Shooting at the DC Holocaust Museum


Thus... so your heretofore emphatic assertion is now relegated BY YOU, to be little more than a waste of time...

Ergo, this post to which I am responding, stands as YOUR CONCESSION that your position is untenable, absurd leftist drivel; which is of course duly noted; and summarily accepted.

Now Nik, I want you to know that it's clear to me that you're doing the BEST YOU CAN...


Try post #195, dumbshit.

Better luck next time. Maybe try to spend more time actually proving your argument and less time blabbering on about how whatever you say is "incontrovertible".

Isn't it cool how they need to IMPLY their points...

Now reason is served that IF such a dispute was valid and truly worthy of note, that the SAME EFFORT which was expended to search out old post 195, would be used to LINK to post 195 and QUOTE THE STATED CONTEST...

But that's not what happened is it? She went through all the trouble to go find 'post 195' and was SO PROUD of her point that she CHOSE NOT TO QUOTE THE POST... thus we can be sure it's a real barn burner...


I didn't "imply" my point. It was a direct statement about premise 1 of your little pattern of facts. Don't blame me if you are too stupid or lazy to go find where I wrote it out.
Why are you even bothering with Pubicus? He quickly scurries away when reality disagrees with him, as he did when I illustrated the conflicts of fascism and socialism.
Lebanese children murdered Jews in Israel? Care to provide proof of this?

Ahhh... so your concerned is for The CHILDREN...

And this in a response which you hoped would convince the reader that you're NOT DENIGRATING THE RIGHTS OF THE JEWS... you felt that showing concern for LEBONESE CHILDREN, with NO SUCH STATED CONCERN FOR THE JEWISH CHILDREN... would help ya out there...

A lack of statement of concern doesn't mean that concern doesn't exist. I didn't see you express concern for all the children dying in Darfur, does that mean you hate blacksquotes]

Well if the issue were Darfur, perhaps you'd have a point... but the issue is the lefts inherent hatred of Jews... and your assertion that such isn't the case and your defense from the assertion that the Leftist community CELEBRATES the needs of those attack israel... wherein you ran to point to the SUFFERING of the CHILDREN of those who attacked Israel, thus bearing the responsibility for the injury to THEIR CHILDREN.

And while that is a WHOPPER OF A NON SEQUITUR! It's clear that it's the VERY BEST THAT YOU CAN DO! And while a complete and total Failure... it's noted nonetheless.

I was waiting for this. All the organizations that condemned Israel for its actions against Lebanon....also condemned Hezbollah. Sorry bitch, get your facts straight andthen come back to me.

OH! So you're saying that the condemnations were mutually sent against Israel and The people who ATTACKED ISRAEL...

Providing the basis for the incontrovertible conclusion that such individuals are idiots... who can't distinguish between the aggressor and the VICTIM... and as such, such entities should be summarily ignored... as they've demonstrated no means to reason.

I think we find a point of agreement there...

Feel better?

Gotta run out for a bit... feel free to spew away and I'll take batting practice with your addle-minded drivel upon my return...
Ahhh... so your concerned is for The CHILDREN...

And this in a response which you hoped would convince the reader that you're NOT DENIGRATING THE RIGHTS OF THE JEWS... you felt that showing concern for LEBONESE CHILDREN, with NO SUCH STATED CONCERN FOR THE JEWISH CHILDREN... would help ya out there...

A lack of statement of concern doesn't mean that concern doesn't exist. I didn't see you express concern for all the children dying in Darfur, does that mean you hate blacksquotes]

Well if the issue were Darfur, perhaps you'd have a point... but the issue is the lefts inherent hatred of Jews...

No, the issue is you making shit up and lying. Which I've amply shown. But do keep trying to "debate" :lol:

and your assertion that such isn't the case and your defense from the assertion that the Leftist community CELEBRATES the needs of those attack israel... wherein you ran to point to the SUFFERING of the CHILDREN of those who attacked Israel, thus bearing the responsibility for the injury to THEIR CHILDREN.

And while that is a WHOPPER OF A NON SEQUITUR! It's clear that it's the VERY BEST THAT YOU CAN DO! And while a complete and total Failure... it's noted nonetheless.

Sorry, but just because you attack someone doesn't mean the person who is attacked gets to massacre civilians. Children aren't part of hezbollah, and its frankly disgusting that you would advocate, and support the murder of children.

