Shooting at Nevada Middle School

I think that it was the day before yesterday that I read on my internet home page news about the 2 year old who was playing with his father's gun, and killed him/herself. But we all know that guns don't kill people. Two year olds kill people.

I would like to see a link to that. A two year old doesn't have the strength or coordination to operate a weapon in most cases.

Father charged after 2-year-old fatally shoots herself -

Thank you for that. What an ass...and looky he was a felon in possession. Poor little girl though, what a tragedy.
Yes, and there have been many more little tiny kids who manage to kill themselves or others with guns.

Kids drown in pools all the time, even with the new safety features, so the obvious solution is to ban pools.

No, the obvious solution is to not to give a crap and not touch gun laws, isn't it?

No, sadly there IS no solution. Responsible people keep their weapons secure. Irresponsible people don't. What's sad is gun control advocates wish to ban all people from having weapons when those who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of these instances will ignore whatever legislation you enact.

Thus responsible people are classed the same as the irresponsible, actually follow the law and get screwed because they no longer have the means to protect themselves from the aforementioned irresponsible types.

It would be like me telling you you can't drive your car because idiots drive drunk so therefore you might too. And guess what, on a per capita basis that occurs far more often than gun deaths.
That's it?
If they've met all the relevant local statutory requirements, then, what else is there?

Please read my scenario...they have not met all relevant safety requirements.
Sorry... I was speaking in general... if they fail to meet such safety requirements, then, they get whatever is prescribed by law as a censure... fines, additional financial liability, etc.
Kids drown in pools all the time, even with the new safety features, so the obvious solution is to ban pools.

No, the obvious solution is to not to give a crap and not touch gun laws, isn't it?

No, sadly there IS no solution. Responsible people keep their weapons secure. Irresponsible people don't. What's sad is gun control advocates wish to ban all people from having weapons when those who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of these instances will ignore whatever legislation you enact.

Thus responsible people are classed the same as the irresponsible, actually follow the law and get screwed because they no longer have the means to protect themselves from the aforementioned irresponsible types.

It would be like me telling you you can't drive your car because idiots drive drunk so therefore you might too. And guess what, on a per capita basis that occurs far more often than gun deaths.

You know, I have lost patience with gun nuts on the Right who lie so frequently that they no longer even KNOW what the truth is. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, I HAVE NEVER MET A SINGLE PERSON WHO ADVOCATES BANNING ALL GUNS. It is not only unnecessary, but impossible.

NOT ONE. nada, ZERO!

Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges. I support gun control, and I own 3 rifles and two handguns. I WANT law enforcement to know that these guns belong to me, so that if they are stolen, I can get them back. I also favor strict laws with heavy penalties for people wjho are so damned dumb that they leave loaded guns around houses where children live and visit.

You all know this, yet, you can not even start a post without condemning gun control advocates for wanting to ban all guns. I would seriously request that this blantant lie die.
IF you give a gun to a child, you should be held legally liable and responsible for what that child does with his gun.

IF you give a car to a child, you should go to prison..

Christ but you're a moron.....

no, he is a typical lying leftard wingnut who does not care about any of those children or teachers, or anybody else - only about grabbing the guns from law-abiding citizens.
Yes, and there have been many more little tiny kids who manage to kill themselves or others with guns.

and there are 3000 to 5000 little kids everyday MURDERED by their mothers for their convenience - how about that, crocodile crier?

Give it up, Vox. nobody is taking your bait.

I don't care - it is a clear blatant hypocrisy of the left and I am going to point it right in your faces every time you shed crocodile tears over victims of any shooting - because you LIE - you don't care about the victims, all you care is about grabbing the guns from law-abiding citizens.
Please read my scenario...they have not met all relevant safety requirements.

You offer stupidity, which is really all you are capable of.

Since you've never owned a place of your own, much less a pool, let me explain the process.

When you seek to build a pool, the contractor pulls permits. Those permits require that ALL codes be followed, particularly those involving safety.

When you sell a house, an inspection is done to ensure things like electrical an gas, and pools, meet basic code requirements. If they don't - it falls our of escrow until remediation is made.

So your scenario is just bullshit - as is pretty much 100% of what you post here.
No, the obvious solution is to not to give a crap and not touch gun laws, isn't it?

No, sadly there IS no solution. Responsible people keep their weapons secure. Irresponsible people don't. What's sad is gun control advocates wish to ban all people from having weapons when those who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of these instances will ignore whatever legislation you enact.

Thus responsible people are classed the same as the irresponsible, actually follow the law and get screwed because they no longer have the means to protect themselves from the aforementioned irresponsible types.

It would be like me telling you you can't drive your car because idiots drive drunk so therefore you might too. And guess what, on a per capita basis that occurs far more often than gun deaths.

