Shots fired outside AMC at Castleton Square Mall

Spanking is lazy parenting. I have never hit my kids and they are well behaved and respectful. Try again.
We've seen the stupidity of not spanking. Kids are out of control and libs think dialogue is the proper answer. "Johnny, you are making me feel uncomfortable. Just wait till your mother gets home."
Yet I have raised two good kids without ever hitting them. I am not a lazy parent, I have raised them without ever using the threat of violence. How can you use violence on someone you love?
The fact that you label spanking violent tells me you raised a couple of wimps that need the full protection of government to survive.
You disagree with me, so you insult my lovely, well behaved children. What type of person are you? That was rhetorical.
You insulted every parent that spanks their child and claim moral indignation? What kind of hypocrite are you?

actually every parent who has done that risks fucking up their child even more. Every psychiatrist will tell you not to spank kids and show you that it does more harm then good, when simple communication and other forms of consequenses can be just as effective. Do you still want to continue or should i take it a step further? If you still say that you believe in spanking kids after hearing this and knowing this then you must enjoy it. That makes it borderline abuse. No parent like spanking their child and if there was away around it they'd be all for it.

Want to continue or do you want to save your dignity?
Spanking is lazy parenting. I have never hit my kids and they are well behaved and respectful. Try again.
We've seen the stupidity of not spanking. Kids are out of control and libs think dialogue is the proper answer. "Johnny, you are making me feel uncomfortable. Just wait till your mother gets home."
Yet I have raised two good kids without ever hitting them. I am not a lazy parent, I have raised them without ever using the threat of violence. How can you use violence on someone you love?
The fact that you label spanking violent tells me you raised a couple of wimps that need the full protection of government to survive.
You disagree with me, so you insult my lovely, well behaved children. What type of person are you? That was rhetorical.
You insulted every parent that spanks their child and claim moral indignation? What kind of hypocrite are you?
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
You insulted every family that spanks so fuck you and your smarmy self righteous bullshit. I know liberals that spank their kids so not even all liberals agree with your superior personality.
We've seen the stupidity of not spanking. Kids are out of control and libs think dialogue is the proper answer. "Johnny, you are making me feel uncomfortable. Just wait till your mother gets home."
Yet I have raised two good kids without ever hitting them. I am not a lazy parent, I have raised them without ever using the threat of violence. How can you use violence on someone you love?
The fact that you label spanking violent tells me you raised a couple of wimps that need the full protection of government to survive.
You disagree with me, so you insult my lovely, well behaved children. What type of person are you? That was rhetorical.
You insulted every parent that spanks their child and claim moral indignation? What kind of hypocrite are you?

actually every parent who has done that risks fucking up their child even more. Every psychiatrist will tell you not to spank kids and show you that it does more harm then good, when simple communication and other forms of consequenses can be just as effective. Do you still want to continue or should i take it a step further? If you still say that you believe in spanking kids after hearing this and knowing this then you must enjoy it. That makes it borderline abuse. No parent like spanking their child and if there was away around it they'd be all for it.

Want to continue or do you want to save your dignity?
Let's please continue, it's always amusing when some fool thinks he's smarter than he is.

