Shocker - School shooter was a gun enthusiast

Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child?

I absolutely would but then I'm pro-choice, not an anti-choice zealot like liberals. That's what's galling. If you liberals had had your way you would have been deprived of your choice and your daughter would be stuck in a public school.

You don't think I should react to people who are intent of further stripping rights away from me, from shutting down Charter schools and forcing all kids, if they could get their way, of attending public schools?
Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child?

I absolutely would but then I'm pro-choice, not an anti-choice zealot like liberals. That's what's galling. If you liberals had had your way you would have been deprived of your choice and your daughter would be stuck in a public school.

You don't think I should react to people who are intent of further stripping rights away from me, from shutting down Charter schools and forcing all kids, if they could get their way, of attending public schools?

Wow. Blanket statement much, Linus?

Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child?

I absolutely would but then I'm pro-choice, not an anti-choice zealot like liberals. That's what's galling. If you liberals had had your way you would have been deprived of your choice and your daughter would be stuck in a public school.

You don't think I should react to people who are intent of further stripping rights away from me, from shutting down Charter schools and forcing all kids, if they could get their way, of attending public schools?

You don't know me. You don't know what I think. Stop putting stereotypes on me. It's getting very old.

My daughter isn't in a charter school. She's in a private school. There's a HUGE difference. That school doesn't receive one penny from the state or federal government. My husband and I pay for every penny of the tuition for our child to go to that private school. We don't mooch off the government for our child's private education. We keep it private and pay every penny of it ourselves.

No I don't believe that private charter schools should get public tax money. So I didn't put my child in one. I'm not a hypocrite.

If you want a private school then have one. That means that no public money goes to that school. If you want a private school don't take any funds from the government. We pay every penny of her tuition for that private school. We aren't hypocrites. We pay her tuition in full up front every fall. That's on top of paying for the public school through our property taxes and have absolutely no problem with it at all. We do that because we follow our beliefs and don't advocate something then turn around and do the opposite. Such as people like you who hate the government and hate paying taxes. Yet you'll quickly take everything that America has to offer while not paying for what you take.

I find it very hypocritical that you "big government" haters who hate taxes want to take big government public money and give it to private schools.

I've replied to your several posts that have lies in them about me but this is the last one. I'm done trying to communicate with someone who is so closed minded that you feel you must put just about every stereotype on me without even knowing me. Every stereotype you put on me is not true. You can reply to my post but I won't read or reply back.

I'm done with you.
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Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child?

I absolutely would but then I'm pro-choice, not an anti-choice zealot like liberals. That's what's galling. If you liberals had had your way you would have been deprived of your choice and your daughter would be stuck in a public school.

You don't think I should react to people who are intent of further stripping rights away from me, from shutting down Charter schools and forcing all kids, if they could get their way, of attending public schools?

You don't know me. You don't know what I think. Stop putting stereotypes on me. It's getting very old.

My daughter isn't in a charter school. She's in a private school. There's a HUGE difference. That school doesn't receive one penny from the state or federal government. My husband and I pay for every penny of the tuition for our child to go to that private school. We don't mooch off the government for our child's private education. We keep it private and pay every penny of it ourselves.

No I don't believe that private charter schools should get public tax money. So I didn't put my child in one. I'm not a hypocrite.

If you want a private school then have one. That means that no public money goes to that school. If you want a private school don't take any funds from the government. We pay every penny of her tuition for that private school. We aren't hypocrites. We pay her tuition in full up front every fall. That's on top of paying for the public school through our property taxes and have absolutely no problem with it at all. We do that because we follow our beliefs and don't advocate something then turn around and do the opposite. Such as people like you who hate the government and hate paying taxes. Yet you'll quickly take everything that America has to offer while not paying for what you take.

I find it very hypocritical that you "big government" haters who hate taxes want to take big government public money and give it to private schools.

I've replied to your several posts that have lies in them about me but this is the last one. I'm done trying to communicate with someone who is so closed minded that you feel you must put just about every stereotype on me without even knowing me. Every stereotype you put on me is not true. You can reply to my post but I won't read or reply back.

I'm done with you.
Good for you for taking complete charge of your child's education. I'm sure you care about it very much. Public education has always been the default position and I applaud you opting for something other.
So if teabaggers live in Marysville does that make you a cocksucker for living in Seattle?

I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.

My child was in public school from first grade until the end of her freshman year.

The reason I took her out had nothing to do with the education she was getting.

It had to do with a boy who was in love with her. Stalked her and harassed her. Threatened her and her friends. We got a protection order that he couldn't be within 25 feet of her at school. The school didn't want to have to shadow the boy until the end of 2014-2015 school year so the boy was able to violate the order and went to jail. He came back to school and started in on the same thing all over again.

I had enough and took her out of that school for her own protection. I found a great non religious private school where she's doing very well. She qualified for the running start program which is if the student has at least a 3.0 gap and can pass a test, they get to go to college and complete their first 2 years of college in their last 2 years of high school. So she's in that private school for 2 hours a day 4 days a week. The rest of the time she's in college.

She will do her last year of high school back at the public school since that boy is a year older than her and will graduate this spring and will no longer be at that school.

Isn't it nice to have a choice? Tell your flaming liberal anti-choice zealots to quit trampling on your right to do what you think is best for your daughter.

No one at the school was trampling on my rights to do what's best for my daughter.

