Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

No...they are the government murdering citizens in the 10s of millions......

Number of mass public shootings in the U.S. in 2022.....


Total murdered...


So....genius....could you please tell the class how many mass public shootings over how many years it would take the U.S. and our mass public shootings to catch up with the mass murder committed by leftist governments around the world?

considering you guys have murdered close to 200 million innocent people since 1917....after first disarming your victims?

Countries with the strictest gun control laws in history has govts. that committed the most mass murders in history, outside of pagans and Muslims.
So sad. The article I just read said some of the victims in the hospital receiving treatment are as young as five-years-old. Still no word yet on the number of dead.
You dumb mother fucking moron.

1. The shooting was in blood red Texas.
2. Police budgets are high
3. Overall US crime is low and mass shootings are high

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1) The democrat party has wrecked local police....who now face record retirements, resignations and a complete lack of desire to do proactive police work to keep violent criminals in check, even in Red States and Red Cities because the reach of left wing race hustlers extends into those places as well....

2) Democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians who are releasing violent gun offenders over and over again no matter how many gun felonies they have, no matter how many violent crimes they commit.......they want them on the streets...they need them on the streets to create violent crime so democrats can push gun control...

3) The democrat party has opened the border.......and allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, cartel members, human traffickers, child slavers into our country......and the border states.....and for an ignoramus like you that would include Texas.........have suffered more and more violent crime....

The democrat party has created this violent crime......beginning in 2015......all part of their strategy to destabilize our cities...


1) The democrat party has wrecked local police....who now face record retirements, resignations and a complete lack of desire to do proactive police work to keep violent criminals in check, even in Red States and Red Cities because the reach of left wing race hustlers extends into those places as well....

2) Democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians who are releasing violent gun offenders over and over again no matter how many gun felonies they have, no matter how many violent crimes they commit.......they want them on the streets...they need them on the streets to create violent crime so democrats can push gun control...

3) The democrat party has opened the border.......and allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, cartel members, human traffickers, child slavers into our country......and the border states.....and for an ignoramus like you that would include Texas.........have suffered more and more violent crime....

The democrat party has created this violent crime......beginning in 2015......all part of their strategy to destabilize our cities...

It's the fucking guns. The sooner we can disarm you gorillas, the better off we'll all be.
Countries with the strictest gun control laws in history has govts. that committed the most mass murders in history, outside of pagans and Muslims.


Europe.....began registering, banning and confiscating guns in the 1939, the leftists began the 6 year process of murdering 15 million people.........including over 1 million children....

Gun murder in the U.S.....over our entire 246 year history....around 2,460,000.........

And they tell us we need to give up our guns.....
It's the fucking guns. The sooner we can disarm you gorillas, the better off we'll all be.

Yeah.......something tells me it wasn't a white guy....

5 mass public shootings this year......

2 asian senior citizens
1 short black man
1 left wing, democrat party, transgender killer
1 left wing, democrat party, anti-Trump, anti-gun killer.........

And so far we haven't heard what race this guy is...
More guns lead to more shootings, and more killings.

The US has much higher rates of crime, violent crime, crimes with guns, and violent crimes with guns than any other developed nation, and we are the only one with such an unrestrained gun culture. The states within the US with the least restrictive gun laws also tend to be the ones with the highest number of shootings and gun deaths. The stats hold up over time and situation; they have been posted many times on this message board, and are easily found on the Internet, and yet many people continue to squawk that there is some other reason causing people to open fire, as if we're the only nation with mental health sufferers, or gangs, or liberals, or Black people, or whatever.

More guns lead to more shootings, and more killings. It will always be true.

I feel sorry for the families of the people who just wanted to go shopping today.

Europe.....began registering, banning and confiscating guns in the 1939, the leftists began the 6 year process of murdering 15 million people.........including over 1 million children....

Gun murder in the U.S.....over our entire 246 year history....around 2,460,000.........

And they tell us we need to give up our guns.....

Violence in many parts of Europe is higher than mostly white parts of the U.S., so they really have nothing to teach Americans anyway. From the vids and pics I've seen, that mall seems to be a big hangout for black and brown types. Democrats only want to disarm white people with no criminal backgrounds, and there can only be one reason for their racist policy positions..
Violence in many parts of Europe is higher than mostly white parts of the U.S., so they really have nothing to teach Americans anyway. From the vids and pics I've seen, that mall seems to be a big hangout for black and brown types.

and if the U.S. didn't have troops based in Europe, they would have started mass murder again.......they just can't help themselves over there.....
More guns lead to more shootings, and more killings.

The US has much higher rates of crime, violent crime, crimes with guns, and violent crimes with guns than any other developed nation, and we are the only one with such an unrestrained gun culture. The states within the US with the least restrictive gun laws also tend to be the ones with the highest number of shootings and gun deaths. The stats hold up over time and situation; they have been posted many times on this message board, and are easily found on the Internet, and yet many people continue to squawk that there is some other reason causing people to open fire, as if we're the only nation with mental health sufferers, or gangs, or liberals, or Black people, or whatever.

More guns lead to more shootings, and more killings. It will always be true.

I feel sorry for the families of the people who just wanted to go shopping today.
Come get them, liar.
It is sad. I don't know how many people have to die before repubs begin to realize we DO have a gun problem.
Yep , 4473 Form should include a Drug Screening for SSRIs & Illegal Drugs ( and a HIPPA waiver so BGC can see if your seeing a Shrink & 2 Psychologists and if you have had 2 51/50s
Mentality. Hah. You and the other Texans here sure do a bang up job representing your State.

California leads Texas in mass shootings, dipshit. With the waves of Californians and criminal illegal aliens flooding in, we're doing much better than any other big state, so you and the other gimps are just being giddy little faggots, is all.
Yep , 4473 Form should include a Drug Screening for SSRIs & Illegal Drugs ( and a HIPPA waiver so BGC can see if your seeing a Shrink & 2 Psychologists and if you have had 2 51/50s
And when that doesn't work what then?

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