Shocking answers to survey "Could you imagine reason for cop to hit a man"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
How the General Social Survey asks about Americans apos approval of the police striking citizens Star Tribune

Dont think our society is screwed yet? Read this. A simple survey there ANY situation you can imagine where a police officer would be justified in striking a man?

Not shooting....just hitting him.

33% said NO! That their imagination can think of a single scenario where a cop would be just in punching someone. By race...58% of blacks said NO! That under NO circumstances can a cop hit a man. Whites said 70% yes.

Fist fights? When asked...if a cop was being assaulted by punches....would a justified in PUNCHING back?

26% of blacks/hispanics SAID NO!! 1/4 of them said if a cop is being attacked by punches....he would NOT be justified in punching back!!!

Holy crap. I have no words. No way id be an American cop today. No way. God bless them all.
33% saying they cant imagine ANY situation where a cop would be justified in punching someone?? Really?

Why do they even bother anymore?
If a cop ever hits me he's getting his ass kicked.

Depends which cop. If its the high level jiujitsu guys I train with...they'd toy with you.

A cop wouldnt hit you unless you deserved it. And judging by your probably have many times.
Depends which cop. If its the high level jiujitsu guys I train with...they'd toy with you.

A cop wouldnt hit you unless you deserved it. And judging by your probably have many times.

Yeah right lol you probably just a skinny little manchild tryin' to look tough lmao sure your response was so wise and thoughtful.

But I censored you. Ignored. Sorry. Your voice has been whittled down a little more.
Oh look, even after putting me on "ignore", Manchild cannot help himself and yet seeks to converse with me. LOL​
Huh? gotta speak up I cant....oh wait...I censored you hahaha!!!

I'll just assume your post was an apology and a turning point where you saw your logical flaws...and now you support cops.

But...your opinions are silenced so who knows.
Who would want to be a cop these days with the criminal lobby helping the nutsies and bad guys acquire weapons?

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