Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

The guy who did this was obviously mentally ill, and because solely of his skin color he was a white supremacist. Yeah getting tired of this shit.

What folks are getting tired of is because he is white "oh he is mentally ill", but had he been black that is just what we do.

No....the majority of black shooters in this country are members of criminal gangs...shooting each other over drug turf, girlfriends, and social media insults......

The white guys who commit mass public shootings actually are typically mentally ill...

That is the truth, fucking deal with it.

No that is some bullshit that you are hoping folks will believe.

Nope....that is the fact, you dumb ass.....from actual FBI data.....

Post that data shit for brains.

Blacks killing other blacks...

Fool give me a break, you right wing, ass clowns don't give a damn about black folks killing each other. Not one white, right wing, republican has EVER come with any solutions of getting crime out of the "hood".

Yeah...we lock up the violent gun criminals and keep them in locking up the criminals, you stop is that fucking easy.

Obviously not, since the rate of crime is still high. How about creating opportunities to deter them from a life of crime.

Then, you get rid of the democrat party control over the schools and let black Americans have school choice so they can send their children to actual schools so they can get an actual education.......

Yea because the Republican Party has done such a great job.

...then you support policies that protect and encourage fathers in the home.....

Give us an example of some of those policies.

.and then you have stopped the democrat party welfare to crime highway....


A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I think the Korean women were a soft target and he was on a "righteous" mission to stop the "source" of his porn addiction...

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I think the Korean women were a soft target and he was on a "righteous" mission to stop the "source" of his porn addiction...

Sounds about right.

So, Will you join me in condemning anti-white racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I think the Korean women were a soft target and he was on a "righteous" mission to stop the "source" of his porn addiction...
Tell your deep state media and entertainment people to back off. If this guy was even remotely what they spout, he is going after the wrong targets.

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I think the Korean women were a soft target and he was on a "righteous" mission to stop the "source" of his porn addiction...

Sounds about right.

So, Will you join me in condemning anti-white racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I don't agree with you about this .. Long is all twisted up. I do think is is at least partially about racism. He blamed the women as the "evil other". I have really never experienced white racism or anti-Christian bigotry.. not even when I was a minority among Arabs.

A white male?

Shooting spree?!

You don't say.

RIP to the victims but let's be clear. The Asian community banded together and protested nationally so Chinese American NYPD officer Peter Liang would not get jail time for shooting an unarmed black man (Akai Gurley) in a project stairwell in 2016 and he didn't serve any jail time for the murder.




They felt that because white officers don't serve jail time for shooting unarmed black people neither should Peter.

These are same people on Reddit during the George Floyd protests bragging about being "Rooftop Koreans" with White supremacists.


Now in the wake of this Asians are all over insta talking about the black and Asian coming together.


This idea that we're suppose to just jump up and get in formation because they've now finally come to a place of understanding is backwards thinking. This really just shows how weak and docile people think we as black people are. Shit on us for many years and then turn around asking for friendship after all the shit.

Trust me they will ignore this white shooting and show some mentally ill black homeless teen knocking over an old Asian man's grocery bag and shout hate crime!

I remember that Korean male who shot up Virginia Tech college campus in 2007. The Asian community did a press conference apologizing on the shooter's behalf. They were apologizing to white people since the victims were overwhelmingly white.

Do you see white people doing press conferences apologizing for random white men shooting up people?

Happen. Not. Gonna

Would those Asian folks have apologized if the shooter shot up Black people ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.

Look at him (Robert Long - 21)


He looks like his entire ancestral line is inbred to the max.

Irony is he was driving a Hyundai while committing a hate crime against Asian people?

White dudes truly are and always have been the top terrorists, public enemy # fucking 1, of this country and the fact that it has been pussyfooted around for all these decades is the reason that their foolery continues to fester.

Bu Bu Bu, But, The Blacks

Last time I checked, Black people didn’t give a enough of a shit to randomly shoot Asians

Let's see the likes of Rocko Foreigner Looking In. Quasar44 Deplorable Yankee spin this

Because, welp, bitches, while you were busy scapegoating the black community for the uptick in anti-Asian incidents, your own people came through to prove your lying, bigoted asses wrong. And whitey provided plenty of ugly receipts in the form of spent bullets, and several dead bodies of Asian people.

The shooter's father was a youth pastor and Robert was known to be religious. Perhaps he was getting even for Trump's "China virus".


HOw does being religious support your conclusion of "trump's china virus"?

Sounds like anti-Christian bigotry.

A start of the "Civil War"?

Trump Pastor Urges Christians To Prepare For Civil War...Again

Against oriental massage girls?

Got it. It is just anti-Christian bigotry from you.
"Oriental"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not sure from the article exactly which Asian country they victims are from. So, "oriental" is fitting.

You inability to defend your anti-CHristian bigotry is noted.

"Oriental" does not describe people.

Sure it does, as much as Asian does.

You are being a snowflake.

