Shooter Devin Kelley, Dishonorable Discharged Atheist

NaziCons are making up shit faster than it can be debunked. Reminds me of the presidential election.

What's fake about his very own Linked In page showing that he supports progressive causes?

Here's an idea: Why don't you take screenshots of his "Linked In" page and post them?

If you're scared, send them to me and I'll post them, but I'm not signing up for it just to do that. (I think)
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

What other conservative color is there?
Ask Allen West.
Not even a day has gone by, yet people are already out using this tragedy to make ridiculous political statements. From the information available so far, the only thing that really stands out is this guy's military conviction for a violent domestic crime. There is nothing in the causes that he claimed to care about that is wrong in anyway or indicates that he was abnormal.
Anyone notice how these attacks are becoming more and more commonplace as high profile liberals are ramping up their vitriol toward white Christians and conservatives? Country music concerts, Baptist churches? All being fueled by the hate coming from the left.
Anyone notice how these attacks are becoming more and more commonplace as high profile liberals are ramping up their vitriol toward white Christians and conservatives? Country music concerts, Baptist churches? All being fueled by the hate coming from the left.

Nonsense. Ever notice that the people whom you would describe as "high profile liberals" are themselves white Christians? You can't just use the term "Christians" anymore without explaining which Christians you are talking about. Remember that the Presbyterian won the electoral college last November; the Methodist candidate lost.

Further, the venues for these attacks are not limited to country music concerts and baptist churches, and we don't know the motive for the Las Vegas attack.

Glad these guys got caught before they could kill:
Suspects in Kansas terrorism plot targeting Muslims ask to delay trial start

P.S. there is a great deal of vitriol being spewed by the right-wingers. They seem to have a high amount of trash in their ranks.
Just another fruit if ANTIFA would target a church. Why is it you all insist that every demon be YOUR personal demon?

My question for the day..a dishonorable discharge carries the same penalties as a felony..that includes the loss of gun rights. So..where did he get his weapon? Was LE aware that he was armed?
This is not a 2nd amendment calm the f down. This is a convicted criminal with an illegal weapon.

Military convictions are often not recognized in sytate courts. LessConstitutional protections; I hope those who post about DV and gun rights and DD are correct, but firearms are a moot point.

Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Why was he able to buy guns?
Nonsense. Ever notice that the people whom you would describe as "high profile liberals" are themselves white Christians? You can't just use the term "Christians" anymore without explaining which Christians you are talking about. Remember that the Presbyterian won the electoral college last November; the Methodist candidate lost.
Nonsense. The left has been encouraging violence since Trump announced his candidacy, and they've done nothing but escalate it since he won. Ask Congressman Scalise.
All the attacks on Trump supporters at his rallies and the media blamed him. The baseball shooter, the Vegas shooter, now this one. The victims were all white Christians and the church shooter was an atheist. Which political ideology has all the atheists?
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Why was he able to buy guns?

Who sold him his gun?

Answer: It is Texas, nobody cares
Just another fruit if ANTIFA would target a church. Why is it you all insist that every demon be YOUR personal demon?

My question for the day..a dishonorable discharge carries the same penalties as a felony..that includes the loss of gun rights. So..where did he get his weapon? Was LE aware that he was armed?
This is not a 2nd amendment calm the f down. This is a convicted criminal with an illegal weapon.
Holy shit, are you saying criminals don't obey gun laws?
Holy shit...are you saying murderers don't obey murder laws? Clearly, then, murder laws are useless.
Nonsense. Ever notice that the people whom you would describe as "high profile liberals" are themselves white Christians? You can't just use the term "Christians" anymore without explaining which Christians you are talking about. Remember that the Presbyterian won the electoral college last November; the Methodist candidate lost.
Nonsense. The left has been encouraging violence since Trump announced his candidacy, and they've done nothing but escalate it since he won. Ask Congressman Scalise.
All the attacks on Trump supporters at his rallies and the media blamed him. The baseball shooter, the Vegas shooter, now this one. The victims were all white Christians and the church shooter was an atheist as all the atheists?
I see that you are not responding to my post, that Christians are now standing against each other politically, just like they did in medieval tan reformation times in the western church. I voted for the "white" Methodist over the "white" Presbyterian. And what does the status of being "white" have anything to do with this, anyway? The assertion of "white Christian" means absolutely nothing. While the reference to a believer being "white" excludes people, believers, who are not "white," I may be, as an individual, a person coming out of light-skinned, European ancestry, I owe "white" folks who practice whatever variant form of Christianity, absolutely nothing.
So is this a white guy killing minorities? If not it will fade fast
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Why was he able to buy guns?

He wasn't. A dishonorable discharge carries the same restriction as a felony.
I see that you are not responding to my post, that Christians are now standing against each other politically, just like they did in medieval tan reformation times in the western church. I voted for the "white" Methodist over the "white" Presbyterian.
I don't believe Hillary is a Christian. I don't believe MOST Democrats are Christians. I DO believe they will say anything they think will get them votes but their actions say otherwise. Show me someone who claims to be a Christian but supports partial birth abortion and I'll show you someone who is lying about their faith.

And what does the status of being "white" have anything to do with this, anyway?
It has everything to do with it because they are the ones being targeted by the left. I'm not claiming they are the only Christians but they're the only Christians who are being targeted.

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