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Shocking Video: Tea Party Terrorist Training Camp in Waco, TX

I don't defend the Davidians, you do. They murdered their own children. It's obvious you're just repeating propaganda, because you didn't even address the points I made in my post. Typical wingnut distraction from the facts!!! :doubt:
Total lie....The FBI and ATF murdered those people in cold blood.

The facts are in the video, if you have the intellectual honesty to deal with them...A sketchy proposition if there ever was one.

You wouldn't know the truth, if it hit you the face. You're so up your own asshole, the real world is passing you by. :cuckoo:
The Feds couldn't have done a worse job if they had tried,totally didn't need to turn out the way it did,Reno should be ashamed,between Ruby Ridge and Waco she screwed the pooch!!!
links and comments at site.

by Accuracy in Media
From Accuracy in Media’s Ben Johnson:

Have you ever been taken hostage by an 86 year old white haired lady in pink glasses? I have. I am lucky to be alive today and writing this after my near death experience with the terrorists of the Tea Party in Waco, TX. AIM present’s to you, the face of evil in America.


With elected officials scrambling for a cross to hang their economic failure upon, the Obama administration has declared open season on the Tea Party. This is our generation’s form of McCarthyism. Witch-hunting at its finest. Attack, blame and demonize the Tea Party for all of America’s troubles. Never mind the fact that the TP has never acted violently and is packed with veterans who served our country and sweet old ladies who love America. The administration is enthusiastically joined by a chorus of vitriol and hate by the likes of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) and every on camera personality at MSNBC.

I guess innocent American citizens are an easy a target for Washington when policies fail.

the rest and comments at..
» Shocking Video: Tea Party Terrorist Training Camp in Waco, TX - Big Government

I am scared to death of these tea party terrorists. Great video and how true, these people represent the tea parties I have seen. They are sooooooooooooooo scary and such a threatening group of people.:lol::lol::lol:
Why do people feel it necessary to defend the tea party? If they had spoken up under the last administration one could take them serious, but the loss of an election and big money conservative backing has given the nutcases a platform. Nothing new here, America has had wackos since the beginning the only difference now they are far out crazy. The fact the republican party now kowtows to them is an amazing example of the lack of character in republicans today.

"Since Obama took office in January 2009, there have been seven separate cases of disturbed white men committing political murders after becoming hopped up on guns, right-wing media and anti-government and anti-Obama blather. And this doesn't even include Loughner’s attack or other incidents where the gunman was intent on killing but didn't succeed." Hate and Violence Are Encoded in the DNA of the American Right | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

"The real situation is thus more disturbing and dangerous than moderates admit. A majority of Republican activists and leaders, joined by a large section of Republican Party followers, is attracted to the extreme ethos of the Tea Party, Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, Bachmann and the gang. Only they are too cautious to admit it directly because they fear that straight out admission would weaken them with Independents. That is a better explanation of the selective statements and silences in and around the Party since the election of Barack Obama." The Contemporary Condition: The Radical Right, The Extreme Right and The Republican Party


'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqQWC6IJgxU]'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison - YouTube[/ame]
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Maj Hasan is not a combat vet. He was a psychiatrist. And he's not a right winger, he's a Muslim.

Islamist muslims are VERY right wing. They say the same things about Hollywierd that the average TPer would.

"Islamist muslims?" :lol:

Anyway the economic and social model of Muslim nations is left wing, government micromanagement, government subsidies, government bureaucracy, and government enforcement of morals. The Keynesian economic policies of ALL Muslim nations are definitely left wing, centrally planned by the governments. There's no free enterprise, no economic mobility, and no innovation that isn't directly intertwined with government.
Maj Hasan is not a combat vet. He was a psychiatrist. And he's not a right winger, he's a Muslim.

And? By the way..most pious Muslims are very right wing.

I'd love to see the justification for this. Which ones? Got any specific examples?

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia presides over the largest centrally planned economy in the Middle East. ALL industry is nationalized. Emir Sabah of Kuwait is head of the Kuwaiti Press and Kuwait Oil Company. All citizens of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait receive government stipends in exchange for jobs the government assigns them to do.

Islam is much more than a religion, it's a comprehensive societal model that literally dictates everything a Muslim must do including government.
Maj Hasan is not a combat vet. He was a psychiatrist. And he's not a right winger, he's a Muslim.

And? By the way..most pious Muslims are very right wing.

I'd love to see the justification for this. Which ones? Got any specific examples?

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia presides over the largest centrally planned economy in the Middle East. ALL industry is nationalized. Emir Sabah of Kuwait is head of the Kuwaiti Press and Kuwait Oil Company. All citizens of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait receive government stipends in exchange for jobs the government assigns them to do.

