shooting at nationals stadium

From the link:

"Terrified baseball fans and players were forced to run for cover after a shooting outside the Washington Nationals stadium in Washington DC.

"The game between the Washington Nationals and San Diego Padres was suspended after shots were fired on Saturday evening during the sixth inning."

When will we ever learn, guns are an easy way to effect domestic terrorism.
I know, I am not much of an alarmist, but if the shooting was outside the park, and I am sure they have some sort of security for the park itself, why would the players and fans be terrorized? Glad I do not live in a major city. People there, sound like a panicky lot.
Somehow I doubt if they suspend games at Wrigley field because of gunshots. Last weekend 40 shot and 11 killed in Chicago
WillHaftawaite You missed the entire point of what (I think) they were getting at. Background checks are rather weak as of right now.
The tolerance for terrorism among lefties is an interesting subject. They are encouraged to panic at the sound of gunshots outside a baseball stadium in Washington but the sound of gunshots in Chicago doesn't faze them. They are outraged by an act of criminal trespass by right wingers but the former, former president's political confidant and sometimes law partner, Bill Ayers, was a genuine terrorist who bombed and destroyed and killed and yet he walks among us a free man employed as a college professor.
If they all had guns on them, they would have a lot less to be scared about.
Yeah, and the first shot or weapon pulled out, a large number of other armed will do the same. You don't or won't see what will happen when untrained people with firearms might do in a crowded situation.
The tolerance for terrorism among lefties is an interesting subject. They are encouraged to panic at the sound of gunshots outside a baseball stadium in Washington but the sound of gunshots in Chicago doesn't faze them. They are outraged by an act of criminal trespass by right wingers but the former, former president's political confidant and sometimes law partner, Bill Ayers, was a genuine terrorist who bombed and destroyed and killed and yet he walks among us a free man employed as a college professor.
The tolerance of terrorism for lefties is not too impressive, either. Just think of the terrorist attack on the twin towers of New York, a fairly left leaning city and state. Don't forget about the right wing nut ball in Texas that targeted the Wall-Mart crowd, including immigrants
I think they go for targets of opportunity where they see unprotected vulnerabilities.
Guns fired into a crowd is domestic terrorism.
Since you were clearly an eye witness why aren't you giving your statement to the police? Oh, right, you weren't there. You're just spouting off and making an ass out of yourself like usual.

From your own link you never bothered to read

"Police later described the incident as a shoot-out between two vehicles, ABC News reported. One vehicle has been recovered and police are searching for the second."
The tolerance for terrorism among lefties is an interesting subject. They are encouraged to panic at the sound of gunshots outside a baseball stadium in Washington but the sound of gunshots in Chicago doesn't faze them. They are outraged by an act of criminal trespass by right wingers but the former, former president's political confidant and sometimes law partner, Bill Ayers, was a genuine terrorist who bombed and destroyed and killed and yet he walks among us a free man employed as a college professor.
Right. There's "good" and acceptable terrorism as practiced by the Weathermen, Antifa and BLM.
Because it furthers the leftist agenda (and I would include street violence against Jews, Asians,
Trump supporters as a form of terrorism).

Hank Newsom, a NY BLM leader said they would burn America to the ground if they didn't get
what they wanted. Sounds like real terrorism to me.

And then there is "bad" terrorism, the kind that we saw on 1/6 at the Capitol, though it can scarcely be called
terrorism, except by the left. The only person to die due to violence was Ashli Babbitt, and she was a
murdered Trump supporting military veteran so she can hardly be counted.
And her killer will never be prosecuted as long as mentally impaired Joe Biden is in office.

People thus far prosecuted for 1/6 offenses include grandmothers charged with "parading".
Some terrorism, huh?
I know, I am not much of an alarmist, but if the shooting was outside the park, and I am sure they have some sort of security for the park itself, why would the players and fans be terrorized? Glad I do not live in a major city. People there, sound like a panicky lot.
It's partly evolutionary; back when people lived in small bands on the savannah, if everyone suddenly started running and climbing the trees, the ones who stood there looking around instead of following suit, were the ones the lions ate.
Now that doesn't mean doing whatever the herd does blindly is a good idea, but there's a reason why so many folks do it.
And when will we ever learn that cars cause way too many accidents so we should all just walk,.. wait a second, accidents happen on foot too. Maybe we should all just be hermits and stay inside our houses in plastic bubbles for the rest of our lives.

Oh wait, then there's breaking and entering as people get murdered in their homes as well. Let's just face it, we all have a risk of dying every day anyways so we might as well at least have the second amendment right to protect ourselves. Oh and you can see what banning illegal drugs did. As the criminals still try to smuggle them into the country, so you can bet they would still be able to get their hands on weapons as well.
Gee, what an original post. As if it hasn't been posted a zillion times, and it is nothing more than a very weak sophistry.

The idea that no solution of gun control never occurs to you, you believe "shall not be infringed" is sacrosanct; I love to tell you, it is not.
Since you were clearly an eye witness why aren't you giving your statement to the police? Oh, right, you weren't there. You're just spouting off and making an ass out of yourself like usual.

From your own link you never bothered to read

"Police later described the incident as a shoot-out between two vehicles, ABC News reported. One vehicle has been recovered and police are searching for the second."
Screw you. Your quote from the police report doesn't change the terror felt by fans and players.
Gee, what an original post. As if it hasn't been posted a zillion times, and it is nothing more than a very weak sophistry.

The idea that no solution of gun control never occurs to you, you believe "shall not be infringed" is sacrosanct; I love to tell you, it is not.

Don't be a dick. Hey,.. I made a joke. :p

So you believe we should be using the CIA and the FBI to hunt down black gangs? They are responsible for 95% of all crowd shootings after all.
Really? Please post the race of the shooters since columbine:

My guess is white conservative guys.

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