Shooter Identified

The motive is that he is a batshit crazy Liberal nutcase. Like the idiots that put on their pink pussy hats

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You seriously cannot differentiate between murderers and pink hat wearers at a peaceful political rally?
The motive is that he is a batshit crazy Liberal nutcase. Like the idiots that put on their pink pussy hats

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You seriously cannot differentiate between murderers and pink hat wearers at a peaceful political rally?

There is nothing peaceful about a rally that calls for the death of The President

What the fuck are you talking about?

Which rally called for murder of Trump?????
Unhinged liberals call for murder of Donald Trump after immigration proposal

Newspaper Editor Calls for 'Murder in the White House'

Want me to keep going?

Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?
Today's SHOOTER IDENTIFIED: James T. Hodgkinson, 66, as a Bernie-Supporter and a Trump-Hater
Left Wing terrorist attack.
So, what are you going to do about it?

Ignore Dylann Roof obviously.....the vast majority of shooters/attackers like this are apolitical. Remember James E. Holmes, Adam Lanza, Klebold and Harris? Mass shooters have 1 thing in common, being male. Only 1 female I can recall.

That is because guns are heavy!
You've got a shooting war breaking out on the streets with one party leadership TELLING THEIR FOLKS to take to the streets and YOUR PARTY cowering in a corner afraid to shut them down --- And I AM the naive crack pot?

I predicted this race to the bottom. You're on your way. This AINT getting better once all of this madness gets excused --- BECAUSE THE OTHER SIDE DID IT FIRST..

That means all options for going lower are "on the table".. Enjoy your meal....

I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

Money means nothing really.. Trump proved that. Don't NEED to kiss the presses ass. And the only thing the 2 antiquated parties STAND FOR anymore is obtaining power and holding it. The people tossing money at them aint the problem. It's the FOUR folks that RUN congress because they have a R or a D after their names. The rest (all 531 of them) are irrelevant and might as well as go home. They've COLLUDED to lock up the real power seats in Congress and the gerrymandered safe precincts to destroy any "representation" that this country needs to survive. It needs to be UNLOCKED by Indies/3rd Parties that are NOT SCARED and not beholding to those useless dynasties...

You go brother.....I hope you're right! Just call me skeptical. :)

Let's see -- McCain, Pelosi, Graham, -- how many useless, going senile, or just plain crazy ass relics are going to win their next challenges. LOTS of opportunities out for a "bidding war" by Indies/3rd parties if they put the right people forward once these dinos lose their primaries.

What makes you think they won't lose in the primaries?

They will lose their primaries because they are in Open Primary states. (except Graham). That really BAD idea that makes "party nominations" a free for all. Indies are now BIGGER than both party faithful together. And they are gonna go gangster on old party relics and tribal conflict warriors.. Press and parties won't even see it coming because polling won't pick it up..

The shooter sounds like most of the idiot Moon Bats that post on this forum:

Jan 24th 2012: Wrote about decriminalizing marijuana to stimulate the economy and wanted Obama to tax the wealthy at 70% or more stating they needed to pay their fair share.

Apr 18th 2012: Wrote again about taxing the rich more.

May 4th 2012: Talked about the rich buying politicians and twisting our laws.

May 25th 2012: Once again about taxing the rich.

Jul 8th 2012: Upset people would talk bad about Obama. Once again talked about the rich.

Jul 29th 2012: Said the Rachel Maddow Show was his favorite show. Attacked the rich for buying Republicans.

Aug 17th 2012: Defended Obama.

Aug 28th 2012: Income inequality caused the Great Depression alongside the greed of Republican presidents and their appointees.

Sep 12 2012: Lowering taxes on the rich caused the Great Depression.
I don't see the two major political parties going away. There is just too much entrenched money and power. What I do see is more wild swings in voting due to voter discontent. Trump and Brexit were an example of this.

If those don't succeed the voters will no doubt go for someone else.

Money means nothing really.. Trump proved that. Don't NEED to kiss the presses ass. And the only thing the 2 antiquated parties STAND FOR anymore is obtaining power and holding it. The people tossing money at them aint the problem. It's the FOUR folks that RUN congress because they have a R or a D after their names. The rest (all 531 of them) are irrelevant and might as well as go home. They've COLLUDED to lock up the real power seats in Congress and the gerrymandered safe precincts to destroy any "representation" that this country needs to survive. It needs to be UNLOCKED by Indies/3rd Parties that are NOT SCARED and not beholding to those useless dynasties...

You go brother.....I hope you're right! Just call me skeptical. :)

Let's see -- McCain, Pelosi, Graham, -- how many useless, going senile, or just plain crazy ass relics are going to win their next challenges. LOTS of opportunities out for a "bidding war" by Indies/3rd parties if they put the right people forward once these dinos lose their primaries.

