Shooter Devin Kelley, Dishonorable Discharged Atheist

It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.

That's what leftists like the MO Congresswoman depend on, encouraging already disturbed people to commit acts of terror against her political enemies. That's why lefties have to bury the facebook and Linked In accounts, they can't leave such a bloody trail of evidence.

Well the far left propaganda on this does not help someone when they are not mentally stable!

But we now know that the attack on Rand Paul was another deranged far left hack!
He seemed like such a good person.....who knew he might do something violent?


Fractured Infant Stepson's Skull...
Grandmother-In-Law Murdered...
Wore White Skull Face Mask...
8 members of ONE family dead...
Youngest Victim 18 Months...
Deadliest shooting at house of worship in history...
SMALL TOWN: A Post Office, No Traffic Light and Now Mass Murder...
Locals pursued fleeing gunman at 95mph...
Sharpshooting plumber hit him through gap in body armor...
Hero describes how tracked him down...
TRUMP: 'Fortunately, Somebody Else Had a Gun'...
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!
This man has been created and is fostered by the left..who has demanded that insanity be *normalized*..then whines that crazy people are *persecuted* and blames those of us who think they should be locked up as the *cause* of their craziness.

This guy was a violent fruit loop, who has been taught from birth that he has a *right* to inflict his insanity upon others.

The left thinks we need to force the military to accept these crazy people.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Why was he able to buy guns?

He wasn't. A dishonorable discharge carries the same restriction as a felony.

What did he shoot those people with?
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How could the MSM take down his LinkedIn profile? Wouldn't LinkedIn have to do that?

Who else has the authority to mandate that other than the fucking government who runs the MSM (CNN) and the controlled opposition (Fox News)?

You think the owners and administrators of Facebook and Linked In just decided to do it themselves?

It's the same sick fucks that are prosecuting and terrorizing every affiliate and agent of Trump with these phony FAKE NEWS espionage charges. It's the same sick fucks that predicted Hillary was going to win by a landslide (including Fox News and Megan Kelly). Th whole fucking MSM is a leftist tool and Fox News is their controlled opposition.


That's why I IMMEDIATELY screenshoted Devin Kelley's facebook and Linked In pages and also used the "Save As" feature to save them in html form. I know what these fucking commiecrats do, I knew these fucking commiecrats would bury that evidence PRONTO.

But I got the drop, I got the photos, I got the original HTML's


He's a Progressive Mass Murderer, in good company with Mao, Stalin (the master of controlled opposition), Hitler, Pol Pot and Castro.

Even Lakota saw the original Linked In page 12 hours ago before it was taken down. Lakhota's only defense was "It must have been Russian bots and hackers that modified/invented his Linkedin Page."

I got you fuckers by the balls.
It's amazing how fast Paddock's and Kelly's Facebook profiles disappeared especially since both were spouting Leftist hatred on them.

Paddock pledged allegiance to ISIS, and was an Atheist before he converted to ISLAM and was an admitted Trump hater. Hated Christians.

Kelly was a fanatical liberal and an Atheist, and also hated "religious people" and hated Trump. Hated Christians.

Hodgkinson The Congressional Baseball Shooter, also an Atheist, and Sanders supporter, and hated Republicans and Conservatives. Hated Christians.

The idiot that attacked Senator Paul, was an Atheist, rabid Sanders fan, and hated President Trump, and again. Hated Christians.

The Islamic Asshole was a Jihadist that mowed down people in New York Pledged allegiance to ISIS. Hated Christians and Jews.

What's the common theme?

Leftist who hate Christians and Jews, and who feel they are so morally superior to you that they are willing to kill to prove it.
I don't see why atheism is stressed. It's not a religion, has no moral code, and does not encourage people to do anything one way or another.

Since there is no moral code, atheists are also not obliged to hate non-atheists. Although if an atheist hates Christians, he most likely hates Muslims too.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Why was he able to buy guns?

He wasn't. A dishonorable discharge carries the same restriction as a felony.

What did he shoot those people with?
A gun.

What did NYC guy use, a truck.

What did Boston Bomber use, a bomb.

What did muslim fuckheads use in UK, machetes.

What's you're fucking point fuckface. You fucking censoring liberal pukes.

Censor, derail, strawman, it's the progressive circular assault and obfuscation of the truth.

Gunman in church attack was convicted of fracturing stepson’s skull

The gunman who killed at least 26 people in a church south of San Antonio was kicked out of the Air Force after cutting a plea deal in which he admitted to fracturing his stepson’s skull, the former head of Air Force prosecutors said Monday.

