Should airlines be required to tell passengers if the pilot is black??


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.
This post really doesn't warrant a response, however just want to note that the only thing more astounding thank your overall lack of general intelligence is your inability to look outside the box in even the most basic of scenarios/problems.


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SS got another ticket for driving slow on the highway by a Black cop.
Oh my!

What an offensive thread

I'm calling the thread police on you
This post really doesn't warrant a response, however just want to note that the only thing more astounding thank your overall lack of general intelligence is your inability to look outside the box in even the most basic of scenarios/problems.



HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. HAHA
How about we just demand knowing if a pilot was low on any qualifications, regardless of color.

Because obozo will then tell the airlines to just lie and say all the pilots are up to standard.
This post really doesn't warrant a response, however just want to note that the only thing more astounding thank your overall lack of general intelligence is your inability to look outside the box in even the most basic of scenarios/problems.



HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. HAHA

Who's the board? These responses are just you; there are no others involved.

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This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

WTF? How about knowing if the pilot is a Christian or an atheist, or a single parent, or if they eat peanuts?
Okay does anyone besides me wonder of SS isn't an agent provocateur?

I mean I know lots of racists and none of them are this stupid.
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

And this is yet another in a horrible legacy of stupid posts from none other than you. Blacks comprise only about 1% of pilots in the aviation industry, so there are two guarantees in this fact:

1. The probabaility of encountering an incompetent black pilot, let alone ANY black pilot is minimal.

2. If only 1% of pilots are black, you can rest assured that affirmative action is not a factor in that field, furthermore, the group that has benefitted the most from affirmative action (white females) have a minimal presence in this field as well.

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Okay does anyone besides me wonder of SS isn't an agent provocateur?

I mean I know lots of racists and none of them are this stupid.

I believe that he could be a plant, placed here for entertainment value. Kind of like a "village idiot".
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

And this is yet another in a horrible legacy of stupid posts from none other than you. Blacks comprise only about 1% of pilots in the aviation industry, so there are two guarantees in this fact:

1. The probabaility of encountering an incompetent black pilot, let alone ANY black pilot is minimal.

2. If only 1% of pilots at black, you can rest assured that affirmative action is not a factor in that field, furthermore, the group that has benefitted the most from affirmative action (white females) have a minimal presence in this field as well.


I disagree. He knows most african americans are not illiterate and know how to count. This has nothing to do with educated blacks becoming pilots. This guy is pissed off at the blacks who are gathering in Mobs and attacking the weakest, most vulnerable of our society for murder, rape, beatings, torture, because Michele Obama is leading the charge here with Reparations for Blacks and stirring up hatred where before there was none. Black Panthers seal for reparations has a message about pay up or die.

The entire Black Mob violence explosion should be placed squarely on the shoulders of Barack and Michele Obama for having created an atmosphere of hatred - for having told public schools to no longer punish Black on White violence on school buses or in schools - for having told the news media to look the other way while hundreds upon hundreds of black on white violence MOB attacks take place in over 60 cities thus far. This is about an administration who has remained silent and not made a single statement about Black on White Violence which is at epedemic proportions with the victims being helpless mothers, children, elderly, 12 yr old white girls - whoever is vulnerable.

The truth is the Black Mobs are cowards just as Obama is a coward. They only feel big and tough when they have a MOB backing them up. They bully those who they believe won't fight back. Such as Paula Deen - while they keep their fat mouths shut when the Mexican Cartels call them ******* and evict them out of Southern California neighborhoods. Where's FOX NEWS MEDIA on that story? Where's AL Sharptons fat mouth and Jesse Jacksons fat mouth on that story? SHUTTING UP. That's where...

The Black Mobs are a different breed of folk. Haters - too lazy to go to work but top much of a coward to rob a place without a gang and a cause like Zimmerman, too angry but beating up on elderly white folks and 12 yr old girls because they are too afraid of confronting someone who could fight back and take them to the curb in a NY Minute. They don't know how to deal with anyone who has some game.

These are the people this guy is pissed off with and rightfully so. These people obviously have no interest in getting an education, going to school, they want to rove in gangs beating up on grandma and raping 12 yr olds, murdering Latino men who just happened to put his arm around his own brother ( Brooklyn BOW Murder ) so their target is gay people as well.

Again these Black Mobs are chumps. They target the elderly,little children, gay people, Jewish people, anyone who wouldn't fight back.

They will run like the punks they are when confronted by a cartel gang, MS13 ( who wants them bad now ) Mexican Mafia or Muslim Jihadists - because they know those guys have got game. Well they wanted it off the chain and that is the way they are going to get it down in Sanford I hear so good enough. They have got it coming no doubt.

It is what it is.

I certainly agree that all passengers have the right to know if their pilots are white racists, etc.
I disagree. He knows most african americans are not illiterate and know how to count. This has nothing to do with educated blacks becoming pilots. This guy is pissed off at the blacks who are gathering in Mobs and attacking the weakest, most vulnerable of our society for murder, rape, beatings, torture, because Michele Obama is leading the charge here with Reparations for Blacks and stirring up hatred where before there was none. Black Panthers seal for reparations has a message about pay up or die.

I disagree, this post’s only purpose is for people to pay attention to SpeedShooters.

Because he’s unable to captivate an audience with interesting reasoning and intriguing ideas, he has to resort to “shock value” via blatant racism. That’s all this is. I mean, how many commercial airlines in the US have crashed in the past 20 years because an uneducated black pilot was flying the plane? Non-issue & a total nonsensical post.

Don’t be fooled into thinking there’s more to this person, because I really don’t think there is (based on his postings and his conversational skills).

The entire Black Mob violence explosion should be placed squarely on the shoulders of Barack and Michele Obama for having created an atmosphere of hatred - for having told public schools to no longer punish Black on White violence on school buses or in schools - for having told the news media to look the other way while hundreds upon hundreds of black on white violence MOB attacks take place in over 60 cities thus far. This is about an administration who has remained silent and not made a single statement about Black on White Violence which is at epedemic proportions with the victims being helpless mothers, children, elderly, 12 yr old white girls - whoever is vulnerable.

Saying that Michele Obama is responsible for the mob violence is ridiculous, and doesn’t make much sense to me. Where did she tell public schools that they can’t punish black kids for being violent towards whites? (show us some statements from Michele and backup some of these claims, Jeremiah)

These “mobists” are nothing more than misguided kids without good parents and good schools. They’re kids, Jeremiah. Blame the system we’ve created; it’s been around FAR longer than Obama’s been in office.

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