Shooter Devin Kelley, Dishonorable Discharged Atheist

Nonsense. Ever notice that the people whom you would describe as "high profile liberals" are themselves white Christians? You can't just use the term "Christians" anymore without explaining which Christians you are talking about. Remember that the Presbyterian won the electoral college last November; the Methodist candidate lost.
Nonsense. The left has been encouraging violence since Trump announced his candidacy, and they've done nothing but escalate it since he won. Ask Congressman Scalise.
All the attacks on Trump supporters at his rallies and the media blamed him. The baseball shooter, the Vegas shooter, now this one. The victims were all white Christians and the church shooter was an atheist. Which political ideology has all the atheists?

‘I hope Trump is assassinated’: A Missouri lawmaker faces mounting calls to resign after Facebook comment
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How could the MSM take down his LinkedIn profile? Wouldn't LinkedIn have to do that?
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

Fairly funny. You provide a citation that says he wasn't connected to Antifa- and then proceeed to relate him to antifa

Despite rumors on social media, there is no evidence that he was a member of Antifa or carried out the attack on behalf of the far left group.

It's almost like you are just lying to stir up shit.

Oh wait- thats what you are doing.
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How does Main Steam media take down a Linkedin profile?


God you guys are such pathetic idiots.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

What other conservative color is there?
Good point... after all, Leftist Fascism wears all the colors of the rainbow...
Fascism is Right wing totalitarianism...Communism is left wing totalitarianism.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.

From what I heard, he was never a Bible School Teacher, his wife was, and he used to beat her for going to church and wanting to teach Bible School.

Last Four shootings:

  • Washington DC Leftist Bernie Bro Congressional Baseball Game (Atheist)
The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill., died in a Washington hospital after the shootout. His brother said Wednesday that Mr. Hodgkinson had been distraught over the election of President Trump and had traveled to Washington in recent weeks to protest.

  • Las Vegas: Leftist Clinton Supporter & Never Trumper (Atheist).

Brother is a Pedophile, Shooter had an Islamic Girlfriend. Paddock converted to Islam and slaughtered as many Concert Going Deplorables as he could! ISIS stated that Paddock claimed allegiance to ISIS and committed this act of terror on behalf of ISIS. He attended Anti-Trump Rallies and supported ANTIFA and BLM.

  • New York: (Jihadist) Islamic Piece Of Crap here on Schumer and Ted Kennedy’s Diversity Lottery, and who got to invite 23 of his Jihadists brethren here who each get to invite 23 MORE JUST LIKE THEM.... and so on and so on.....AND SO ON!

The Jihadist Leftist Alliance is strong.

  • Texas: Another Leftist Liberal Snowflake David Kelly (Atheist)

He hated religious people and his mother in law, even worse than he hated Donald Trump. He beat his wife and his children because they wanted to go to church and Vacation Bible School where his former wife taught VBS

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

And dishonorable mention to The ANTIFA Sympathizer and Leftist Liberal that assaulted Senator Paul.

And at the Congressional Baseball shooting, here were just a few of the targets in addition to Scalise who got the worst of it:

What Happened at the Shooting at a Congressional Baseball Practice

More than a dozen Republican members of Congress and several coaches were at the park:

▪ Rep. Joe L. Barton (Texas)
▪ Rep. Jack Bergman (Mich.)
▪ Rep. Mike Bishop (Mich.)
▪ Francis Brooke, a staff member for Vice President Mike Pence and a coach
▪ Rep. Mo Brooks (Ala.)
▪ Rep. K. Michael Conaway (Tex.)
▪ Rep. Rodney Davis (Ill.)
▪ Rep. Ron DeSantis (Fla.)
▪ Rep. Jeff Duncan (S.C.)
▪ Senator Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
▪ Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (Tenn.)
▪ Larry Hardy, a former professional baseball player and a coach
▪ Rep. Trent Kelly (Miss.)
▪ Rep. Gary Palmer (Ala.)
▪ Senator Rand Paul (Ky.)
▪ Rep. Mark Walker (N.C.)
▪ Rep. Brad Wenstrup (Ohio)
▪ Rep. Roger Williams (Tex.), who was also injured in the shooting
Last edited:
Hodgkinson, Paddock and now Kelley. The left stews about "gun control" while they foster the hatred directed at republican congress people, right wing concert goers and now Christian Churches that excites and energizes the crazies to gun violence.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
And it just happens to be his ex in-laws' church.
Hodgkinson, Paddock and now Kelley. The left stews about "gun control" while they foster the hatred directed at republican congress people, right wing concert goers and now Christian Churches that excites and energizes the crazies to gun violence.
All three were Atheists, and Clinton or Sanders Supporters. Only Paddock converted to ISLAM....which is not Different than Atheism imo. Just a different way to channel your hate at people you disagree with.
Shooter Devin Kelley was court martialed and DD'ed in 2014 by the USAF. Although once a Bible school teacher, he became an ardent atheist, joining the group Atheist Republic and an endorser of CNN as his facebook clearly claims:

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

It appears that he converted to an atheist anti-fa agent and decided to murder as many white conservatives as he possibly could.
And it just happens to be his ex in-laws' church.

Two birds one stone. Not that crazy after all. Very effective and efficient from his perspective. He's pure evil.
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How could the MSM take down his LinkedIn profile? Wouldn't LinkedIn have to do that?

Who else has the authority to mandate that other than the fucking government who runs the MSM (CNN) and the controlled opposition (Fox News)?

You think the owners and administrators of Facebook and Linked In just decided to do it themselves?

It's the same sick fucks that are prosecuting and terrorizing every affiliate and agent of Trump with these phony FAKE NEWS espionage charges. It's the same sick fucks that predicted Hillary was going to win by a landslide (including Fox News and Megan Kelly). Th whole fucking MSM is a leftist tool and Fox News is their controlled opposition.


That's why I IMMEDIATELY screenshoted Devin Kelley's facebook and Linked In pages and also used the "Save As" feature to save them in html form. I know what these fucking commiecrats do, I knew these fucking commiecrats would bury that evidence PRONTO.

But I got the drop, I got the photos, I got the original HTML's


He's a Progressive Mass Murderer, in good company with Mao, Stalin (the master of controlled opposition), Hitler, Pol Pot and Castro.

Even Lakota saw the original Linked In page 12 hours ago before it was taken down. Lakhota's only defense was "It must have been Russian bots and hackers that modified/invented his Linkedin Page."

I got you fuckers by the balls.
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Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How could the MSM take down his LinkedIn profile? Wouldn't LinkedIn have to do that?

Who else has the authority to mandate that other than the fucking government who runs the MSM (CNN) and the controlled opposition (Fox News)?

You think the owners and administrators of Facebook and Linked In just decided to do it themselves?

Nobody is forcing them to.
Bull shit. It's been proven that right wing fanatics are posting this propaganda as fact when it's a total fabrication. This terrorist was a neo nazi gun nut who was drummed out of the military. How utterly pathetic do you have to be to have to make up that kind of crap to win political points???

You can still visit Devin Kelley's very own Linked In page:

Look at the causes he supports.

How could the MSM take down his LinkedIn profile? Wouldn't LinkedIn have to do that?

Who else has the authority to mandate that other than the fucking government who runs the MSM (CNN) and the controlled opposition (Fox News)?

You think the owners and administrators of Facebook and Linked In just decided to do it themselves?

Nobody is forcing them to.

Ok they did it for fun. Sure. Read the above edited post.

Here's the permalink to my earlier post telling everyone to "save as" and "screenshot" before it too got censored.

Shooter Devin Kelley, Dishonorable Discharged Atheist
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.
It seems that this man was very disturbed and should be condemned no matter what he believed!

Very disturbed, what disturbed him? Maybe the constant barrage of MSM lefties calling for the murder and assassination of Trump and his supporters (white conservatives). Here's the best example, and she's still in office...WOW

Missouri lawmaker censured over Trump assassination post
Missouri Senator Who Hoped for Trump's Assassination Will Keep Her Seat

Well that depends on his history, but it seemed to be a long on going problem.

That's what leftists like the MO Congresswoman depend on, encouraging already disturbed people to commit acts of terror against her political enemies. That's why lefties have to bury the facebook and Linked In accounts, they can't leave such a bloody trail of evidence.

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