Shocking! - Obamacare Approval Rating Hits New Low


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO.. Obama is such a waste of time.



Two days after the open enrollment period began, a Gallup poll revealed increasing disapproval of the ACA. Reuters
Americans are getting sicker of Obamacare. Approval rating for the 2010 Affordable Care Act reached a record low this month as the open enrollment period began for 2015. According to a Gallup poll released Monday, only 37 percent of Americans say they approve of the health care law, down one percentage point from the previous low in January.

Similarly, the number of Americans who disapprove of the law hit a new high of 56 percent, according to a survey of 828 telephone interviews conducted earlier this month.

However, the law remains popular with those who have signed up for coverage, with about 75 percent saying they would renew their policies or shop for another ACA health plan.

Obamacare has especially taken a hit with independents, who are much frostier toward the law than they were two years ago, when it was at the height of its popularity. Only 33 percent of independents say they approve of the ACA, compared with 74 percent of Democrats and 8 percent of Republicans. The poll reveals racial divisions as well, with only 29 percent of whites voicing their approval, compared with 56 percent of nonwhites.


Obamacare Approval Rating Hits New Low As Open Enrollment 2015 Begins ACA Still Popular With Enrollees
Average for POTUS is 53% from 1938 to present

Poor Obama. Maybe Himshell can cook him a healthy meal or something.


Young people identify most strongly with Independents, so this doesn't look good for the ones who will really pay for this.
didn't take long for paid troll, did it. damn they must be lucking and waiting to POUNCE
I hope it's REPEALED or picked apart to it's death like vultures pick at bones

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