Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

No, because my job consists of programming. I have clients, not bosses.
Likely story. But setting that aside, you yourself are proof that you are wrong. No one is forcing you to do anything. You aren't protesting for your conditions.
Good luck with that. Seems delusional to me though.

Well, that's because you're delusional and disingenuous. You asked for an example of worker protests. I showed you plenty of worker protests. You're claiming worker-owned cooperatives don't exist, yet I just showed you that there are thousands of worker-owned and run cooperatives. Millions of British workers work in labor cooperatives. Thousands of Americans around the country, work in labor cooperatives that are democratically run and operated by the workers. How much more evidence do you need? If anyone is delusional it's you. Your profile picture fits you well. A donkey.
Exactly. You have proven my point for me. No one held a gun to your head and you are happy with your job.

I don't work for a company under an unelected boss, I work for myself, teaching people how to program software and databases. You're not making any sense.
Well, that's because you're delusional and disingenuous. You asked for an example of worker protests. I showed you plenty of worker protests. You're claiming worker-owned cooperatives don't exist, yet I just showed you that there are thousands of worker-owned and run cooperatives. Millions of British workers work in labor cooperatives. Thousands of Americans around the country, work in labor cooperatives that are democratically run and operated by the workers. How much more evidence do you need? If anyone is delusional it's you. Your profile picture fits you well. A donkey.
Incorrect. I am observant and objective. They were striking for better pay which is the system itself. Coops are an exception and not the rule. They are almost always employee owned and functioning in the free market. You yourself are an example of a free market success. The debate is over and you have lost. There will be no worker's revolution. Everyone is a free agent.
I don't work for a company under an unelected boss, I work for myself, teaching people how to program software and databases. You're not making any sense.
You see yourself as being successful but not as being successful in a capitalist framework. I hate to be the one to break it to you but you are a capitalist functioning in a capitalist society. Deal with it.
And then came the Reagan Revolution, when Republicans decided that the middle class wasn’t as important as giant corporations and the very wealthy after all, and that the rest of us are here to serve the rich.
The Republicans stupidly -- and with help from early talk radio (Rush, essentially) -- took (a) Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line and (b) the "greed is good" line from the move Wall Street as gospel. Since then, capitalism and our financial system have been terribly misapplied and mismanaged.

The predictable result? Massive differences and inequalities in wealth creation. Have they been legal? Yes. And do they invite our own version of the French Revolution? Also yes.

The simplistic, ersatz libertarianism and short-sighted thinking that have taken over the GQP has played a significant role in this.
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Incorrect. I am observant and objective. They were striking for better pay which is the system itself. Coops are an exception and not the rule. They are almost always employee owned and functioning in the free market. You yourself are an example of a free market success. The debate is over and you have lost. There will be no worker's revolution. Everyone is a free agent.

There is no "free market", because the market depends upon the government to function. It needs infrastructure, courts of law, regulations and of course, the government to bail it out every few years. Capitalism always needs the government/socialism:

Advanced automation eliminates the need for wage labor, hence making communism inevitable. Unavoidable.

Even billionaires know that wage labor is going to be replaced with advanced automation technology. They're begging the government now to give everyone a UBI/Universal Basic Income. In other words, they need socialism, in order for capitalism to work. Without socialism capitalism crumbles.

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There is no "free market", because the market depends upon the government to function. It needs infrastructure, courts of law, regulations and of course, the government to bail it out every few years. Capitalism always needs the government/socialism:

Advanced automation eliminates the need for human labor, hence making communism inevitable. Unavoidable.

Even billionaires know that wage labor is going to be replaced with advanced automation technology. They're begging the government now to give everyone a UBI/Universal Basic Income. In other words, they need socialism, in order for capitalism to work. Without socialism capitalism crumbles.

You are hilarious.

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