Shooting in Posh London neighborhood, they can't contain their shooters to poor areas anymore...

Asswipe....a repeat, violent gun offender in major cities in the U.S., in particular Chicago serves less than 2 years...and they are sent to Boot Camps, not prison.......that is why we have gun murder in our cities....locking up gun criminals is how you lower gun crime...not by taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime....

An idiot like you thinks that taking the car away from someone who doesn't drive drunk effects the drunk driving rate....that is how fucking stupid you are...

Except there's NO EVIDENCE FOR THAT.

Sweet Evil Fucking Jesus, Dick Tiny, we've gone from half a million in prison to 2 million in prison since 1980, and the murder rate hasn't gone down by that much. We still have way too many of them.

Because guns are too easy to get.
Once again you cherry pick and give incomplete data

Incarceration rate has nothing to do with the length of sentence and actual time served.

Most violent offenders serve less than 4 years
almost 70% of all homicide defendants have at least one felony conviction
more than half have at least 2 felony convictions

THAT is the problem not guns in the hands of law abiding people

Except by your own figures, half of murderers didn't have a felony conviction... So much for being "Law abiding".

The reality is, most murders are domestic arguments that got out of control. A gun just makes it a lot easier for those arguments to go out of control.

Which is why we have so many homicides and countries that don't let their citizens own guns (because they don't need them, really) have so few.

No you're wrong again as usual

70% have at least one felony conviction
More than 50% have at least 2 felony convictions

So that leaves 30%

If you want to cut the murder rate by more than half then you need to keep these violent animals in cages where they belong
Asswipe....a repeat, violent gun offender in major cities in the U.S., in particular Chicago serves less than 2 years...and they are sent to Boot Camps, not prison.......that is why we have gun murder in our cities....locking up gun criminals is how you lower gun crime...not by taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime....

An idiot like you thinks that taking the car away from someone who doesn't drive drunk effects the drunk driving rate....that is how fucking stupid you are...

Except there's NO EVIDENCE FOR THAT.

Sweet Evil Fucking Jesus, Dick Tiny, we've gone from half a million in prison to 2 million in prison since 1980, and the murder rate hasn't gone down by that much. We still have way too many of them.

Because guns are too easy to get.
most of those incarcerations are not for violent crimes

and as I said incarceration rate has nothing to do with sentence length or actual time served
Some of you know I worked in the prison system for a while. The convicts get away with all kind of stuff inside. They throw piss and shit on the C/O's, assault them, refuse to obey orders, and and very little is done to correct his. The warden where I worked was a pc whore that bent over backwards to accommodate the convicts. One pos doused me with his wastes and I emptied my gas can on him. Now he had been trowing shit and piss for over a day, and not one of the fucking supervisors would do anything. The bitch warden tried to write me up for gassing the pos and I told her just what she could do and quit. So they threw away their so called write and tried to hire me back, but no, fuck them.

The place is ran by the convicts now.
Once again you cherry pick and give incomplete data

Incarceration rate has nothing to do with the length of sentence and actual time served.

Most violent offenders serve less than 4 years
almost 70% of all homicide defendants have at least one felony conviction
more than half have at least 2 felony convictions

THAT is the problem not guns in the hands of law abiding people

Except by your own figures, half of murderers didn't have a felony conviction... So much for being "Law abiding".

The reality is, most murders are domestic arguments that got out of control. A gun just makes it a lot easier for those arguments to go out of control.

Which is why we have so many homicides and countries that don't let their citizens own guns (because they don't need them, really) have so few.

No asswipe......actual research shows the murderers have long histories of crime and violence...90% of killers have at least one felony conviction and 70-80% of their victims are also convicted also know from repeated attempts to prevent your lies that of the domestic shootings you prattle on about.......the studies you rely on consider drug dealers and their criminal buddies to be related......since they shoot each other in their homes.....but please..keep lying about that.....and of course the true driver of domestic violence murder is again...criminal history, drug use, alcohol use and mental illness....and the researchers you rely on used only the most socially disturbed homes to come to their conclusion, and did not use a real sample to come to their conclusions....since a home without a history of crime and violence did not end up with a shooting....

Again...keep lying, it is all you have.
Once again you cherry pick and give incomplete data

Incarceration rate has nothing to do with the length of sentence and actual time served.

Most violent offenders serve less than 4 years
almost 70% of all homicide defendants have at least one felony conviction
more than half have at least 2 felony convictions

THAT is the problem not guns in the hands of law abiding people

Except by your own figures, half of murderers didn't have a felony conviction... So much for being "Law abiding".

The reality is, most murders are domestic arguments that got out of control. A gun just makes it a lot easier for those arguments to go out of control.

Which is why we have so many homicides and countries that don't let their citizens own guns (because they don't need them, really) have so few.
The reality is that you have no idea what you talk about.
Once again you cherry pick and give incomplete data

Incarceration rate has nothing to do with the length of sentence and actual time served.

