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Shocking Video: Tea Party Terrorist Training Camp in Waco, TX

defending the murder of children.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Typical lefty.

I don't defend the Davidians, you do. They murdered their own children. It's obvious you're just repeating propaganda, because you didn't even address the points I made in my post. Typical wingnut distraction from the facts!!! :doubt:

They were whack jobs in my book. But that isnt an excuse for the actions of the government. The premise was they had a large cache of automatic weapons. The melted pile of ruble didnt produce a large cache.

What! Clinton didn't find any WMDs either? Say it isn't so.
Why do people feel it necessary to defend the tea party? If they had spoken up under the last administration one could take them serious, but the loss of an election and big money conservative backing has given the nutcases a platform. Nothing new here, America has had wackos since the beginning the only difference now they are far out crazy. The fact the republican party now kowtows to them is an amazing example of the lack of character in republicans today.

"Since Obama took office in January 2009, there have been seven separate cases of disturbed white men committing political murders after becoming hopped up on guns, right-wing media and anti-government and anti-Obama blather. And this doesn't even include Loughner’s attack or other incidents where the gunman was intent on killing but didn't succeed." Hate and Violence Are Encoded in the DNA of the American Right | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

"The real situation is thus more disturbing and dangerous than moderates admit. A majority of Republican activists and leaders, joined by a large section of Republican Party followers, is attracted to the extreme ethos of the Tea Party, Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, Bachmann and the gang. Only they are too cautious to admit it directly because they fear that straight out admission would weaken them with Independents. That is a better explanation of the selective statements and silences in and around the Party since the election of Barack Obama." The Contemporary Condition: The Radical Right, The Extreme Right and The Republican Party


'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison

'Tea-Party Nation' Founder, Judson Phillips -- Fuels Islamophobia; Attacks Keith Ellison - YouTube

Does Harriet Meyers mean anything to you, or the first "dream act"? Neither one of them flew when Bush was in office. There were lots of people that were fighting to keep our freedoms during the Bush presidency. Because it was not the democrat agenda, it did not make the news.

After Obama became president and the congress, unethically, passed Obamacare (they did not use the standard number of votes, required, but claimed it was budgetary or some such nonsense, during Christmas holiday when the public had been told the vote was going to wait), there was a common feeling that unless the "taxpayers" (hence Taxed Enough Already) took steps to prevent it, the democrat controlled gov't would steam roll every citizen's rights to keep the power given to them in the 2008 election and become "rulers" not "representatives".

Please talk to me about all these angry "white" people, after you explain why this administration is racists against "whites" (New Black Panthers not prosecuted for voter intimidation in Philadelphia, police officers accused of "acting stupidly", black flash mobs committing crimes and violence on streets being down played, mexicans not being deported if they only commit the crime of entering the country illegally, but will be enforced after they finally committ a felony, taxing businesses that only have "white" customers). Obama has done more to set back racial relations in this country than any "white supremicist I have ever seen. If a white supremicist starts trouble, descent people (no particular color) use the "law" to stop them. This man has used the law to encourage racist attacks by not enforcing the law "equally". And people like you have no interest in "equality" under the law, but want to legislate "results", which is impossible, unless everyone ends up with NOTHING.
Remember WACO folks, where OUR GOVERNMENT under a Democrat President slaughtered people, 20 of them children.

Now they are RAMPING up the hate rhetoric AGAIN. calling average American citizens terrorist and the enemy..

It's a race war. Conservative, white, straight, Christian, traditional vs. black, Jewish, gay, lesbian, Hispanic. The "average citizens" that the elites hate are just whites who don't live in Manhattan and D.C.

No, they "hate" the people that pay taxes. It seems like the whites, but they will hate on a "black" conservative in a New York minute.


Im laughing..........the k00ks think they are going to marginalize 100 million people with a few gay internet posts!!!

I think that map demonstrates why the press was working so hard to get the "public" out of harms way. If those blue areas had ignored "Irene", the voting would not be the same in the assigned districts.
Islamist muslims are VERY right wing. They say the same things about Hollywierd that the average TPer would.

"Islamist muslims?" :lol:

Anyway the economic and social model of Muslim nations is left wing, government micromanagement, government subsidies, government bureaucracy, and government enforcement of morals. The Keynesian economic policies of ALL Muslim nations are definitely left wing, centrally planned by the governments. There's no free enterprise, no economic mobility, and no innovation that isn't directly intertwined with government.