I was waiting for this. All the organizations that condemned Israel for its actions against Lebanon....also condemned Hezbollah. Sorry bitch, get your facts straight andthen come back to me.

OH! So you're saying that the condemnations were mutually sent against Israel and The people who ATTACKED ISRAEL...

Providing the basis for the incontrovertible conclusion that such individuals are idiots... who can't distinguish between the aggressor and the VICTIM... and as such, such entities should be summarily ignored... as they've demonstrated no means to reason.

I think we find a point of agreement there...

Feel better?

Gotta run out for a bit... feel free to spew away and I'll take batting practice with your addle-minded drivel upon my return... any situation someone has to be right and someone wrong? They can't both be wrong?

So if someone walks up to you and steals your book...and in return you massacre their entire family...who is right there, and who is wrong?

Yeah...this is like debating with a mentally ill child. Its so fucking obvious you never finished high school.
I found this board only became tolerable once I ignored willow and Pubes. Neither have, to my knowledge, added anything worthwhile to this board.
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I found this board only became tolerable once I ignored willow and Pubes. Neither have, to my knowledge, added anything worthwhile to this board.

:clap2: You're my new buddy. LOL.

I think Bill O'Reilly needs to be sued in civil court like OJ was after he was found not guilty in criminal court.

You don't have to be 100% guilty to be liable.

No one should be broadcasting abortion doctors names on tv, especially with how crazy these pro lifers are.

Remember they passed a law where you can't protest the war at a cemetary where family members are buring their soldiers?

Well we need a law that Bill O'Reilly can not insight radicals.

And if you see his language, it is clear he encourged someone to take the guy out.

I would feel sooo guilty if my words caused someone to die. Unless that man was Cheney of course. :lol:
Anyone read about the note this guy left in his car? Said if "they" were going to take his guns, this is how "they" would get them.
So not only are we making him the poster boy for all Republicans, now you're declaring him the epitome of the anti-gun control group?

You realize you're saying that the majority of America shares a profile with this loon.
So not only are we making him the poster boy for all Republicans, now you're declaring him the epitome of the anti-gun control group?

You realize you're saying that the majority of America shares a profile with this loon.

I was just repoting on the note he left.

What I would really like is to find "they" once and for all. "They" are the ones that everyone is pissed off with.

Damn "they".
How about just saying that the guy was a fucking loon?

He's no more representative of Republicans, or "white people", or devils food cake lovers, or anti-cat people, or whatever other arbitrary group you wish to lump in...
I just watched ABC news at 6:30 (6-11-09) and lots of coverage on the guard murder and they kept showing his photo, groups of people mourning him, and photos of his kids. At 7:00 Fox News also had a lot of coverage along the same lines. I believe they are giving it full exposure because the suspect is a white supremist and the guard is a black man.

I want the same coverage given a white U.S. soldier who is killed at an Army recruiting station by a black muslim terrorist. But I know the news media will not do that. All I can do is keep pointing it out. It does take a few guts to not be PC.
I just watched ABC news at 6:30 (6-11-09) and lots of coverage on the guard murder and they kept showing his photo, groups of people mourning him, and photos of his kids. At 7:00 Fox News also had a lot of coverage along the same lines. I believe they are giving it full exposure because the suspect is a white supremist and the guard is a black man.

I want the same coverage given a white U.S. soldier who is killed at an Army recruiting station by a black muslim terrorist. But I know the news media will not do that. All I can do is keep pointing it out. It does take a few guts to not be PC.

I know, the networks are so pro-black and anti-white. I mean you never hear about it when a pretty little white girl gets kidnapped, but when a pretty little black girl gets kidnapped, its all over the place.
A lack of statement of concern doesn't mean that concern doesn't exist. I didn't see you express concern for all the children dying in Darfur, does that mean you hate blacksquotes]

Well if the issue were Darfur, perhaps you'd have a point... but the issue is the lefts inherent hatred of Jews...

No, the issue is you making shit up and lying. Which I've amply shown. But do keep trying to "debate" :lol:

Sorry, but just because you attack someone doesn't mean the person who is attacked gets to massacre civilians. Children aren't part of hezbollah, and its frankly disgusting that you would advocate, and support the murder of children.

OH! So you're saying that the condemnations were mutually sent against Israel and The people who ATTACKED ISRAEL...

Providing the basis for the incontrovertible conclusion that such individuals are idiots... who can't distinguish between the aggressor and the VICTIM... and as such, such entities should be summarily ignored... as they've demonstrated no means to reason.