Letters from a psychiatrist about spanking.
For your interest and possible use, I can share with you that in my professional work as a Board Certified Psychiatrist, that I have interviewed a few hundred children personally and have discussed spanking with them. None, that's right, absolutely none viewed spanking per se as abusive in anyway. The factors which affected their subjective assessment of 'being abused' were (1) setting; (2) rational behavior of the spanker; and (3)logical association between the degree of spanking and the wrong committed. To be more specific, if the child were spanked because the parent had been drunk and ill tempered then that was viewed as abusive even if mild in intensity. On the other hand, several describe being spanked with ropes and other rather ominous instruments, but had been spanked for 'smoking in the barn' - risking fire and health dangers, and thus deserving the "thrashing"or for "playing with gasoline and matches" and similar violations. Every single one of these children stated that they were far more upset by being yelled at by an adult out of control than they had been by being spanked by an adult in control and as a logical consequence of misbehavior. I believe that it is fair to say that there are a few middle to upper class boys who are so well behaved and controlled that it is possible to rear them without even the threat of corporal punishment, but for the majority, it is actually silly to believe that one can properly discipline and control a normal boy who should be pushing the limits without at least the credible threat of a few pops to his backside. Individuals who claim that they can control boys without any threat of a spanking are either lying or have simply never dealt with the Tom Sawyer, aggressive, macho, or simple "normal boy" types. They are either childless or they have been around the ultra controlled, intellectual type--or even what could be called the 'sissy or wimp' types. The average, ordinary, challenging type of boy will often intentionally push the envelope until he earns a few pops. With those pops he feels proud that he has had the courage to test the limits. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that parents using a loving approach, using logic, and having some education and common sense on when and how to spank children can, in anyway, harm the child. One could not say that it would "never" take place, but I can say, that in hundreds of instances, I have found the result to be absolutely zero.

At the same time, I can share with you that the 'politically correct' pressures are so high and child protection workers are so extreme, that I must remain anonymous with this communication. However, if you need further comments, I would be glad to respond to you. I have sent this what whatever possible use that you may have for it. Sincerely yours,

A Board Certified Psychiatrist
[email protected]
Violence is the tool of the ignorant. Always has been.
Violence solved the Hitler problem. Ignorance is the tool of the stupid.

Really? last I heard he poisoned the shit out of them to death last I heard. Go fuck yourself troll. You owe nukes and apology. actually I'm sorry forget about it and just leave. Disgrace of a human being.
Please try to speak English. Who poisoned the shit out of whom to death? What are your trying to say?
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
You insulted every family that spanks so fuck you and your smarmy self righteous bullshit. I know liberals that spank their kids so not even all liberals agree with your superior personality.

Is that how you treat a person who is civil? You try to blow right over them and insult them. You can't even have a simple logical discussion can you? Or you are insecure as a 4 year old girl.

Nukes, don't bother with this guy. He's a hate full low life minority asshole. Your too good to be dealing with him. he must have had shit spanked out of him as a child, which would explain this type of radical illogical hate talk coming out of his ass.
Yet I have raised two good kids without ever hitting them. I am not a lazy parent, I have raised them without ever using the threat of violence. How can you use violence on someone you love?
The fact that you label spanking violent tells me you raised a couple of wimps that need the full protection of government to survive.
You disagree with me, so you insult my lovely, well behaved children. What type of person are you? That was rhetorical.
You insulted every parent that spanks their child and claim moral indignation? What kind of hypocrite are you?

actually every parent who has done that risks fucking up their child even more. Every psychiatrist will tell you not to spank kids and show you that it does more harm then good, when simple communication and other forms of consequenses can be just as effective. Do you still want to continue or should i take it a step further? If you still say that you believe in spanking kids after hearing this and knowing this then you must enjoy it. That makes it borderline abuse. No parent like spanking their child and if there was away around it they'd be all for it.

Want to continue or do you want to save your dignity?
Let's please continue, it's always amusing when some fool thinks he's smarter than he is.

