Shooting at Nevada Middle School

Ok, West, You win. Hillary and Bill are going to show up at your house and demand that you turn over all your guns. It might take them a little while to get there because there are 300,000,000 of them in the country. With a little help from the USA army, assuming that they confiscate 1,000 per day, it will take over 82 years to do this (assumming they work Saturdays, Sundays and hilidays. I don't think that they would be able to confinscate 1,000 per day, because they will have to tear houses apart to find where they will have been hidden. The Supreme Couurt will, of course, find nothing unconstitutional about this so, it is just bound to come about.

Are you sure that you are not more worried about the moon going out of orbit and crashing into the earth?

Anyone who pays attention to the world around them knows what the eventual goal is. Just look at HCI and the Brady group and pay attention to what they say. It is a war that has been going on for decades. The ultra leftwing branch of the government despises personal ownership of weapons and is seeking to eliminate that right. They have been doing so for over 40 years now but it is difficult for them because of the way the Founders of this country set it up.

Look for ever more onerous tax proposals for weapons ownership. Once you make people pay a tax to own weapons they are no longer a right but a privilege. Privilege's can be taken away. Don't believe a word I say but don't ever try and tell me what their goal is because it is clear to me. I have read the histories that they are following. I suggest you read
[ame=]The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town, 1922-1945, Revised Edition: William Sheridan Allen: 9780531056332: Books[/ame]
We're in chapter 5 right now.
West, you are telling me, a gun owner who favors gun control, what my agenda is.

I, and the people I know who agree with me on gun control already know what our agenda is.

And, though you are conviced of our massive, but clever conspiracy to disarm you, I can assure you that I know what I believe in MUCH more than YOU know what I believe in.

But if it makes you feel like a true patriot fighting off the New World Order, then go ahead and man the barricades. Just don't be too surprised to find yourself hunkered down with the NRA, while those of us who favor gun control roll our eyes, shake our heads, and laugh at you as we go about our business.
I think that it was the day before yesterday that I read on my internet home page news about the 2 year old who was playing with his father's gun, and killed him/herself. But we all know that guns don't kill people. Two year olds kill people.
Awesome appeal to emotion.
I'm sure it was persuasive to those incapable of reason.
Oh wait - look who thanked you for your post! cCearly, I was right.
Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
West, you are telling me, a gun owner who favors gun control, what my agenda is.

I, and the people I know who agree with me on gun control already know what our agenda is.

And, though you are conviced of our massive, but clever conspiracy to disarm you, I can assure you that I know what I believe in MUCH more than YOU know what I believe in.

But if it makes you feel like a true patriot fighting off the New World Order, then go ahead and man the barricades. Just don't be too surprised to find yourself hunkered down with the NRA, while those of us who favor gun control roll our eyes, shake our heads, and laugh at you as we go about our business.

No, I'm telling you what the leftists in Washington have made very plain. The fact that you choose to ignore them and the history they are trying to follow is on your head. Not mine. You claim to be a gun owner but I doubt that highly. There are a very few gun owners in favor of gun control but as they are exposed to the history of the gun grabbers they wake up and come over to our side.

The fact that you don't speaks volumes about your complicity with a collectivist as opposed to an individualist (as our Founders wished) government. The Germans too thought that gun bans were fine........ Till they weren't.
West, you are telling me, a gun owner who favors gun control, what my agenda is.

I, and the people I know who agree with me on gun control already know what our agenda is.

And, though you are conviced of our massive, but clever conspiracy to disarm you, I can assure you that I know what I believe in MUCH more than YOU know what I believe in.

But if it makes you feel like a true patriot fighting off the New World Order, then go ahead and man the barricades. Just don't be too surprised to find yourself hunkered down with the NRA, while those of us who favor gun control roll our eyes, shake our heads, and laugh at you as we go about our business.
That's exactly what the grasshopper did in Aesop's fable. *sigh*
Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:
Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:

Considering we have gun control laws already, they obviously arent working to well. HEY LETS ADD MORE!!!

