Should airlines be required to tell passengers if the pilot is black??

I think all passengers should know if the pilot is a woman.
After all, women, such as the OP, are all really crap drivers who can't park properly so they'll probably crash into parked aircraft whist on the taxi way.
Of course, I'm taking the piss.

In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10.

Nice claim - prove it or admit you're a liar.
I think all passengers should know if the pilot is a woman.
After all, women, such as the OP, are all really crap drivers who can't park properly so they'll probably crash into parked aircraft whist on the taxi way.
Of course, I'm taking the piss.

Standing up or sitting down?
Pretty easy to see what happened to poor SS. He's too lazy and too dumb to get an education and a decent job so he's blaming blacks instead of taking responsibility for his own failures. He has posted similar rants in the past, all pointing to his own laziness and stupidity.

He's pure, 100% lazy ass bum and I'd bet money he lives off welfare and his mommy.

the board notes you have no argument and so made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

The board notes that you fail to defend your position whenever folks have challenged your OP reasoning. You start a discussion, then shy away from any real debate. I understand if it's the case that debate intimidates you - it's not for everyone - but then why are you here?

Let me try again..

Your claim is that "most" blacks can't read or count to ten. I say this is ludicrous, as the illiteracy rate for blacks (in the US) is at or less than 1%.

Secondly, you claim that black pilots are dangerous - fine - so I challenged you to provide data showing black commercial pilots (specifically) being responsible for a significant number of airplane crashes/incidents resulting in death/injury in the United States.

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If I needed brain surgery, I would hope the surgeon IS black.. Ben Carson would be my first choice

That's fine. People are allowed to pick their surgeon. But with airline pilots we're told to take what we give you no matter if he is an illiterate AA baby.
If I needed brain surgery, I would hope the surgeon IS black.. Ben Carson would be my first choice

That's fine. People are allowed to pick their surgeon. But with airline pilots we're told to take what we give you no matter if he is an illiterate AA baby.

Are people allowed to pick between you and the next hopeless case who runs up to their car at a red light and starts 'cleaning' the windshield for a few pennies or do they just have to take what they get even if it turns out to be a cowardly racist baby like you?
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

If the guy can fly the plane and land it in one piece, i don't give a flying pile of cow manure what race the pilot is.
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

Should you be forced to put a huge sign on your car stating that you're a moron? I think you should!
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

If the guy can fly the plane and land it in one piece, i don't give a flying pile of cow manure what race the pilot is.

How ironic that you should mention "pile of cow manure," since that is shootspeeder's actual race. No matter what color their skin is, members of this 'race' are a defective and dwindling minority since no normal person of any color wants to breed with them (for obvious reasons).
Oh my!

What an offensive thread

I'm calling the thread police on you

Oh no don't. I LOVE honest Republicans and Conservatives who put it all out there and show everyone exactly how they feel. These people are the core of the GOP and Right Wing Amerikkka.
Should airlines be required to tell passengers if the pilot is black??

This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

Are you a fucking idiot?

Are you unfamiliar with his posting history here?
I've rethought my position on this issue and I'm going to have to vote for telling the passengers if the pilot is black.
However, only if he's flying a dreamliner that has caught fire and the colour is explained by smoke damage.
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

Most blacks in flight school "can't even read or count past 10".

For some reason I don't believe you.

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