Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

If Shooter is an Illegal , Texas can secure it’s border without FED control over the process

No traing....lots of shootings


Prayer of the left wing democrats to their god, "the government," after this event....

Oh savior, government.....please let the mass public shooter be a white, conservative Trump supporter....and not a black, hispanic, asian, transgender killer......please let them have used an AR-15 rifle instead of some other, non-scary gun....please, let there be children among the that we may dance on their bodies as we screech our cries of "more gun control..." please oh savior....government.......grant us this wish so that gun control can spread across the land.....

Come get me.
Shooter is Auto Body guy from Dallas
Prayer of the left wing democrats to their god, "the government," after this event....

Oh savior, government.....please let the mass public shooter be a white, conservative Trump supporter....and not a black, hispanic, asian, transgender killer......please let them have used an AR-15 rifle instead of some other, non-scary gun....please, let there be children among the that we may dance on their bodies as we screech our cries of "more gun control..." please oh savior....government.......grant us this wish so that gun control can spread across the land.....

You sick POS

The next generations of voters see what a cult repubs are. They are going to vote them out.

Just saw a video on Twitter. Person recording walking up to a pile of bodies. A dead child and woman underneath a male who turns his head as they approach and is missing his entire lower jaw. Child's head was in pieces on the ground. Two additional bodies in the background.I started burping up vomit and almost started blacking out. Still feel faint.This is what no one wants to see and what everyone needs to fucking see.Nothing will erase what I've just seen from my brain and nothing will bring peace to the families and friends that have lost someone today. Or any other day to the senseless gun violence plaguing this country.I need to go cry now.

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