Islam is much more than a religion, it's a comprehensive societal model that literally dictates everything a Muslim must do including government.
And where on the political spectrum does that behavior lie?

On the left.
Remember WACO folks, where OUR GOVERNMENT under a Democrat President slaughtered people, 20 of them children.

Now they are RAMPING up the hate rhetoric AGAIN. calling average American citizens terrorist and the enemy..

It's a race war. Conservative, white, straight, Christian, traditional vs. black, Jewish, gay, lesbian, Hispanic. The "average citizens" that the elites hate are just whites who don't live in Manhattan and D.C.


Im laughing..........the k00ks think they are going to marginalize 100 million people with a few gay internet posts!!!
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Gallup Daily: U.S. Economic Conditions

New Low of 26% Approve of Obama on the EconomyRatings on Afghanistan and foreign affairs have also declined

A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since mid-May and by far the lowest of his presidency. More broadly, Obama is at a low ebb on five of seven major issues tested in the new poll.
More ...
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Maj Hasan is not a combat vet. He was a psychiatrist. And he's not a right winger, he's a Muslim.

Islamist muslims are VERY right wing. They say the same things about Hollywierd that the average TPer would.

"Islamist muslims?" :lol:

Anyway the economic and social model of Muslim nations is left wing, government micromanagement, government subsidies, government bureaucracy, and government enforcement of morals. The Keynesian economic policies of ALL Muslim nations are definitely left wing, centrally planned by the governments. There's no free enterprise, no economic mobility, and no innovation that isn't directly intertwined with government.

You're lumping all Muslims together. That's prejudice not an argument.
Islamist muslims are VERY right wing. They say the same things about Hollywierd that the average TPer would.

"Islamist muslims?" :lol:

Anyway the economic and social model of Muslim nations is left wing, government micromanagement, government subsidies, government bureaucracy, and government enforcement of morals. The Keynesian economic policies of ALL Muslim nations are definitely left wing, centrally planned by the governments. There's no free enterprise, no economic mobility, and no innovation that isn't directly intertwined with government.

You're lumping all Muslims together. That's prejudice not an argument.
Asterism was an Arabic language specialist in the US Marines. He knows the Middle Eastern cultures.

What's the basis of your expertise?
Why do people feel it necessary to defend the tea party? If they had spoken up under the last administration one could take them serious, but the loss of an election and big money conservative backing has given the nutcases a platform. Nothing new here, America has had wackos since the beginning the only difference now they are far out crazy. The fact the republican party now kowtows to them is an amazing example of the lack of character in republicans today.

"Since Obama took office in January 2009, there have been seven separate cases of disturbed white men committing political murders after becoming hopped up on guns, right-wing media and anti-government and anti-Obama blather. And this doesn't even include Loughner’s attack or other incidents where the gunman was intent on killing but didn't succeed." Hate and Violence Are Encoded in the DNA of the American Right | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

"The real situation is thus more disturbing and dangerous than moderates admit. A majority of Republican activists and leaders, joined by a large section of Republican Party followers, is attracted to the extreme ethos of the Tea Party, Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, Bachmann and the gang. Only they are too cautious to admit it directly because they fear that straight out admission would weaken them with Independents. That is a better explanation of the selective statements and silences in and around the Party since the election of Barack Obama." The Contemporary Condition: The Radical Right, The Extreme Right and The Republican Party


'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison

'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison - YouTube

Oh brother...who is it that is causing all the vandalism's,(putting superglue in locks), getting arrested at protest in front of the white house, who goes around throwing GLITTER on people, etc etc...it sure AINT THE TEA PARTY FOLKS. but some nut case blog called alternet says HATE AND VIOLENCE is ENCODED in the DNA of the Tea Party. that title right there should make you roll on the DAMN FLOOR:lol::lol::lol:
And just who is it that Obama and His Comrades in arms are following? every damn nut case group out there, Radical Unions goons from the Seiu, Acorn, Radical Environmentalist, etc etc
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Remember, this is from an Administration who already labeled Veterans as "Extremists"

Timothy McViegh and John Allen Muhammed were not extremists?

Good to know. :lol:

Funny, two out of tens of millions of vets lets you imply all vets could be terrorists. Yet you want to ignore those few millions of muslims that are terrorists because 'more' muslims are not terrorists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Timothy McViegh and John Allen Muhammed were not extremists?

Good to know. :lol:

Is every veteran like those two?

According to Obama -- yes.


In any case..you know just as I do..most vets a good people.

But there are a few bad apples.

Ignoring that is dangerous.

Wish you would convince more from your political side this pertains to islamist extremists, too!

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