Letters from a psychiatrist about spanking.
For your interest and possible use, I can share with you that in my professional work as a Board Certified Psychiatrist, that I have interviewed a few hundred children personally and have discussed spanking with them. None, that's right, absolutely none viewed spanking per se as abusive in anyway. The factors which affected their subjective assessment of 'being abused' were (1) setting; (2) rational behavior of the spanker; and (3)logical association between the degree of spanking and the wrong committed. To be more specific, if the child were spanked because the parent had been drunk and ill tempered then that was viewed as abusive even if mild in intensity. On the other hand, several describe being spanked with ropes and other rather ominous instruments, but had been spanked for 'smoking in the barn' - risking fire and health dangers, and thus deserving the "thrashing"or for "playing with gasoline and matches" and similar violations. Every single one of these children stated that they were far more upset by being yelled at by an adult out of control than they had been by being spanked by an adult in control and as a logical consequence of misbehavior. I believe that it is fair to say that there are a few middle to upper class boys who are so well behaved and controlled that it is possible to rear them without even the threat of corporal punishment, but for the majority, it is actually silly to believe that one can properly discipline and control a normal boy who should be pushing the limits without at least the credible threat of a few pops to his backside. Individuals who claim that they can control boys without any threat of a spanking are either lying or have simply never dealt with the Tom Sawyer, aggressive, macho, or simple "normal boy" types. They are either childless or they have been around the ultra controlled, intellectual type--or even what could be called the 'sissy or wimp' types. The average, ordinary, challenging type of boy will often intentionally push the envelope until he earns a few pops. With those pops he feels proud that he has had the courage to test the limits. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that parents using a loving approach, using logic, and having some education and common sense on when and how to spank children can, in anyway, harm the child. One could not say that it would "never" take place, but I can say, that in hundreds of instances, I have found the result to be absolutely zero.

At the same time, I can share with you that the 'politically correct' pressures are so high and child protection workers are so extreme, that I must remain anonymous with this communication. However, if you need further comments, I would be glad to respond to you. I have sent this what whatever possible use that you may have for it. Sincerely yours,

A Board Certified Psychiatrist
[email protected]

So full of shit. You probably chose the psychiatrist I got to take me to KFC when i was in middle school in our $100 sessions or should i say lunches.
i'll do you 1 better - Here DR phil,
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Be on the Show
To Spank or Not to Spank?

The idea behind parental discipline is to ultimately create self-discipline within your child. That means the kid has to learn something -- your value system and the difference between right and wrong -- that will guide him or her throughout life.

So what do kids learn from being spanked? The hitting itself doesn't teach them anything. Whether you believe in physical punishment or not, Dr. Phil has some disciplining tips and alternatives to spanking:

To Spank or Not to Spank? Read Dr. Phil's blog and weigh in!

  • Don't take out your frustrations while spanking. Ask yourself if the spanking is truly warranted because of the child's behavior, or whether it's an excuse for you to have an adult temper tantrum? Are you more prone to spank when you are in a bad mood?
  • There needs to be a sense of calmness and order in the house. If you are spanking your kid for being physical and chaotic, aren't you adding to the physical chaos by being physical and violent with your child? What are you teaching them?
  • Make a commitment to your child's discipline. You have to do what you say you're going to do. Consequences should be highly predictable for your child.
  • Define your child's currency. What does he/she value? You can withdraw a positive (take away a favorite toy) or introduce a negative (giving a time-out) event -- but be consistent.
  • Develop a child-level logic. For example, kids know that you are less likely to discipline them in public, so that's where they'll act out.
  • When you have a confrontation with your kid -- don't ever lose! They will miss out on the opportunity to learn an important lesson if you cave in and let them get away with a behavior that is unacceptable.
  • Two things you should NEVER say to your child if you want him/her to behave are: "I'll give you something to cry about," and "Wait until your father gets home." Children can see through idle threats and will eventually ignore them. They will also take advantage of the fact that one parent doesn't want to deal with doling out the discipline and tries to hand it over to the other parent.
  • Negotiate a disciplinary plan with your spouse in calm waters. Calm parents make calm children.
Icecube or whatever the hell your name is are you going to continue this or fuck off? You are humiliating yourself. I mean dude you just got rotor rooted by Dr Phil. How much more do you want to be embarrassed?
Icecube or whatever the hell your name is are you going to continue this or fuck off? You are humiliating yourself. I mean dude you just got rotor rooted by Dr Phil. How much more do you want to be embarrassed?
Hitting your children teaches them that violence is the way to deal with problems.
Icecube or whatever the hell your name is are you going to continue this or fuck off? You are humiliating yourself. I mean dude you just got rotor rooted by Dr Phil. How much more do you want to be embarrassed?
Hitting your children teaches them that violence is the way to deal with problems.

