Shocking video shows Chinese robot attack dog with machine gun dropped by drone


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Even a cursory understanding of A,I would lead one to appreciate that military applications were going to be a viable outlet for advanced machine learning and robotics. It appears that China is focusing on this for the future of their nations conquests.

Shocking video shows Chinese robot attack dog with machine gun dropped by drone

A Chinese military contractor created a video showing off its terrifying new military technology, revealing a robot attack dog that can dropped off by a drone.

The video that was initially released on the verified Weibo account of "Kestrel Defense Blood-Wing," a page affiliated with a Chinese defense contractor, shows a drone hovering over a building and then dropping off a robot on the roof. After the drone flies away, the robot gets up on four legs and then begins to scan for targets around the building with what appears to be some sort of automatic weapons attached to its back.

According to a report from WarZone, the weapon mounted on the robot dog is possibly a Chinese QBB-97 light machine gun, which is capable of firing 650 rounds per minute at an effective range of 400 meters.

Boston Robotics were head of the curve, I believe they were purchased by a Japanese company though the details elude me at the moment.

If the West wants to lead the world, they need dominance in this area (among many). China knows this and they are on top of it.
And now that I have gotten out my daily recommended amount of snark for the day.

In reality, I saw that and just laughed. I can tell you that that thing as shown in the video will never work.

First of all, look at the "legs". They are thin, and seem to end in points. How exactly is it going to give itself a stable firing platform?

Especially if it is as apparently claimed, firing an automatic version of the Type 95 Rifle, at 5.8x42mm?

Now as anybody that has fired guns knows, you have something known as "recoil". And in a weapon like that it is around 4-5 foot pounds. And that "rate of fire" is theoretical, as that is as if it had a large 700+ round magazine and could be fired without ever having to reload. However, in reality it loads from a 75 round drum magazine that weighs around 8 pounds.

Want to put 600 rounds on that? Better put in some kind of feed system that can load 650 rounds. And account for the weight, as the ammo alone is going to be around 70 pounds.

No, it might do just fine for single shot. But if they are promising it will fire in semi-automatic, I can pretty much tell you what will happen. It will get a few dozen rounds into the drum, and be flat on it's ass as it will not be able to handle that 4 foot pounds repeatedly on those tiny legs and non-existent feet.

Interesting video, but ultimately meaningless. Like most such videos we see, claiming everything from diamonds made from the air, or high speed trains in a tube traveling across the country.
And now that I have gotten out my daily recommended amount of snark for the day.

In reality, I saw that and just laughed. I can tell you that that thing as shown in the video will never work.

First of all, look at the "legs". They are thin, and seem to end in points. How exactly is it going to give itself a stable firing platform?

Especially if it is as apparently claimed, firing an automatic version of the Type 95 Rifle, at 5.8x42mm?

Now as anybody that has fired guns knows, you have something known as "recoil". And in a weapon like that it is around 4-5 foot pounds. And that "rate of fire" is theoretical, as that is as if it had a large 700+ round magazine and could be fired without ever having to reload. However, in reality it loads from a 75 round drum magazine that weighs around 8 pounds.

Want to put 600 rounds on that? Better put in some kind of feed system that can load 650 rounds. And account for the weight, as the ammo alone is going to be around 70 pounds.

No, it might do just fine for single shot. But if they are promising it will fire in semi-automatic, I can pretty much tell you what will happen. It will get a few dozen rounds into the drum, and be flat on it's ass as it will not be able to handle that 4 foot pounds repeatedly on those tiny legs and non-existent feet.

Interesting video, but ultimately meaningless. Like most such videos we see, claiming everything from diamonds made from the air, or high speed trains in a tube traveling across the country.

It would probably work well on large, unarmed crowds of people, maybe even Uyghurs, who knows how they would employ this thing.
It would probably work well on large, unarmed crowds of people, maybe even Uyghurs, who knows how they would employ this thing.

I don't think it would work on anything.

There are thousands of companies that have made crazy things like this in the past. Almost always some tech weenie that has never been in the military, will never serve in the military, and just wants to make something they think is "cool". And Youtube is full of videos of drones with guns, drones with BB guns, drones with roofing nail guns, even drones with flamethrowers. But those are almost all made by amateurs just having a little fun.

This to me seems like some I have seen (especially the anti-drone crowd) that is attempting to make something for sale, and hoping that somebody throws money at them.
Meanwhile halfassedly trained civilians are using Himars with 6 200 lb. equivalent warheads far more effectively than the Russians low tech carpet bombing using around 100,000 lbs of explosives; I think that is per acre, but not sure, something like that.. AI is far more economical when focused on targeting than operating bots on a battlefield. Putin is now threatening to take out the satellites Musk is using to provide targeting and comm; it's costing him around $20 million a month for the service since the war started and he's threatening to cut them off if they don't start paying for it.
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AI is far more economical when focused on targeting than operating bots on a battlefield.

Not really.

When taking out a small number of people, that may be. But you are not going to get any kind of AI to take out tanks and regimental sized units and larger, as well as their base, supply depots, and all the rest.

Carpet Bombing is not about just killing troops. It is mostly advantageous when taking out widely dispersed ground operations, and in disrupting them as well. For when a raid alert comes in, almost all work grinds to a halt as all the people rush off to bunkers to wait it out. Then spend a lot of time and resources putting everything back together again.

There is much more to war than just killing the enemy. Disrupting the rear areas where things are stored and prepared for future combat can be just as important.

You would need millions of "drone dogs" to do the damage of a single well placed carpet bombing strike. And exactly how cost effective is that?

As for Musk, he is a robber baron of the first degree, and is laughing as he makes a lot of money on his Starlink boondoggle. As until now it has only been a giant black hole sucking in money far faster than it makes it. And even at that much money, it is nowhere even close to breaking even.

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