I think we find a point of agreement there...

Feel better?

Gotta run out for a bit... feel free to spew away and I'll take batting practice with your addle-minded drivel upon my return... any situation someone has to be right and someone wrong? They can't both be wrong?

We're not talking about some unstated ethereal situation... we're talking about a very SPECIFIC Situation, where someone is right and someone is wrong. The Israelis have the same rights as anyone else and that includes the right not to have missiles sent into their homes... and the right to seek out and destroy those who do so and where that requires going through those who are surrounding them, those who willingly allow those who fire those missiles to live amongst them, then they're within their rights to do so.

So if someone walks up to you and steals your book...and in return you massacre their entire family...who is right there, and who is wrong?

Wow.. you really feel a desperate need for a distraction here don'tcha? Which is perfectly understandable, given the untenable position you're pushing.

How the book theft fits anologically here is known only to you... the restraint Israel shows the Arabs who incessantly attack her is beyond any which I would show... if you fire a missile into my neighborhood... I would do everything in my power to wipe your neighborhood from the face of the earth; killing everyone who willfully uses their simple existance to hide those that THEY DAMN WELL KNOW is attacking me and my family.

Yeah...this is like debating with a mentally ill child.

Indeed it is... but such is typical of debate involving an audacious hoper...

Its so fucking obvious you never finished high school.

Well that's true; it probably is obvious, as it should be; and I apologize if the humiliation being heaped upon you lacks the finess common to a broader education... but as is the case where one debates the audacious hoper; one does the best one can with what one has to work with...
I found this board only became tolerable once I ignored willow and Pubes. Neither have, to my knowledge, added anything worthwhile to this board.

Well that serves reason... potent argument would be intolerable to the impotent intellect, I suspect...
How about just saying that the guy was a fucking loon?

He's no more representative of Republicans, or "white people", or devils food cake lovers, or anti-cat people, or whatever other arbitrary group you wish to lump in...

Oh come on... This is the same play book that was trotted out when the Clinton regime came on the scene...

Dozens of shootings, including Columbine, the Davidians at WACO and so on... I was fairly sure the episodes were forced then; but now that the SAME TIRED SHIT is being rolled out in exactly the same way... it is a logical certainty.

Shhhhhh.... It's a :eek:CONSPIRACY!:eek:

Now here's how it will boil down... somewhere some little klan is settled into their little klanville and the ATF will find a reason to make a raid... probably for "THE CHILDREN"... I suspect that they'll be a little more prepared than they were last time... but there'll be gunfire exchanged and PRESTO... the need for 'reasonable regulations on all manner of things... from the HATE SPEECH which spurred them on, to the firearms which they intended to use to take over the Amurican Gub'ment... and it'll all be :eek:AN EMERGENCY:eek: and have to be passed through the legislature :eek:'TODAY! NOT TOMORROW, OR WE'RE ALL DEAD!:eek:

And it'll ALL have to be done by November of 2010, so we won't have to wait TOO terribly long, so that's nice... cause by then... we'll be looking at close to 20% unemployment and the Left's chances of keeping that deal tied together will be LONG GONE.

There was nothing right wing about that whack job... he was a loon who was manipulated by someone who needed a shooter... sadly, the Public Watchdog, AKA: the Media isn't ABOUT to dig into THAT ONE... so this story will soon fade away like the others, and stand as little more than a footnote, to which those pushing it can turn in remembrance... so as to count up the 'TRAGEDIES of RIGHT WING HATE"...

Nothing particularly complex... to the contrary... it's old snews... that just printed on new paper.
I just watched ABC news at 6:30 (6-11-09) and lots of coverage on the guard murder and they kept showing his photo, groups of people mourning him, and photos of his kids. At 7:00 Fox News also had a lot of coverage along the same lines. I believe they are giving it full exposure because the suspect is a white supremist and the guard is a black man.

I want the same coverage given a white U.S. soldier who is killed at an Army recruiting station by a black muslim terrorist. But I know the news media will not do that. All I can do is keep pointing it out. It does take a few guts to not be PC.

Sorry... that doesn't fit the profile of NEWS... Muslims killing whitey... that's just self defense... Whitey killing a black man at the JEW MUSEUM! NOW THATS A HEADLINE MISTER!
I guess the only thing really left to clear up about this is "in house".

I haven't been around quite long enough to be sure but, are all of our right wing nut jobs accounted for here? I'm thinking we could be one short after this guy has been locked up.

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