It doesn't. I had this pointed out to me once and simply accepted it. I didn't try and continue to use the wrong word.

Oriental describes a rug.

So you want to ignore the fact that you assumed his being Christian was a supporting factor for this being a wace related shooting, thus revealing you to be an anti-Christian bigot,

to instead focus on semantics.


What made you hate Christians?

I did no such thing but this seems to be your thing.

You cited that his father was a pastor and speculated in the next sentence that perhaps this was thus connectected to "Trumps China virsus" as though his father being Christian was evidence of wacism.

That was you exhibiting anti-Christian bigotry.

I posted a link noting who he was. As it turns out it would seem his beliefs did cause him to do what he did.

You posted a link noting who he was, suggested that it was his beliefs that led him to be wacist and thus kill people.

That was anti-Christian bigotry on you.

His motive was sex addiction. Your argument linking Christianity and Wacism was wrong.

Yet, you express no regret about smearing a whole religion, wrongly...

Because, you accomplished your goal, which was to smear and marginalize your enemies.

That is was based on false premises, is irrelevant to a liberal.

It seems it IS his beliefs that caused him to do what he did.

Nope. It seems it is his sexual addition that caused it.

You want it to be his faith, so that you can use this to attack Christians.

It was reported that he believed they were causing him to sin.

Sexual addiction is a problem that causes problems in people's lives. That he referred to it as "sin" is just his background influencing his terminology.

It is telling that this happened the day after he got kicked out of his home.

The sex was just as sinful last week, when he had a place to sleep. But he went on his rampage THIS week. When his life blew up.

That's some bullshit, it is just a weak ass cop out for this coward. Give us another coward who loved having sex with women that went out and killed women because he loved having sex.

How is it a cop out? I want him dead within the year. Discussing his motives is not saying that they are good reasons.

Are you pretending to be retarded again, or is this the real you? SOmetimes I can't tell.
No you don't . No one here believes that for a minute.

He committed mass murder. Of course I want him dead. I think we should generally use the death penalty for most murders if they can be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

I have been consistent on this point for many years.
Sure....;) ;)

Plenty of people on this site, who have been here as long or longer than I, that would be happy to call me out on it, if I was lying.

Default with me, is that murderers should be put to death, if their guilt is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Barring mitigating circumstances,

We have murdered tens of thousands with our bombs. People every bit as innocent as those killed here.

Way to try to derail the thread. I take it you realize that I was completely right and was desperate to distract from that fact.

My point stands. This was a man driven to madness by sexual addition. That some people try to use him to smear others with his actions based on his Faith, is just them exposing their bigotry.

I don't think this is a smear on faith or Christians.. but, sometimes religiosity goes awry.. Look at the savage behaviors of radical Muslims or the Lord's Resistance Army,

EVERYTHING sometimes "goes awry".

This portion of the thread was started by an anti-white racist and joined in by someone who somehow, (he was not clear about it) linked the shooter's Christianity and Trump together to "support" the assumption that the motive was wacial.

That is worth speaking out against. Will you join me in condemning racism, and anti-Christian bigotry?

I think the Korean women were a soft target and he was on a "righteous" mission to stop the "source" of his porn addiction...
Tell your deep state media and entertainment people to back off. If this guy was even remotely what they spout, he is going after the wrong targets.

Deep State? That's a figment of Trump's paranoia. Its a new twist on the Illuminati and one world government or the international Jew. Look, you have some hard right conservatives running around calling everyone communists and Marxists and claiming "liberals" are not Christians. I would expect crazy people to go completely over the edge.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

News is still coming out.

Apparently, the shootings occurred at spas.

Too early to tell motivations or who is behind it.
Gotta be White supremacist insurrectionists
Now we see why you don’t call it the wuhan flu. Trump did that on purpose.

Republicans will say it wasn’t on purpose but so then trump is stupid, doesn’t know better and this is proof why he shouldn’t be leading us.

Except it wasn't a ws. Or have anything to do with covid. So, your point is wrong.

The virus is from China. The wet markets are a stupid idea. They lied about the seriousness of the disease.

Criticizing them is valid. Holding them responsible is valid.

Yea but this is why you don’t call it the Chinese flu. Or wuhan flu. We have chinese Americans who will get shiton by racists if you do that. If you don’t get that then you shouldn’t lead

Its a way to incite the mob against Asian people to include Japanese and Koreans.. Trump knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
And then him and correll say “what? I didnt say anything that wasn’t true.“ Its not racist.

And calling Mexicans rapists. That’s not racist.

And calling black neighborhoods shitholes.

Or telling four American born politicians to go back to where they came from.

Correll is a slick racist. He can even flip the script and tell you diversity programs that help fight white racism are themselves, racist.
Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it untrue. There are SEVERAL news outlets that are reporting the same on this matter.
You cant be serious

since the WAPO has presented no evidence or witnesses to back up their story there is nothing to believe
Sort of like republicans claiming dominion voting machines were hacked.

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