Most violent offenders serve less than 4 years
almost 70% of all homicide defendants have at least one felony conviction
more than half have at least 2 felony convictions

THAT is the problem not guns in the hands of law abiding people

Except by your own figures, half of murderers didn't have a felony conviction... So much for being "Law abiding".

The reality is, most murders are domestic arguments that got out of control. A gun just makes it a lot easier for those arguments to go out of control.

Which is why we have so many homicides and countries that don't let their citizens own guns (because they don't need them, really) have so few.

No asswipe......actual research shows the murderers have long histories of crime and violence...90% of killers have at least one felony conviction and 70-80% of their victims are also convicted also know from repeated attempts to prevent your lies that of the domestic shootings you prattle on about.......the studies you rely on consider drug dealers and their criminal buddies to be related......since they shoot each other in their homes.....but please..keep lying about that.....and of course the true driver of domestic violence murder is again...criminal history, drug use, alcohol use and mental illness....and the researchers you rely on used only the most socially disturbed homes to come to their conclusion, and did not use a real sample to come to their conclusions....since a home without a history of crime and violence did not end up with a shooting....

Again...keep lying, it is all you have.

The classification manager at the prison I worked would tell all the newboots how untrustworthy the convicts were and not to believe them. From her files on the cons, the average offender was arrested between eight and eleven times before ever going to prison.
Asswipe....a repeat, violent gun offender in major cities in the U.S., in particular Chicago serves less than 2 years...and they are sent to Boot Camps, not prison.......that is why we have gun murder in our cities....locking up gun criminals is how you lower gun crime...not by taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime....

An idiot like you thinks that taking the car away from someone who doesn't drive drunk effects the drunk driving rate....that is how fucking stupid you are...

Except there's NO EVIDENCE FOR THAT.

Sweet Evil Fucking Jesus, Dick Tiny, we've gone from half a million in prison to 2 million in prison since 1980, and the murder rate hasn't gone down by that much. We still have way too many of them.

Because guns are too easy to get.

Asswipe...shit head......we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and in 1997 we had normal people carrying 4.7 million guns for self defense....we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million normal citizens carrying guns for self defense.......

And our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun accident rates also went down

Does it hurt much when you pull things out of your ass like that....?
Asswipe....a repeat, violent gun offender in major cities in the U.S., in particular Chicago serves less than 2 years...and they are sent to Boot Camps, not prison.......that is why we have gun murder in our cities....locking up gun criminals is how you lower gun crime...not by taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime....

An idiot like you thinks that taking the car away from someone who doesn't drive drunk effects the drunk driving rate....that is how fucking stupid you are...

Except there's NO EVIDENCE FOR THAT.

Sweet Evil Fucking Jesus, Dick Tiny, we've gone from half a million in prison to 2 million in prison since 1980, and the murder rate hasn't gone down by that much. We still have way too many of them.

Because guns are too easy to get.

Asswipe...shit head......we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and in 1997 we had normal people carrying 4.7 million guns for self defense....we now have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million normal citizens carrying guns for self defense.......

And our gun murder rate went down 49% and our gun accident rates also went down

Does it hurt much when you pull things out of your ass like that....?
NO, they are used to it....
I'm not arming criminals

when you flood the country with guns, it's only a matter of time before the criminals get them.

Nope.....Australia has banned and confiscated guns.....and it didn't work...they now call Melbourne Australia the "City of the Gun"......and Australia has an ocean around it's border and they still can't keep guns out...and again...their crime is being driven by 3rd world immigrants who do not share the values of normal Australians.......
I'm not arming criminals

when you flood the country with guns, it's only a matter of time before the criminals get them.

Asswipe....Britain banned guns and confiscated them...and they have an ocean around their border...and their gun crime rate went up 10% in their major cities last really are fucking stupid....
I'm not arming criminals

when you flood the country with guns, it's only a matter of time before the criminals get them.

Asswipe....Britain banned guns and confiscated them...and they have an ocean around their border...and their gun crime rate went up 10% in their major cities last really are fucking stupid....
I call these kinds of morons "media fed". They parrot everything the media says like it's fact, and then, if you don't swallow it, they provide the left wing libtard infested "snopes" as more "proof". LOL!
I'm not arming criminals

when you flood the country with guns, it's only a matter of time before the criminals get them.
Absolutely. If some of these people would`ve made it to Jr. High they would have learned some simple lessons about supply and easy access to things that are in abundance. I think it was a 9th grade Economics class they missed.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
I'm not arming criminals

when you flood the country with guns, it's only a matter of time before the criminals get them.
Absolutely. If some of these people would`ve made it to Jr. High they would have learned some simple lessons about supply and easy access to things that are in abundance. I think it was a 9th grade Economics class they missed.

And you morons would have learned that criminals are criminals because they break the laws we gun laws don't stop them...not in Britain, not in Australia and not in our abiding people do not use guns for crime......criminals who cannot legally own, buy or carry guns are committing 90% of our gun crime......

You twits are really thick in the head....

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