Exactly. Sets a bad example. By the way the chances of a child who was abused by their parents to abuse their own children is sky high. "Almost" guaranteed. I'm not saying spanking is abuse, but it's a risk for this reason.
Icecube or whatever the hell your name is are you going to continue this or fuck off? You are humiliating yourself. I mean dude you just got rotor rooted by Dr Phil. How much more do you want to be embarrassed?
Hitting your children teaches them that violence is the way to deal with problems.

Exactly. Sets a bad example. By the way the chances of a child who was abused by their parents to abuse their own children is sky high. "Almost" guaranteed. I'm not saying spanking is abuse, but it's a risk for this reason.
Hitting anyone is an act of violence.
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
You insulted every family that spanks so fuck you and your smarmy self righteous bullshit. I know liberals that spank their kids so not even all liberals agree with your superior personality.
Is that how you treat a person who is civil? You try to blow right over them and insult them. You can't even have a simple logical discussion can you? Or you are insecure as a 4 year old girl.

Nukes, don't bother with this guy. He's a hate full low life minority asshole. Your too good to be dealing with him. he must have had shit spanked out of him as a child, which would explain this type of radical illogical hate talk coming out of his ass.
Learn to spell. He insulted anyone that disagrees with him. That isn't civil in my neck of the woods.
[QUOTE="Judicial review, post: 10472657, member: 51938"]Every psychiatrist will tell you not to spank kids and show you that it does more harm then good,[/quote]

So full of shit. You probably chose the psychiatrist I got to take me to KFC when i was in middle school in our $100 sessions or should i say lunches.
i'll do you 1 better - Here DR phil,

The above in bold were your words, I posted a psychiatrist's letter that proves you to be wrong and you come back with an opinion from Dr. Phil? WTF? Is he supposed to be the only psychiatrist in the world?
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
You insulted every family that spanks so fuck you and your smarmy self righteous bullshit. I know liberals that spank their kids so not even all liberals agree with your superior personality.
Is that how you treat a person who is civil? You try to blow right over them and insult them. You can't even have a simple logical discussion can you? Or you are insecure as a 4 year old girl.

Nukes, don't bother with this guy. He's a hate full low life minority asshole. Your too good to be dealing with him. he must have had shit spanked out of him as a child, which would explain this type of radical illogical hate talk coming out of his ass.
Learn to spell. He insulted anyone that disagrees with him. That isn't civil in my neck of the woods.
But insulting peoples children is?
Icecube or whatever the hell your name is are you going to continue this or fuck off? You are humiliating yourself. I mean dude you just got rotor rooted by Dr Phil. How much more do you want to be embarrassed?
I believe the phrase you are groping for is "Roto Rooter" but no Dr. Phil is entitled to his opinion and I know he's popular with bedwetters like you. But no, not all psychiatrists agree with him. You lied.
Did I insult anyone's family? Disagreeing with parenting skills is fair game. You are not even a good enough person to apologize for insulting my children.
You insulted every family that spanks so fuck you and your smarmy self righteous bullshit. I know liberals that spank their kids so not even all liberals agree with your superior personality.
Is that how you treat a person who is civil? You try to blow right over them and insult them. You can't even have a simple logical discussion can you? Or you are insecure as a 4 year old girl.

Nukes, don't bother with this guy. He's a hate full low life minority asshole. Your too good to be dealing with him. he must have had shit spanked out of him as a child, which would explain this type of radical illogical hate talk coming out of his ass.
Learn to spell. He insulted anyone that disagrees with him. That isn't civil in my neck of the woods.

Any 'family that spanks' does so out of ignorance. You simply don't know any better. You could still be a loving parent who wants the best for your kids. You just don't know that spanking isn't the most effective parenting technique. No need to get all offended. Just try to learn something.

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