Shooting at Nevada Middle School

A 12 year old child was shot.

To him and his family, this is the day their lives changed forever.
To the family of the dead shooter, their lives will never be the same.

None of the people at that school will ever feel safe again.

But, rw's don't care.

Hey look on the bright side!!
You lefty fuckwits can dance on a few more graves!!!
You must be so happy!!
Nothing cheers up a lefty more than dead children!!

Progressives weapon of choice

From the Abortion certainly looks like the RWrs here want school shootings to be legal like abortion is. So...that's what they've meant by "school choice" all along........
From the Abortion certainly looks like the RWrs here want school shootings to be legal like abortion is. So...that's what they've meant by "school choice" all along........

Uhh that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If we "wanted school shootings to be legal" why do we support arming the teachers?

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From the Abortion certainly looks like the RWrs here want school shootings to be legal like abortion is. So...that's what they've meant by "school choice" all along........

Uhh that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If we "wanted school shootings to be legal" why do we support arming the teachers?


What do you expect from brain dead fanatics who are the cause of all mass shootings?
Come on every one. Let's get a grip on this.

Why should we? Every time there is a shooting (except of black people, gun grabbers seem to be OK with that) we get barraged that by somehow disarming law abiding citizens or making it harder for law abiding citizens to aquire firearms things like this would be prevented.

Progressives are ghoulish assholes waiting for the next dead body to move thier agenda.
Come on every one. Let's get a grip on this.

I mourn the teacher who died, I mourn the child who chose to kill and end his own budding life in the process. I pray for those two boys who are in the hospital in critical condition.

One wonders though, will some of the liberals on this thread get a grip and stop politicizing this tragedy as they've done so many others?
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Come on every one. Let's get a grip on this.

I can't. I have literally never seen this much rabid hatred before - and on a subject such as this. Several people have surprised me, people I actually thought I shared some common ground with.

No more. The ugliness herein is breathtaking.

Is it shocking that not everyone has to share "common ground" with you?
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Come on every one. Let's get a grip on this.

Why should we? Every time there is a shooting (except of black people, gun grabbers seem to be OK with that) we get barraged that by somehow disarming law abiding citizens or making it harder for law abiding citizens to aquire firearms things like this would be prevented.

Progressives are ghoulish assholes waiting for the next dead body to move thier agenda.

and lying hypocrites who don't give a damn about EVERY DAY MURDER of 3000 innocent babies - EVERY DAY - with their full support
Come on every one. Let's get a grip on this.

I mourn the teacher who died, I mourn the child who chose to kill and end his own budding life in the process. I pray for those two boys who are in the hospital in critical condition.

One wonders though, will some of the liberals on this thread get a grip and stop politicizing this tragedy as they've done so many others?

Never let a crisis go to waste.
It's part of their mantra.

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