Shocked: Maine , woman says she would rather go to jail than take down her pro Trump signs

Bad laws cannot be tolerated simply because they have been around a long time.

Thats all the more reason to get rid of or modify the law.
Why is the law a bad law in your opinion? I bet near every town and city in America has one covering the same thing.....What makes this one, any different?
. The interpretation.
But it's pretty simple Beagle 9? It's simply stating the size, 2x2ft, is the maximum size permitted.

Her banner was telling her neighbors, to basically


Trump Won

Looks like her neighbors put up with her sending her message to them to SHUT UP and get over trumps win....for 10 months past the election, then fthe neighbors fnally authorities about her breaking code.....

There are two sides to every story.
. Well the libs are still protesting the election 10 months now, so why should she stop her counter protesting ? At least she is peacefully protesting.
Who is they?
Her neighbors aren't, and her banner is directed at them, isn't it? The only ones seeing her protest banners are the people living on her street....??? Which she could continue to display if they were the right size....

What ever!!! I see her being an old crank, but regardless SHE can continue to cause discourse in her own neighborhood if she follows the law with 2x2 signs....

Neighbors or neighbor? I see the neighbor as being an old crank that hates Trump that is still pissed off Clinton lost, and is being selfish and divisive.

She can work to change what she think is a bad law. No different than liberal groups trying to do the same.
The snowflakes that are complaining about the signs should be exposed… And ridiculed Endlessly.

Being politically correct is a sick fucking way to live… Fact
Or....they can band together and repeal that about that?

It seems she is the only one working to change the ordinance. As long as she is willing to pay the consequences for her peaceful protest, we should all be good with that.
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.

And she is willing to pay the price and work to get the law changed. It is called a peaceful protest, something the left claims to love. It seems the left want only certain protests. The left only wants to protest the things they are against and then it is okay to even be violent to get their way. This woman is hurting no one, just willing to pay a price to try to change what she feels is a bad law. Why is this a bad thing?

She can try and change the law all she wants. But until then, she needs to get a permit.
Reitman said she wasn’t aware of the ordinance and feels it should be changed to allow for this kind of political speech.

I laughed out loud when I read this. So because you didn't know a law exists, now you want it to be changed because you don't like it. :lmao:

All I can say to this woman is she better learn how to make a shank so she can protect herself in jail.
All I can say is that the sorry ass fuckers that are complaining should mind their own business… You can't be that pussy whipped, can you? Lol

She broke the law. That's the point. She should apply for a permit before posting the sign.

And she is willing to pay the price and work to get the law changed. It is called a peaceful protest, something the left claims to love. It seems the left want only certain protests. The left only wants to protest the things they are against and then it is okay to even be violent to get their way. This woman is hurting no one, just willing to pay a price to try to change what she feels is a bad law. Why is this a bad thing?

She can try and change the law all she wants. But until then, she needs to get a permit.

No, she can pay the fines. It’s called a peaceful protest.

Remember college students doing sit ins? They didn’t have permits. Did you object to that?

Anti war groups didn’t have permits to protest, yet did, see Vietnam era. Was that objectionable to you?

The white supremacist had a permit to protest in Charlottesville, the Antifa did not have a permit, did you complain about that?

OWS sat in private parks and refused to leave, no permit and were illegally occupying a park and defied court orders to leave. Did you complain about them?

If you want to protest, protest peacefully, liberals always have believed that way. What has changed?
It's against the law in her town to have a sign in your yard larger than 2 x 2 ft, her signs are larger than 2 x 3 ft.... I bet some sign shop would proportionately copy and make the signs in a smaller version that meets the sign/banner code in her area, and maybe even do it for free or thru donations I'm certain she could get. Maybe she'll get Trump's attention and his campaign could pay to get her signs reduced to the proper size, to be legal?

If she is willing to go to jail for her peaceful protest, in she believes is a bad law, then why would you have a problem with that? Real liberal progressives should not have an issue with people protesting bad laws. Why do you?
if she wants to waste her money for the $100 fine a day, go for it! it's not unconstitutional to have an ordinance on sign size or fence heights or home sizes and heights.... she might get the town's sympathy and they could change the law if the town wants, but as far as is constitutional for cities and towns to have these kind of does not stop her first amendment rights....