You know, I have lost patience with gun nuts on the Right who lie so frequently that they no longer even KNOW what the truth is. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, I HAVE NEVER MET A SINGLE PERSON WHO ADVOCATES BANNING ALL GUNS. It is not only unnecessary, but impossible.

NOT ONE. nada, ZERO!

Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges. I support gun control, and I own 3 rifles and two handguns. I WANT law enforcement to know that these guns belong to me, so that if they are stolen, I can get them back. I also favor strict laws with heavy penalties for people wjho are so damned dumb that they leave loaded guns around houses where children live and visit.

You all know this, yet, you can not even start a post without condemning gun control advocates for wanting to ban all guns. I would seriously request that this blantant lie die.

Well, all I can say to that is you live in a fucking cave and are completely unaware of the world around you.

[ame=]Diane Feinstein She wants to Ban all guns, Force turn in - From 1995 xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx - YouTube[/ame]
No, sadly there IS no solution. Responsible people keep their weapons secure. Irresponsible people don't. What's sad is gun control advocates wish to ban all people from having weapons when those who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of these instances will ignore whatever legislation you enact.

Thus responsible people are classed the same as the irresponsible, actually follow the law and get screwed because they no longer have the means to protect themselves from the aforementioned irresponsible types.

It would be like me telling you you can't drive your car because idiots drive drunk so therefore you might too. And guess what, on a per capita basis that occurs far more often than gun deaths.

You know, I have lost patience with gun nuts on the Right who lie so frequently that they no longer even KNOW what the truth is. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, I HAVE NEVER MET A SINGLE PERSON WHO ADVOCATES BANNING ALL GUNS. It is not only unnecessary, but impossible.

NOT ONE. nada, ZERO!

Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges. I support gun control, and I own 3 rifles and two handguns. I WANT law enforcement to know that these guns belong to me, so that if they are stolen, I can get them back. I also favor strict laws with heavy penalties for people wjho are so damned dumb that they leave loaded guns around houses where children live and visit.

You all know this, yet, you can not even start a post without condemning gun control advocates for wanting to ban all guns. I would seriously request that this blantant lie die.

Well, all I can say to that is you live in a fucking cave and are completely unaware of the world around you.

[ame=]Diane Feinstein She wants to Ban all guns, Force turn in - From 1995 xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus, here you go again. Diane wanted to ban assault type weapons. NOWHERE, not even in you video clip, does she say that she wants to ban all guns. Again, you guys have been telling this lie in your echo chamber so long that you know longer even know the truth.
There is no such thing as separate assault style weapon - every firearm is an ASSAULT style weapon.
such language is used by leftards for the very reason to set the stage for banning all firearms.
You know, I have lost patience with gun nuts on the Right who lie so frequently that they no longer even KNOW what the truth is. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, I HAVE NEVER MET A SINGLE PERSON WHO ADVOCATES BANNING ALL GUNS. It is not only unnecessary, but impossible.

NOT ONE. nada, ZERO!

Gun control advocates favor legislation banning the sale of cop killiing bullets to the general public. Many of us support banning assault weapons. Most of us support waiting periods and madatory registration. Most of us would ban large capacity cartridges. I support gun control, and I own 3 rifles and two handguns. I WANT law enforcement to know that these guns belong to me, so that if they are stolen, I can get them back. I also favor strict laws with heavy penalties for people wjho are so damned dumb that they leave loaded guns around houses where children live and visit.

You all know this, yet, you can not even start a post without condemning gun control advocates for wanting to ban all guns. I would seriously request that this blantant lie die.

Well, all I can say to that is you live in a fucking cave and are completely unaware of the world around you.

[ame=]Diane Feinstein She wants to Ban all guns, Force turn in - From 1995 xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus, here you go again. Diane wanted to ban assault type weapons. NOWHERE, not even in you video clip, does she say that wants to ban all guns. Again, you guys have been telling this lie in your echo chamber so long that you know longer even know the truth.

Enjoy life in your cave there? Underlying all of the registration schemes is the ultimate goal which is an outright ban. The fact that you choose to ignore that is on your head. Not mine.

Total Gun Ban is the Real Goal Admits Democratic Congresswoman - Patriot Action Network

Ok, West, You win. Hillary and Bill are going to show up at your house and demand that you turn over all your guns. It might take them a little while to get there because there are 300,000,000 of them in the country. With a little help from the USA army, assuming that they confiscate 1,000 per day, it will take over 82 years to do this (assumming they work Saturdays, Sundays and hilidays. I don't think that they would be able to confinscate 1,000 per day, because they will have to tear houses apart to find where they will have been hidden. The Supreme Couurt will, of course, find nothing unconstitutional about this so, it is just bound to come about.

Are you sure that you are not more worried about the moon going out of orbit and crashing into the earth?

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