And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:

Considering we have gun control laws already, they obviously arent working to well. HEY LETS ADD MORE!!!


So if something in your house is broken and not longer works, you just leave it like that? Or you fix it? :dunno:
West, you are telling me, a gun owner who favors gun control, what my agenda is.

I, and the people I know who agree with me on gun control already know what our agenda is.

And, though you are conviced of our massive, but clever conspiracy to disarm you, I can assure you that I know what I believe in MUCH more than YOU know what I believe in.

But if it makes you feel like a true patriot fighting off the New World Order, then go ahead and man the barricades. Just don't be too surprised to find yourself hunkered down with the NRA, while those of us who favor gun control roll our eyes, shake our heads, and laugh at you as we go about our business.

No, I'm telling you what the leftists in Washington have made very plain. The fact that you choose to ignore them and the history they are trying to follow is on your head. Not mine. You claim to be a gun owner but I doubt that highly. There are a very few gun owners in favor of gun control but as they are exposed to the history of the gun grabbers they wake up and come over to our side.

The fact that you don't speaks volumes about your complicity with a collectivist as opposed to an individualist (as our Founders wished) government. The Germans too thought that gun bans were fine........ Till they weren't.

What is it you mean by "our side"? I ask because what I've seen in the news is that most gun owners are in favor of responsible gun ownership.

Some posters here are not in favor of keeping guns away from children but again, what I've read in the news is that most are in favor of keeping guns away from children.

I believe that most gun owners are in favor of universal background checks, including at gun shows and on the internet.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Gunshow Undercover - Arizona

The lies about "gun grabbers" are nothing more red meat. There has been no talk of taking guns away from responsible, law abiding Americans. I own guns and I certainly would not be in favor of giving them up.

Shouldn't "our side" be that we all want to stop gun violence, own guns responsibly, keep children safe?

Why are the nutters against that?
Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:
Only to people who are incapable of reasoned thought.
Sadly, there are a good many of you and you are all proud of your handicap.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:
Only to people who are incapable of reasoned thought.
Sadly, there are a good many of you and you are all proud of your handicap.

You probably watched too many cowboy movies as a kid, and now just like pretending that you live in the Wild West, and you're the baddest mofo on the block, ready to take out anyone, anytime, anywhere. It's a little fucked up that people who aren't very bright, like you, block sensible gun control, just because the tards outnumber the sane people in the US. Pretty scary. Glad I'm not there.
9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws? :cuckoo:
Only to people who are incapable of reasoned thought.
Sadly, there are a good many of you and you are all proud of your handicap.
You probably watched too many cowboy movies as a kid, and now just like pretending that you live in the Wild West, and you're the baddest mofo on the block, ready to take out anyone, anytime, anywhere. It's a little fucked up that people who aren't very bright, like you, block sensible gun control, just because the tards outnumber the sane people in the US. Pretty scary. Glad I'm not there.
Thank you for helping to prove, yet again, that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Keep up the good work.
Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges.
And NONE of you can make an argument for doing so that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

9,000+ people were killed by guns last year in the US. Is that not enough reason for passing gun controls laws?

since when the criminals obey the laws?
we have gun control laws - plenty. even more than needed.
gun control does not work
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The Tyranny Song

Wingnuts boasting as they conspire
Reacting to a crisis they presuppose
Quoting founders, and lots of gunfire
Wearing tri-cornered hats and archaic clothes

Everybody knows some hyperbole and Jeffersonian prose
Will make the reason seem all right
Obamabots fearing the wrath of Monroe
Will find it hard to sleep tonight

They know that war is on its way
Locked and loaded, patriots will slay
And every gun grabber is gonna cry
When they see the bullets begin to fly

So i'm offering this simple warning
Before they go Red Dawn on you
They'll have no regret or mourning
Over the tyrants that they slew

Although its been said many times many ways
End this tyranny today
End this tyranny today
End this tyranny today

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