For the school to make sure he didn't come within 25 feet of her they would have had to hire someone to shadow him all day long until he graduated. The school couldn't do that.

So my husband and I took her out of that school and put her in a private one in a different town. The drive is long but our daughter is safe from a crazy boy.

That was our only goal. To make sure she was safe.

Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child? We're on a thread about a boy who went nuts because the girl he loved rejected him. He killed one and himself. He shot 4 others of which one was his cousin and another was his best friend.

We saw the writing on the wall with our child and that boy in 2012. We actually stepped in and made sure our child was safe.

Our child didn't end up dead. It took was a court order and moving her to another school. It also required a child who would talk to their parents and parents who listened then took the appropriate action.

If that male was a threat to one of the other students, he should of been expelled and sent to a school for the screw-ups. But, that would make sense, so the liberal A-holes in charge of school policies do the opposite.
Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child?

I absolutely would but then I'm pro-choice, not an anti-choice zealot like liberals. That's what's galling. If you liberals had had your way you would have been deprived of your choice and your daughter would be stuck in a public school.

You don't think I should react to people who are intent of further stripping rights away from me, from shutting down Charter schools and forcing all kids, if they could get their way, of attending public schools?

You don't know me. You don't know what I think. Stop putting stereotypes on me. It's getting very old.

My daughter isn't in a charter school. She's in a private school. There's a HUGE difference. That school doesn't receive one penny from the state or federal government. My husband and I pay for every penny of the tuition for our child to go to that private school. We don't mooch off the government for our child's private education. We keep it private and pay every penny of it ourselves.

No I don't believe that private charter schools should get public tax money. So I didn't put my child in one. I'm not a hypocrite.

If you want a private school then have one. That means that no public money goes to that school. If you want a private school don't take any funds from the government. We pay every penny of her tuition for that private school. We aren't hypocrites. We pay her tuition in full up front every fall. That's on top of paying for the public school through our property taxes and have absolutely no problem with it at all. We do that because we follow our beliefs and don't advocate something then turn around and do the opposite. Such as people like you who hate the government and hate paying taxes. Yet you'll quickly take everything that America has to offer while not paying for what you take.

I find it very hypocritical that you "big government" haters who hate taxes want to take big government public money and give it to private schools.

I've replied to your several posts that have lies in them about me but this is the last one. I'm done trying to communicate with someone who is so closed minded that you feel you must put just about every stereotype on me without even knowing me. Every stereotype you put on me is not true. You can reply to my post but I won't read or reply back.

I'm done with you.
Good for you for taking complete charge of your child's education. I'm sure you care about it very much. Public education has always been the default position and I applaud you opting for something other.

Thank you very much.

Our daughter isn't dead. She's happy and healthy. Going to high school and college at the same time. She will transfer directly to the University of Washington as a Junior when she graduates from high school in the spring of 2016.

We can't be more proud of her.
I don't live in Seattle.

If I did my daughter wouldn't go to school with a person who used to go to Marysville Pilchuck High.

But a flaming liberal sending her own kid to a private school is revolting, don't you think? Liberals are working to stop parents like you from having choices like Charter Schools and such.

My child was in public school from first grade until the end of her freshman year.

The reason I took her out had nothing to do with the education she was getting.

It had to do with a boy who was in love with her. Stalked her and harassed her. Threatened her and her friends. We got a protection order that he couldn't be within 25 feet of her at school. The school didn't want to have to shadow the boy until the end of 2014-2015 school year so the boy was able to violate the order and went to jail. He came back to school and started in on the same thing all over again.

I had enough and took her out of that school for her own protection. I found a great non religious private school where she's doing very well. She qualified for the running start program which is if the student has at least a 3.0 gap and can pass a test, they get to go to college and complete their first 2 years of college in their last 2 years of high school. So she's in that private school for 2 hours a day 4 days a week. The rest of the time she's in college.

She will do her last year of high school back at the public school since that boy is a year older than her and will graduate this spring and will no longer be at that school.

Isn't it nice to have a choice? Tell your flaming liberal anti-choice zealots to quit trampling on your right to do what you think is best for your daughter.

No one at the school was trampling on my rights to do what's best for my daughter.

For the school to make sure he didn't come within 25 feet of her they would have had to hire someone to shadow him all day long until he graduated. The school couldn't do that.

So my husband and I took her out of that school and put her in a private one in a different town. The drive is long but our daughter is safe from a crazy boy.

That was our only goal. To make sure she was safe.

Do you have to hate and attack everyone who doesn't agree with your views on life? Do you really need to attack a person who was only making sure their child was safe?

Wouldn't you do the same thing if it was your child? We're on a thread about a boy who went nuts because the girl he loved rejected him. He killed one and himself. He shot 4 others of which one was his cousin and another was his best friend.

We saw the writing on the wall with our child and that boy in 2012. We actually stepped in and made sure our child was safe.

Our child didn't end up dead. It took was a court order and moving her to another school. It also required a child who would talk to their parents and parents who listened then took the appropriate action.

If that male was a threat to one of the other students, he should of been expelled and sent to a school for the screw-ups. But, that would make sense, so the liberal A-holes in charge of school policies do the opposite.

Actually he was sent to juvenile jail. When he got out he went right back to the high school. He didn't have bad grades and the law says that if they live in the district, they have to take everyone. So he had a legal right to go back to school.

Frankly, I don't care what happened to that boy. Our only concern was our daughter. She's safe, happy and doing very well. That's what matters.

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