeley school of First Amendment rights strikes again.

Take it up with the zoning board.

Would the zoning board order her to remove the sign it it said: "IMPEACH TRUMP"?
Read the article in the link, and where it says READ MORE, click on it to get the details...her sign size breaks the law, if she reduces the sign size to that of her town's city ordinance, there is nothing they can do to her, the signs would be fine.

You are being "played" like a violin, by Alex Jones and the devil's spawn, infowars.
It really doesn't matter, these are the type people that are all butt hurt.... still.:lmao:
. It's amazing how much these people were invested in Obama's words to totally transform this nation, and the usery that had went on in that situation. You had this group using that group, and that's all it was, but as soon as a group acquired power, then it was time to disenfranchise the groups from one another. The generational trends in this country have shifted by design now, and our American youth are paying a deadly price for it. The big picture must be realized finally, and as our youth die by the thousands it's high time we recognize what's been going on.
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
That is not the issue, it's the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining about the sign. Need to mind their own business. silly fuckers
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The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
Yes, There are two sides to every story. What about the sorry ass fuckers complaining about the signs are they that Petty?

Fucking snowflakes
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.
Na, people need to stop complaining about shit that does not matter. Snowflakes mainly… LOL
The snowflakes that are complaining about the signs should be exposed… And ridiculed Endlessly.

Being politically correct is a sick fucking way to live… Fact
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.
. If we're a sign on or in the window of her car, then what's the difference ?
To those who don't support this woman -

What if the ordinance said she can only have a 1 inch x 1 inch sign, do you think such regulation would be acceptable?
The ordinance has been around for decades, and maybe when it was created some 40-50 years ago it was for some forgotten political reason, but I doubt anyone around enforcing the law today, has any idea what that political reason was....
Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
. Well the libs are still protesting the election 10 months now, so why should she stop her counter protesting ? At least she is peacefully protesting.
Who is they?
Her neighbors aren't, and her banner is directed at them, isn't it? The only ones seeing her protest banners are the people living on her street....??? Which she could continue to display if they were the right size....

What ever!!! I see her being an old crank, but regardless SHE can continue to cause discourse in her own neighborhood if she follows the law with 2x2 signs....
What about this woman's freedom of speech? The ball players can express their feeling without reprisals but not this woman? More double standards!
She can have a million 2 x2ft signs to express her opinion of shutting up anyone who doesn't support Trump, in her yard....NO ONE is cutting her free speech.
What about this woman's freedom of speech? The ball players can express their feeling without reprisals but not this woman? More double standards!
She can have a million 2 x2ft signs to express her opinion of shutting up anyone who doesn't support Trump, in her yard....NO ONE is cutting her free speech.
. I garantee you that if she would have had a 2×2 sign it would have been the same problem. The size is just a way to cover up the embarrassment of the left over nit picking an issue they figured would embarrass the property owner.
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.

And she is willing to pay the price and work to get the law changed. It is called a peaceful protest, something the left claims to love. It seems the left want only certain protests. The left only wants to protest the things they are against and then it is okay to even be violent to get their way. This woman is hurting no one, just willing to pay a price to try to change what she feels is a bad law. Why is this a bad thing?

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