shoplifter sentences to decade behined bars

dude stole over 20,000 dollars from stores. the whole country should be doing this instead of letting them feel entitled to still like dems do.
I was expecting to see that he just stole some steaks or a carton of cigarettes. He is way out of that league.
The law enforcement we support seems to do the bidding of their masters. They will turn on citizens and they do it now. Sadists and power-hungry people exist, and they demand compliance. And with compliance comes servitude. If your health to any degree including death occurs because of authoritarian sadism, then they deserve the same in return. Our nation is in disarray. People are seething. The problem is that the political class, judicial entities, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and security concerns is putting their power in the forefront for themselves over our rights.
The law enforcement we support seems to do the bidding of their masters. They will turn on citizens and they do it now. Sadists and power-hungry people exist, and they demand compliance. And with compliance comes servitude. If your health to any degree including death occurs because of authoritarian sadism, then they deserve the same in return. Our nation is in disarray. People are seething. The problem is that the political class, judicial entities, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and security concerns is putting their power in the forefront for themselves over our rights.
yep dems
this is albequrque new mexic. howe is this canda artricle? canadians cant read?

dude stole over 20,000 dollars from stores. the whole country should be doing this instead of letting them feel entitled to still like dems do.
He has no reparations coming to him soooo...

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