What makes you think they won't lose in the primaries?

They will lose their primaries because they are in Open Primary states. (except Graham). That really BAD idea that makes "party nominations" a free for all. Indies are now BIGGER than both party faithful together. And they are gonna go gangster on old party relics and tribal conflict warriors.. Press and parties won't even see it coming because polling won't pick it up..


You keep counting conservatives out and then they make liars out of you.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

You seriously cannot differentiate between murderers and pink hat wearers at a peaceful political rally?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

You seriously cannot differentiate between murderers and pink hat wearers at a peaceful political rally?

There is nothing peaceful about a rally that calls for the death of The President

What the fuck are you talking about?

Which rally called for murder of Trump?????
Unhinged liberals call for murder of Donald Trump after immigration proposal

‘Kill Trump’: Enraged left calls for assassination

Newspaper Editor Calls for 'Murder in the White House'

Want me to keep going?

Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.

Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.

Oh, that makes it OK then? I wished you would tell the people in prison for threatening the life of the President. I am sure you will appear at their parole hearings, except for the fact that there is no parole in federal prisons. All they have to do is walk it back and claim it was figurative speech.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Intended to provoke murder? You are insane.

No doubt Madonna is plenty stupid but she never advocated any violence, unlike some on the right that keep talking about violent revolutions and "2nd amendment remedies"

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Intended to provoke murder? You are insane.

No doubt Madonna is plenty stupid but she never advocated any violence, unlike some on the right that keep talking about violent revolutions and "2nd amendment remedies"

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Intended to provoke murder? You are insane.

No doubt Madonna is plenty stupid but she never advocated any violence, unlike some on the right that keep talking about violent revolutions and "2nd amendment remedies"
No shock you lefties justify violent talk that provokes murder. Left have a long history of it.
Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Intended to provoke murder? You are insane.

No doubt Madonna is plenty stupid but she never advocated any violence, unlike some on the right that keep talking about violent revolutions and "2nd amendment remedies"
Yea dumbass, keep going until you can show "A RALLY THAT CALLS FOR DEATH OF TRUMP" full of pink hats.

You obviously don't pay attention. Who was that speaker at the rally that said the wanted to blow up the White House?

Oh fuck that, one person saying something?

She caught tons of flack for that and walked it back as being purely figurative speech.

Go fish.
Justifying hate speech that was intended to provoke murder, how leftist of you.

Intended to provoke murder? You are insane.

No doubt Madonna is plenty stupid but she never advocated any violence, unlike some on the right that keep talking about violent revolutions and "2nd amendment remedies"
No shock you lefties justify violent talk that provokes murder. Left have a long history of it.

I justified exactly nothing, you are just too fucking stupid to undestand plain English.
James T. Hodgkinson - Liberal Extremist - Killed:0
Timothy McVeigh - Right Wing Extremist - Killed: 168
Dylann Roof - Right Wing Extremist - Killed 9
Jeremy Joseph Christian - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:2
Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3
Jerad and Amanda Miller - Right Wing Extremists - Killed:3
Frazier Glenn Miller Jr - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3
Wade Michael Page - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:6
Eric Rudolph - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3

So far, to date, there has been 1 incident of a Liberal extremist attempting to murder people.

But the list of right-wing extremists killings goes on and on and on....

Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia
Actually McVeigh wasn't a Right Wing Extemist at all. He was a JIHADI Sympathizer, and that makes guessed it....LEFT WING.

Every single one of them were Registered Democrats. The Pulse Killer, San Bernadino, and on and on.

And those names you put up there, I never heard of most of them.
And Roof, was a Democrat, and a Racist and Member of the KKK a Democrat Institution.

So your saying that Islamic Extremists support gay rights and female equality?

You are truly a fucking idiot beyond imagination!
James T. Hodgkinson - Liberal Extremist - Killed:0
Timothy McVeigh - Right Wing Extremist - Killed: 168
Dylann Roof - Right Wing Extremist - Killed 9
Jeremy Joseph Christian - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:2
Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3
Jerad and Amanda Miller - Right Wing Extremists - Killed:3
Frazier Glenn Miller Jr - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3
Wade Michael Page - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:6
Eric Rudolph - Right Wing Extremist - Killed:3

So far, to date, there has been 1 incident of a Liberal extremist attempting to murder people.

But the list of right-wing extremists killings goes on and on and on....

Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia

Many of the monsters you list weren't political at all. No matter, how does this justify or negate the left-wing violence of late, you idiot? Since your first reaction to the liberal violence is to deflect with subterfuge, instead of condemning it, makes you just as much of a psychopath as you are an idiot.

On a message thread where so many RWNJs are grossly exaggerating liberal violence. I felt it was necessary to put thing into perspective. Which I did.

Sorry if that reality doesn't fit your delusions.

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