Shocker - School shooter was a gun enthusiast

As your copy/paste states, but you apparently didn't comprehend , that obituary was written by "The Huntsville Times political editor John Anderson." That's the Huntsville, Alabama "Times" not the New York
Times, and an infinitely more credible source on George Wallace than yourself. it was a left wing journalist writing for an Alabama newspaper...real difference there...
I,still don't get the sensitivity to the word "democrat" that the democrats have....if I were them I would have changed the name a long time ago because they were the party of slavery, the ku klux klan, lynching free blacks, and Jim crow, literacy tests and poll taxes as well as church bombings....

and yet....they are only upset about the word "democrat"


I'm not a Democrat (which is a proper name and therefore capitalized) but I am literate. "Democrat" is a noun, "democratic" an adjective. That this distinction sails over your head tells me a lot.

And your history is pretty much fucked anyway. The KKK was not a political organization. And slavery existed long before either political party.

Again, git chew a edumacation.

but the political party that fought a civil war to keep slavery was the democrat party...the party that wanted to have slavery in the new states was the democrat party, the political party that wanted to restart the slave trade with Africa was the democrat party, the party that started the klan was the democrat party, theparty that lynched republicans and freed slaves was the democrat party, the party that kept blacks from voting using poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation was the democrat party....

And yet they kept the name...proudly...says a lot about them doesn't it?

Wrong as wrong can be. Political parties don't fight wars. The Union consisted of both Democrats and Republicans; in the South the RP (which was all of six years old at the start of the war) for all intents and purposes didn't even exist.

I did this yesterday but -- pop quiz: in the Presidential election of 1860, the Republican candidate was Lincoln and the Democrat (noun) was Stephen Douglas. Which one won the South?


The slave trade started way before any party (or the country) was formed; the KKK was formed by six Confederate soldier veterans (Christmas Day 1865; I have their names if you want them) and was defunct by 1880; it was then reconstructed by a guy in Georgia named William Simmons (1915) and this iteration was the one that started the burning crosses thing, the expansion of hatred to Jews, Catholics, communists and loose women, and the first time it organized at all to run for office (where they ran Republicans in the midwest, the west and California). But neither Simmons nor the six Confederate vets had any known political affiliations. It was essentially a social police group made of hyperconservative assholes.

I can tell you're getting your history from licking the feet of Lush Rimjob ---- which I already knew from your malaprop "democrat party" [sic]. Dead giveaway.

When I said you should get chew a edumacation I didn't mean I was going to give you one for free. Get off your mental posterior and learn some history.


This is exactly why we have ignorant RWs who now think Paul Revere's first name was actually "Rush". And, they're teaching their kids the same rot.


Dear Luddly Neddite:
I think there are more Democrats who "think the ACA is prochoice"
than RW who "think Paul Revere's first name was Rush."

But if you want to make it fair, we can do the opposite.
We can count the number of Democrats who ADMIT the ACA is ANTICHOICE
and that would still be higher than the number of RW who believe in Rush Revere?

I raise my hand to be counted as a Democrat who admits the ACA is Antichoice.
Anyone else?
I'm a gun enthusiast and the biggest pacifist you'll ever meet. I enjoy shooting guns, talking about guns, and while I haven't owned any since gettin gout of that line of work, if someone invited me to a range to squeeze off a few I'd likely accept.

This kid was a hunter from what I've seen. Not surprisingly, this shooting seems to have been about a girl. Damn heterosexuals. :)

It was more than that.
Some Native Americans have a deep trigger, like a pitbull that can suddenly turn.
Because of the betrayals against Native Americans
if you betray their trust, this can be taken very deeply and often cannot be won back once it's gone.

It takes very deep healing to reach all those internalized wounds passed down from generations.
If tribes used any kind of dark magic in their past, it can be especially volatile and unpredictable
when things go wrong. It has to be fully healed or else it can be triggered and come out suddenly, like the disaster here
that did not give much warning before it exploded over the top.
Liberals want nutters to take responsibility for their own actions.

You nutters just keep blaming liberals.

Grow up.

Seems pretty mutual to me, Luddly Neddite.
The same can be said of

Rightwing who want Leftwing to pay for their own policies.
But the liberals just keep blaming "nutters."

(Back and forth, round and round in circles,
pots and kettles calling each other names,
competing to make the bigger clatter in the kitchen.
Which isn't helping clean anything up or get anything cooked
so all that noise and effort is going to waste annoying all sides.)
I'm a gun enthusiast and the biggest pacifist you'll ever meet.
I'm not worried about gun owners, just gun nuts.

I wish more people who bought guns thought like you.