We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
If she is willing to go to jail for her peaceful protest, in she believes is a bad law, then why would you have a problem with that? Real liberal progressives should not have an issue with people protesting bad laws. Why do you?
if she wants to waste her money for the $100 fine a day, go for it! it's not unconstitutional to have an ordinance on sign size or fence heights or home sizes and heights.... she might get the town's sympathy and they could change the law if the town wants, but as far as is constitutional for cities and towns to have these kind of does not stop her first amendment rights....

We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL. If anything the libs act all dumb about the laws until they need them to prove a point or to get something they want by way of a dinosaur law. Wonder how long it took someone to research the law before they had a heart attack over the woman's love for Trump ??
if she wants to waste her money for the $100 fine a day, go for it! it's not unconstitutional to have an ordinance on sign size or fence heights or home sizes and heights.... she might get the town's sympathy and they could change the law if the town wants, but as far as is constitutional for cities and towns to have these kind of does not stop her first amendment rights....

We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
We will see. I am willing to bet her protest will change the law, good for her and I would feel the same no matter if it supported Trump or Clinton or Obama. I would be willing to also bet the ordinance was because of political campaign signs. I also believe the fines will be reduced if not dismissed.

Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
Of course it was because of political campaign signs. There is rarely any reason for a person to put a sign up in their yard other than campaign signs. The ordinance is years old. The city, like thousands of other cities, long ago decided it wasn't good to allow unlimited political signs. That's just sound reasoning.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!
. Ok it's the citizens in that towns business then, and they should be allowed to vote such idiocy out, and including the idiot officials who hold onto such laws for nefarious purposes. It's time to drain every swamp needed drained.
. The ordinance might be old, but the interpretation or excuses used to enforce the ordinance is all new these days. You mean you've never heard of uncomfortable issues rising up, and then you for an example (the opposition) saying "hey isn't there a law, rule or something we can use to shut this person up" ??? Law's are highly subjective, and in many case's the law's are then bent and stretched to somehow shut down a person's protest even if the law's weren't intended to be used in those kinds of ways. Would have been best if the liberals would have just cruised on by without worry, but in the political climate this nation is in right now, that would have been impossible. lol. The case should be laughed out of court, and the property owner should be allowed to keep the signs.

How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?
How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!
. Ok it's the citizens in that towns business then, and they should be allowed to vote such idiocy out, and including the idiot officials who hold onto such laws for nefarious purposes. It's time to drain every swamp needed drained.

I'm sure they are allowed to vote them out if desired. The city seemed to like the size restrictions on signs. If they wanted an exemption for Trump supporters, they should have put it in there.
How is that law being bent or stretched? Sounds pretty cut and dried to me. They are allowed signs that are a certain size, no more. Her signs are bigger than that.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?
Those that are complaining over such a petty deal, should mind their own business.
. You as a liberal of all things don't want laws to be cut and dried, but here you are wanting it now in a cherry picking sort of way ? There is a thing called discretion within the law (a "tolerance" like you libs love in that word), but in this specific case you want cut and dried now ?? LOL

It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.
It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?
Those that are complaining over such a petty deal, should mind their own business.

If anybody did complain, it was their business. If the rule is in place, it's in place for everybody.
It's a Trump sign, so you want to ignore the law.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?

Did I say it didn’t matter? He said “those”, where is his proof if it was “those”? It might have been just one person, it may have been no one. He is making crap up as he goes.

He's using a common figure of speech. Quit being such a picky, whining, child.
. Wouldn't it had been better that the left ignore the woman and her sign ? Cheaper on taxpayers, and that's why judges should laugh these things right out of court. The government needs to go through and get rid of all these draconian laws finally or maybe bring them up for a vote to see if the nation's citizens want to keep them of not.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?
Those that are complaining over such a petty deal, should mind their own business.

If anybody did complain, it was their business. If the rule is in place, it's in place for everybody.
It's a technicality, Its just a reason for the politically correct to control other people.
Those that are offended by the signs should be ignored.
It's NOT the Nation's business or the Nation's citizen's business, it is the local town's citizen's business...including the law breaker and those who complained and everyone else in their voting district for the town....but NOT yours, nor mine!

“Those” who complained? How many complained?

Doesn't matter. It would be the same if no one complained. Can you get away with running a stop sign, if no one complains?
Those that are complaining over such a petty deal, should mind their own business.

If anybody did complain, it was their business. If the rule is in place, it's in place for everybody.
It's a technicality, Its just a reason for the politically correct to control other people.
Those that are offended by the signs should be ignored.

It's a city rule. Probably right beside littering rules.

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