Shooter Devin Kelley, Dishonorable Discharged Atheist

Kelly was a white homegrown terrorist who beat his wife and cracked his baby stepson's skull - and even after being dishonorably discharged from the military for committing these acts - he was still somehow legally allowed to buy assault weapons. The NICS system seems to be nothing but garbage in and garbage out.

Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter’s Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database

Devin Patrick Kelley was convicted of domestic assault, which should have kept him from buying a gun.

The Air Force failed to record the Texas church shooter’s domestic violence conviction in a federal database that would have kept him from buying a gun, according a source who spoke to NPR and a purported leaked draft statement from the Air Force obtained by HuffPost.

Devin Patrick Kelley, who served at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, was convicted by a general court martial on two charges of domestic assault against his wife and stepson before being released with a bad conduct discharge in 2014.

Under federal law, his conviction prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms. But it appears Kelley’s domestic violence offense was never entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman’s Office of Special Investigation, allowing him to pass a background check and legally purchase a firearm.

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Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
You've been hoaxed, dipshit.
Hoaxed by my own screenshots and saved html files? ok

When this thread was first created all three links were active and live. One by one each link was censored and/or deleted. You can tell by the initial responses that the links were active.

But don't worry, straight from my own harddrive, I reuploaded it here:

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Straight from my harddrive, I learned how to convert mhtml to PDF so you can all see his original (and now censored) Linked In Profile:

Devin Kelley Leftist Extreme proof.pdf

Also, straight from my hard drive I reuploaded the screenshot I took while on his facebook page before it too was removed from the internet.


Download and save these to your own harddrives, it won't be long before the Censorship police get wind of them.
Straight from my harddrive, I learned how to convert mhtml to PDF so you can all see his original (and now censored) Linked In Profile:

Devin Kelley Leftist Extreme proof.pdf

Also, straight from my hard drive I reuploaded the screenshot I took while on his facebook page before it too was removed from the internet.


Download and save these to your own harddrives, it won't be long before the Censorship police get wind of them.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

What other conservative color is there?
Good point... after all, Leftist Fascism wears all the colors of the rainbow...
Fascism is Right wing totalitarianism...Communism is left wing totalitarianism.
That is, indeed, the accepted 'historical' association... trouble is, the Left has adopted Fascist tactics, which greatly clouds the issue.

Leftist Fascism = The New Political Reality in America
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
You've been hoaxed, dipshit.
Wonder what his screename is on 4chan.

Those are deplorables who first created that stupid photoshop.
Straight from my harddrive, I learned how to convert mhtml to PDF so you can all see his original (and now censored) Linked In Profile:

Devin Kelley Leftist Extreme proof.pdf

Also, straight from my hard drive I reuploaded the screenshot I took while on his facebook page before it too was removed from the internet.


Download and save these to your own harddrives, it won't be long before the Censorship police get wind of them.

What's bullshit? WHen I made this thread yesterday I had the original links that were identical to what I've reposted. The original links were working, as demonstrated by people's responses to them. Lakhota claimed that it had to be the work of Russian bots and hackers to edit his facebook and Linkin Profiles to display his ardent support of leftist causes.

As the hours went by the original links were slowly deleted and/or censored by authorities.

Here's a direct link to the original mhtml that was generated by the "Save As" option on his Linked In page:
Last edited:
Straight from my harddrive, I learned how to convert mhtml to PDF so you can all see his original (and now censored) Linked In Profile:

Devin Kelley Leftist Extreme proof.pdf

Also, straight from my hard drive I reuploaded the screenshot I took while on his facebook page before it too was removed from the internet.


Download and save these to your own harddrives, it won't be long before the Censorship police get wind of them.

What's bullshit? WHen I made this thread yesterday I had the original links that were identical to what I've reposted. The original links were working, as demonstrated by people's responses to them. Lakhota claimed that it had to be the work of Russian bots and hackers to edit his facebook and Linkin Profiles to display his ardent support of leftist causes.

As the hours went by the original links were slowly deleted and/or censored by authorities.
The bullshit I'm pretty sure you know...that there was any political motivation at all..for what this monster is clear that his motives were a product of his twisted mind..given that he had hurt children before. It's bullshit that anyone..would use this tragedy to advance some 'agenda'.
Straight from my harddrive, I learned how to convert mhtml to PDF so you can all see his original (and now censored) Linked In Profile:

Devin Kelley Leftist Extreme proof.pdf

Also, straight from my hard drive I reuploaded the screenshot I took while on his facebook page before it too was removed from the internet.


Download and save these to your own harddrives, it won't be long before the Censorship police get wind of them.

What's bullshit? WHen I made this thread yesterday I had the original links that were identical to what I've reposted. The original links were working, as demonstrated by people's responses to them. Lakhota claimed that it had to be the work of Russian bots and hackers to edit his facebook and Linkin Profiles to display his ardent support of leftist causes.

As the hours went by the original links were slowly deleted and/or censored by authorities.
The bullshit I'm pretty sure you know...that there was any political motivation at all..for what this monster is clear that his motives were a product of his twisted mind..given that he had hurt children before. It's bullshit that anyone..would use this tragedy to advance some 'agenda'.
He's a fruit cake along the lines of all antifa/lefty fruitcakes.
Just like the fruitcake who broke 5 of Sen. Paul's ribs is a violent fruitcake along the lines of all antifa/lefty fruitcakes.

you people are nuts, dangerous, and should be locked up.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
Nope....he was driven mad by the smell of gunpowder.
At #66, I noted that Christians were being challenged by other Christians. Religion has no place in this discussion. I don't understand the role that reiglion plays in all of this. In the last presidential election, I voted for the Methodist. The Presbyterian won in the electoral college. What this guy was, a believer in the baptist variant of the Christian faith, a non-believer in any faith, from Buddhism on down, I know not.
Kelly was a white homegrown terrorist who beat his wife and cracked his baby stepson's skull - and even after being dishonorably discharged from the military for committing these acts - he was still somehow legally allowed to buy assault weapons. The NICS system seems to be nothing but garbage in and garbage out.

Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter’s Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database

Devin Patrick Kelley was convicted of domestic assault, which should have kept him from buying a gun.

The Air Force failed to record the Texas church shooter’s domestic violence conviction in a federal database that would have kept him from buying a gun, according a source who spoke to NPR and a purported leaked draft statement from the Air Force obtained by HuffPost.

Devin Patrick Kelley, who served at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, was convicted by a general court martial on two charges of domestic assault against his wife and stepson before being released with a bad conduct discharge in 2014.

Under federal law, his conviction prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms. But it appears Kelley’s domestic violence offense was never entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman’s Office of Special Investigation, allowing him to pass a background check and legally purchase a firearm.


The Air Force appears to be legally liable for failure to enter this information into the NCIS federal criminal background system - which would have prevented Kelley from being able to legally buy guns.
At #66, I noted that Christians were being challenged by other Christians. Religion has no place in this discussion. I don't understand the role that reiglion plays in all of this. In the last presidential election, I voted for the Methodist. The Presbyterian won in the electoral college. What this guy was, a believer in the baptist variant of the Christian faith, a non-believer in any faith, from Buddhism on down, I know not.
Stop deflecting.
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.
Profile Not Found
An exact match for devin-kelley-bb2923b9 could not be found.

The LinkedIn profile you're looking for isn't public or doesn't exist. To search and filter million LinkedIn members, log in or join LinkedIn today.
Kelly was a white homegrown terrorist who beat his wife and cracked his baby stepson's skull - and even after being dishonorably discharged from the military for committing these acts - he was still somehow legally allowed to buy assault weapons. The NICS system seems to be nothing but garbage in and garbage out.

Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter’s Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database

Devin Patrick Kelley was convicted of domestic assault, which should have kept him from buying a gun.

The Air Force failed to record the Texas church shooter’s domestic violence conviction in a federal database that would have kept him from buying a gun, according a source who spoke to NPR and a purported leaked draft statement from the Air Force obtained by HuffPost.

Devin Patrick Kelley, who served at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, was convicted by a general court martial on two charges of domestic assault against his wife and stepson before being released with a bad conduct discharge in 2014.

Under federal law, his conviction prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms. But it appears Kelley’s domestic violence offense was never entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman’s Office of Special Investigation, allowing him to pass a background check and legally purchase a firearm.


The Air Force appears to be legally liable for failure to enter this information into the NCIS federal criminal background system - which would have prevented Kelley from being able to legally buy guns.

Good Lord. We almost agree on something. The Air Force is indeed responsible, a fact that they do not disagree with. As far as “Legally Liable”, I’m not so sure. I don’t look at the Lawsuit potential first and foremost.
At #66, I noted that Christians were being challenged by other Christians. Religion has no place in this discussion. I don't understand the role that reiglion plays in all of this. In the last presidential election, I voted for the Methodist. The Presbyterian won in the electoral college. What this guy was, a believer in the baptist variant of the Christian faith, a non-believer in any faith, from Buddhism on down, I know not.
Stop deflecting.
There is no deflection here. People flip around the term "Christian" all over the place, when they must mean just one variant of the the Christian faith. You started this conversation by referring, in post #65, to "white Christians," without more. Which white Christians? Hillary Clinton is white and a Christian. Joe Biden is white and a Christian. So are many other white people, if we are going to cook this down according to race and religion.
Christianity seems to be caught back in reformation days, when the Christian religion (west wing, not the orthodox) scattered into factions. Without more to denote what faction of western Christianity you are referring to, there is no discussion. To use the naked term "Christian" to define yourself, you purport to define the entire Christian faith, which you cannot do. You cannot speak for all Christians. Please state which faith you follow. My statement that I voted for the Methodist and the Presbyterian won in the electoral college stands.
OAN, which at least tries to vet their info, reported that he was tossed from the AF because he was abusing his dog. They said nothing about a fractured skull while I was watching their blurb on it. - thought I'd toss it out here.
Kelly was a white homegrown terrorist who beat his wife and cracked his baby stepson's skull - and even after being dishonorably discharged from the military for committing these acts - he was still somehow legally allowed to buy assault weapons. The NICS system seems to be nothing but garbage in and garbage out.

Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter’s Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database

Devin Patrick Kelley was convicted of domestic assault, which should have kept him from buying a gun.

The Air Force failed to record the Texas church shooter’s domestic violence conviction in a federal database that would have kept him from buying a gun, according a source who spoke to NPR and a purported leaked draft statement from the Air Force obtained by HuffPost.

Devin Patrick Kelley, who served at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, was convicted by a general court martial on two charges of domestic assault against his wife and stepson before being released with a bad conduct discharge in 2014.

Under federal law, his conviction prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms. But it appears Kelley’s domestic violence offense was never entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman’s Office of Special Investigation, allowing him to pass a background check and legally purchase a firearm.


The Air Force appears to be legally liable for failure to enter this information into the NCIS federal criminal background system - which would have prevented Kelley from being able to legally buy guns.
Not to mention that fact that no God Damned law would have prevented this because government failed once again.

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