How about an agreement that the Second Amendment
refers to "law abiding citizens" when it says the PEOPLE.
We don't have to change the law as written, but just agree
how to interpret it where it doesn't give free reign to mentally or criminally ill people.

And reward all districts/communities/cities or states that
set up an agreed program for gun-bearing citizens to go through the
same oath and training as police and military to enforce
Constitutional laws and due process, and also agree on the
local procedures for police confronting citizens so there
are no conflicts confrontations or surprises.

If all citizens had to be screened like military and police,
then anyone with mental or criminal issues can be screened in advance.

But this has to be agreed upon by each local group of people.
It cannot be imposed BY the govt but the people have to be the
govt that agrees how the laws are going to be enforced so it is not infringing on any natural rights.

How about that?
He was Tulalip Indian.

While he was too young to be involved with politics, Marysville is an area that has a lot of teabaggers

So if teabaggers live in Marysville does that make you a cocksucker for living in Seattle?

I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.
Stating that there are a lot of teabaggers in Marysville isn't smearing anyone. It's stating a fact.

In fact that whole post was just stating facts.

I'm not surprised a partisan hack teabagger like you to lie.
You're the hack. The term teabagger is one of derision and had zip to do with the story.
Isn't it funny how liberals love to use anti-gay slurs against conservatives.
Stating that there are a lot of teabaggers in Marysville isn't smearing anyone. It's stating a fact.

In fact that whole post was just stating facts.

I'm not surprised a partisan hack teabagger like you to lie.
You're the hack. The term teabagger is one of derision and had zip to do with the story.

BillC's an already-established hack. His entire argument to everything consists of fantasies about "government schools" and something he calls the "democrat party". You can set your watch by it.

And btw the term "teabag" came from the Tea Party itself.


Some kid gets clever with slang and the whole group gets to own it.

OK, so Bill Ayers bombed police departments, launched a terrorist attack on the Capital Building much like the recent Canadian attack, and bombed the Pentagon too, so how does it feel to be a terrorist liberal?

Liberals are terrorists. Damn, I love this logic that you've innovated.
He was Tulalip Indian.

While he was too young to be involved with politics, Marysville is an area that has a lot of teabaggers.

The Tulalip Indians aren't teabaggers. In fact a Tulalip Indian represents the people of that area in our state's senate. He's a democrat.

It's not a village it's a reservation. It's not like other indian reservations in other states. The Tulalip Indians are a well off tribe. They have a very large casino, hotel & spa and an amphitheater. They have a full summer schedule of concerts every year. I've worked many of those concerts. There's also an outlet mall too.

I sure am glad it has come out that the shooter wasn't in the Tea Party and instead, he was a crazed democrat. Soon the entire story will be buried because the press doesn't like negative stories about crazed democrats, murdering people.
I sure am glad it has come out that the shooter wasn't in the Tea Party and instead, he was a crazed democrat. Soon the entire story will be buried because the press doesn't like negative stories about crazed democrats, murdering people.
Now wait a second. It's rumored that there are TEA party operatives in the area. And as such, no doubt made the native American ill at ease and uncomfortable in his own skin, which is hard enough for an adult. So the girl's rejection was the trigger mechanism that took control over the poor youth's senses and caused him to lash out at an unfair cruel world the only way he could.
I sure am glad it has come out that the shooter wasn't in the Tea Party and instead, he was a crazed democrat. Soon the entire story will be buried because the press doesn't like negative stories about crazed democrats, murdering people.
Now wait a second. It's rumored that there are TEA party operatives in the area. And as such, no doubt made the native American ill at ease and uncomfortable in his own skin, which is hard enough for an adult. So the girl's rejection was the trigger mechanism that took control over the poor youth's senses and caused him to lash out at an unfair cruel world the only way he could.

You may be on to something. She may have been a Tea Partier who refused to party so he killed her for being a party pooper.
nd btw the term "teabag" came from the Tea Party itself.

'The Tea Party means the historical bags of tea dumped in Boston harbor...the left uses teabagger because it is a homosexual sexual practice...but I thought they liked gay people...

That's what you guys called yourselves before you learned what the term meant.

I still use it to show my disgust and disrespect for people who are too stupid to find out the meaning of words before they use them.

If you don't like the term that's your problem. You should have learned what it means before you used it.
That's what you guys called yourselves before you learned what the term meant.

I still use it to show my disgust and disrespect for people who are too stupid to find out the meaning of words before they use them.

If you don't like the term that's your problem. You should have learned what it means before you used it.
Yes, because everybody should be current on all the latest perv phrases.
He was Tulalip Indian.