You're lumping all Muslims together. That's prejudice not an argument.

Yet, no problems with the vets being "lumped together" as "extremists", interesting.
Remember, this is from an Administration who already labeled Veterans as "Extremists"

Timothy McViegh and John Allen Muhammed were not extremists?

Good to know. :lol:

Funny, two out of tens of millions of vets lets you imply all vets could be terrorists. Yet you want to ignore those few millions of muslims that are terrorists because 'more' muslims are not terrorists?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

You're wrong on both counts. Pointing out that some vets committed terrorist acts, doesn't imply that all would do so. Just as, pointing out that most Muslims aren't terrorists, doesn't mean we're ignoring those who are. You're trying to have it both ways and failing miserably.
Attack politics has been around a long time. This is the worst I've seen it in my lifetime. IMO, it's due to decades of "shock jocks".
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Remember WACO folks, where OUR GOVERNMENT under a Democrat President slaughtered people, 20 of them children.

Now they are RAMPING up the hate rhetoric AGAIN. calling average American citizens terrorist and the enemy..

you're an idiot. that's all there is to it. a hate-filled, fear-mongering fiend. it's comical, but sad.
Remember WACO folks, where OUR GOVERNMENT under a Democrat President slaughtered people, 20 of them children.

Now they are RAMPING up the hate rhetoric AGAIN. calling average American citizens terrorist and the enemy..

you're an idiot. that's all there is to it. a hate-filled, fear-mongering fiend. it's comical, but sad.

Does the truth bother you that much, or is the denial card the one you get to hold?
Attack politics has been around a long time. This is the worst I've seen it in my lifetime. IMO, it's due to decades of "shock jocks".

Actually, it's due to a book.... Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky.

Indeed........the "Polarize" and "isolate" steps.

They are trying to polarize by calling teapartiers racists and terrorists and also using the same lies to try to isolate.

Page 2:
The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of
military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities
could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists
capable of carrying out violent attacks.​
Page 3:
Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are
attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing
extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to
boost their violent capabilities​
Page 7:
Disgruntled Military Veterans
(U//FOUO) DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and
radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from
military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the
capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out
violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist
groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from
the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.
— (U) After Operation Desert Shield/Storm in 1990-1991, some returning military
veterans—including Timothy McVeigh—joined or associated with rightwing
extremist groups.
— (U) A prominent civil rights organization reported in 2006 that “large numbers
of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now
learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces.”
— (U//LES) The FBI noted in a 2008 report on the white supremacist movement
that some returning military veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have
joined extremist groups.​
Page 8:
DHS/I&A assesses that the combination of environmental factors that echo
the 1990s, including heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms restrictions and
returning military veterans, as well as several new trends, including an uncertain
economy and a perceived rising influence of other countries, may be invigorating
rightwing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements.
To the extent that these factors persist, rightwing extremism is likely to grow in strength​
Veterans!! Booga booga!!

Right, Commander-in-Chief Obama?

It's you that lives in an "all or nothing" world, not Obama. Nothing in what you quoted states that all veterans would be dangerous. It just makes the simple, logical statement that some would. That's a truism, if I ever heard one.
And yet the warning was based on...nothing at all. No credible evidence.

Just fear of conservatives.

This is just an excuse to deny another entire group of people their right to own firearms. Guilty before proven innocent.
Remember WACO folks, where OUR GOVERNMENT under a Democrat President slaughtered people, 20 of them children.

Now they are RAMPING up the hate rhetoric AGAIN. calling average American citizens terrorist and the enemy..

You mean when Christain Terrorist and Pedophile David Koresh starting taking potshots at ATF agents, killing several of them?

The Pedophile and Terrorist, Koresh, was given several months to surrender.

He chose to continue his criminal activities and was responsible for everything that happened after that.

Please don't bring up the facts! They have their story and they're stickin' to it!
It's you that lives in an "all or nothing" world, not Obama. Nothing in what you quoted states that all veterans would be dangerous. It just makes the simple, logical statement that some would. That's a truism, if I ever heard one.
And yet the warning was based on...nothing at all. No credible evidence.

Just fear of conservatives.

This is just an excuse to deny another entire group of people their right to own firearms. Guilty before proven innocent.

Of course. The Constitutional Scholar-in-Chief doesn't have much regard for the Constitution.

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