Devin Patrick Kelley faced at least five years in a military prison for attacking the baby and also his wife, the former top Air Force prosecutor, retired Col. Don Christensen, said.

An Air Force jury handed him a 12-month sentence in 2012, he said.

Gunman in church attack was convicted of fracturing stepson’s skull

The gunman who killed at least 26 people in a church south of San Antonio was kicked out of the Air Force after cutting a plea deal in which he admitted to fracturing his stepson’s skull, the former head of Air Force prosecutors said Monday.

Devin Patrick Kelley faced at least five years in a military prison for attacking the baby and also his wife, the former top Air Force prosecutor, retired Col. Don Christensen, said.

An Air Force jury handed him a 12-month sentence in 2012, he said.

Sounds just Charles Manson, attacking women and children. Supporting the murder of children in the womb is now a core dogma of the modern left. I'm sure this atheist Devin Kelley had no moral objection to the destruction of humans infants. Cuz ya's the liberal thing to do!
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.

That's what leftists like the MO Congresswoman depend on, encouraging already disturbed people to commit acts of terror against her political enemies. That's why lefties have to bury the facebook and Linked In accounts, they can't leave such a bloody trail of evidence.

Well the far left propaganda on this does not help someone when they are not mentally stable!

But we now know that the attack on Rand Paul was another deranged far left hack!
Really? Got a link?
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.

That's what leftists like the MO Congresswoman depend on, encouraging already disturbed people to commit acts of terror against her political enemies. That's why lefties have to bury the facebook and Linked In accounts, they can't leave such a bloody trail of evidence.

Well the far left propaganda on this does not help someone when they are not mentally stable!

But we now know that the attack on Rand Paul was another deranged far left hack!
Really? Got a link?

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.

That's what leftists like the MO Congresswoman depend on, encouraging already disturbed people to commit acts of terror against her political enemies. That's why lefties have to bury the facebook and Linked In accounts, they can't leave such a bloody trail of evidence.

Well the far left propaganda on this does not help someone when they are not mentally stable!

But we now know that the attack on Rand Paul was another deranged far left hack!
Really? Got a link?

Right here libbie:
Sen. Rand Paul’s injuries far more severe than initially thought

Jeff Jones, a registered nurse who worked with Boucher at the Bowling Green Medical Center, described Boucher’s politics as “liberal.”

“He was active on social media and said some negative things about the Republican agenda,” Jones said.

“I think it was unfortunate that they lived so close together,” he added.

A Facebook page that appeared to be Boucher’s included links to articles and memes critical of President Trump and a news article about a Montana Republican congressional candidate who attacked a reporter the day before winning his seat. The page said Boucher is a former Army pain-management specialist and graduated from the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Des Moines in 1984.

By late Saturday, the page had been overrun by other Facebook users criticizing Boucher for the alleged assault. On Sunday, the page appeared to be blocked from public view.

Jim Bullington, a former member of the city commission, knows both men. He said Sunday that Boucher is divorced and lives alone. Bullington described Boucher as a socialist.

“He’s pretty much the opposite of Rand Paul in every way,” Bullington said in an interview.

The neighbors had been known to have “heated discussions” about health care, Bullington said, adding that Boucher is an advocate of a national health system.

Paul, an outspoken libertarian, voted last summer against a Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, saying the plan didn’t go far enough in repealing the 2010 health-care law.

Robert Porter, a friend of Paul’s, said late Saturday that the senator was mowing his lawn moments before the attack.

Paul and Boucher live side by side along a small lake in Rivergreen, a close-knit gated community with large houses. On Sunday afternoon, nobody answered at Boucher’s home. Next door at the Paul residence, four people were seen doing yard work. Other neighbors were out walking, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.

REMEMBER TO SCREEN SHOT AND SAVE THE WEBPAGE, BECAUSE IT WILL BE RETRACTED AND CENSORED IN THE NEAR FUTURE. The Communist News Network and all of it's controlled opposition MSM parties are forbidden to post such blasphemy.
Maybe Devin Kelley was a Trump supporter who was pissed off at those Christian women who didn't let him grab them by their you-know-whats.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

no mass murderer believes in god--a loving all-powerful creator

some believe in a twisted version, self-created to justify their own violent actions.

mass murder is the ultimate evil act of self-will.

whether or not the man was an atheist is irrelevant
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

no mass murderer believes in god--a loving all-powerful creator

some believe in a twisted version, self-created to justify their own violent actions.

mass murder is the ultimate evil act of self-will.

whether or not the man was an atheist is irrelevant

Coming from the gay muslim of USMB.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
You've been hoaxed, dipshit.

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