While he was too young to be involved with politics, Marysville is an area that has a lot of teabaggers

So if teabaggers live in Marysville does that make you a cocksucker for living in Seattle?

I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.

My child was in public school from first grade until the end of her freshman year.

The reason I took her out had nothing to do with the education she was getting.

It had to do with a boy who was in love with her. Stalked her and harassed her. Threatened her and her friends. We got a protection order that he couldn't be within 25 feet of her at school. The school didn't want to have to shadow the boy until the end of 2014-2015 school year so the boy was able to violate the order and went to jail. He came back to school and started in on the same thing all over again.

I had enough and took her out of that school for her own protection. I found a great non religious private school where she's doing very well. She qualified for the running start program which is if the student has at least a 3.0 gap and can pass a test, they get to go to college and complete their first 2 years of college in their last 2 years of high school. So she's in that private school for 2 hours a day 4 days a week. The rest of the time she's in college.

She will do her last year of high school back at the public school since that boy is a year older than her and will graduate this spring and will no longer be at that school.
He was Tulalip Indian.

While he was too young to be involved with politics, Marysville is an area that has a lot of teabaggers

So if teabaggers live in Marysville does that make you a cocksucker for living in Seattle?

I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.

My child was in public school from first grade until the end of her freshman year.

The reason I took her out had nothing to do with the education she was getting.

It had to do with a boy who was in love with her. Stalked her and harassed her. Threatened her and her friends. We got a protection order that he couldn't be within 25 feet of her at school. The school didn't want to have to shadow the boy until the end of 2014-2015 school year so the boy was able to violate the order and went to jail. He came back to school and started in on the same thing all over again.

I had enough and took her out of that school for her own protection. I found a great non religious private school where she's doing very well. She qualified for the running start program which is if the student has at least a 3.0 gap and can pass a test, they get to go to college and complete their first 2 years of college in their last 2 years of high school. So she's in that private school for 2 hours a day 4 days a week. The rest of the time she's in college.

She will do her last year of high school back at the public school since that boy is a year older than her and will graduate this spring and will no longer be at that school.

Isn't it nice to have a choice? Tell your flaming liberal anti-choice zealots to quit trampling on your right to do what you think is best for your daughter.
nd btw the term "teabag" came from the Tea Party itself.

'The Tea Party means the historical bags of tea dumped in Boston harbor...the left uses teabagger because it is a homosexual sexual practice...but I thought they liked gay people...

That's what you guys called yourselves before you learned what the term meant.

I still use it to show my disgust and disrespect for people who are too stupid to find out the meaning of words before they use them.

If you don't like the term that's your problem. You should have learned what it means before you used it.

Only democrats would think of something dirty about conservatives. It will take conservatives 200 or more years to erase the years of immorality and filth that has permeated this once great country.
He was Tulalip Indian.

While he was too young to be involved with politics, Marysville is an area that has a lot of teabaggers

So if teabaggers live in Marysville does that make you a cocksucker for living in Seattle?

I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.

My child was in public school from first grade until the end of her freshman year.

The reason I took her out had nothing to do with the education she was getting.

It had to do with a boy who was in love with her. Stalked her and harassed her. Threatened her and her friends. We got a protection order that he couldn't be within 25 feet of her at school. The school didn't want to have to shadow the boy until the end of 2014-2015 school year so the boy was able to violate the order and went to jail. He came back to school and started in on the same thing all over again.

I had enough and took her out of that school for her own protection. I found a great non religious private school where she's doing very well. She qualified for the running start program which is if the student has at least a 3.0 gap and can pass a test, they get to go to college and complete their first 2 years of college in their last 2 years of high school. So she's in that private school for 2 hours a day 4 days a week. The rest of the time she's in college.

She will do her last year of high school back at the public school since that boy is a year older than her and will graduate this spring and will no longer be at that school.

Isn't it nice to have a choice? Tell your flaming liberal anti-choice zealots to quit trampling on your right to do what you think is best for your daughter.

No one at the school was trampling on my rights to do what's best for my daughter.

For the school to make sure he didn't come within 25 feet of her they would have had to hire someone to shadow him all day long until he graduated. The school couldn't do that.

So my husband and I took her out of that school and put her in a private one in a different town. The drive is long but our daughter is safe from a crazy boy.

That was our only goal. To make sure she was safe.

Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child? We're on a thread about a boy who went nuts because the girl he loved rejected him. He killed one and himself. He shot 4 others of which one was his cousin and another was his best friend.

We saw the writing on the wall with our child and that boy in 2012. We actually stepped in and made sure our child was safe.

Our child didn't end up dead. It took was a court order and moving her to another school. It also required a child who would talk to their parents and parents who listened then took the appropriate action.

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