Should airlines be required to tell passengers if the pilot is black??

I disagree. He knows most african americans are not illiterate and know how to count. This has nothing to do with educated blacks becoming pilots. This guy is pissed off at the blacks who are gathering in Mobs and attacking the weakest, most vulnerable of our society for murder, rape, beatings, torture, because Michele Obama is leading the charge here with Reparations for Blacks and stirring up hatred where before there was none. Black Panthers seal for reparations has a message about pay up or die.

I disagree, this post’s only purpose is for people to pay attention to SpeedShooters.

Because he’s unable to captivate an audience with interesting reasoning and intriguing ideas, he has to resort to “shock value” via blatant racism. That’s all this is. I mean, how many commercial airlines in the US have crashed in the past 20 years because an uneducated black pilot was flying the plane? Non-issue & a total nonsensical post.

Don’t be fooled into thinking there’s more to this person, because I really don’t think there is (based on his postings and his conversational skills).

The entire Black Mob violence explosion should be placed squarely on the shoulders of Barack and Michele Obama for having created an atmosphere of hatred - for having told public schools to no longer punish Black on White violence on school buses or in schools - for having told the news media to look the other way while hundreds upon hundreds of black on white violence MOB attacks take place in over 60 cities thus far. This is about an administration who has remained silent and not made a single statement about Black on White Violence which is at epedemic proportions with the victims being helpless mothers, children, elderly, 12 yr old white girls - whoever is vulnerable.

Saying that Michele Obama is responsible for the mob violence is ridiculous, and doesn’t make much sense to me. Where did she tell public schools that they can’t punish black kids for being violent towards whites? (show us some statements from Michele and backup some of these claims, Jeremiah)

These “mobists” are nothing more than misguided kids without good parents and good schools. They’re kids, Jeremiah. Blame the system we’ve created; it’s been around FAR longer than Obama’s been in office.


I don't know speedshooters. I was trying to make sense of why he would post something that otherwise doesn't make any sense. As to Michele Obama being responsible for BOW violence - yes she is - look at the latest news on her statements concerning reparations to blacks. She is most certainly adding fuel to the fire as it is the number one demand from Black Panthers now and also National Black Foot Soldiers which is being investigated for inciting BOW violence although their website is still up as is the hip hop website posting BOW videos - World Star. As to Obama having public schools not punish black students for misbehavior - there are dozens of articles on it going back to last year - this is just one:

Obama asks public schools to ignore bad behavior by black students - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

I'll go get you the news article on Michele Obama's words on Reparation and then I'll post the Black Panthers and Black Foot Soldiers statement and you tell me where these guys are getting their marching orders from. Okay? - Jeremiah
June 19, 2013 courtesy
Michelle Obama's Black Reparation Junket
Mary Evans

Michelle Obama has been capitalizing on her status as a descendant of slaves. Her latest junket to Ireland shows she is definitely enjoying the 21st-century benefits of the transatlantic slave trade her radical friends in Chicago refer to as "genocide" by white Americans.

According to the First Couple's pals, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Rahm Emanuel, and Dr. Conrad W. Worrill of Northeastern University, white Americans should monetarily compensate black Americans for past slavery. The four, along with others, have been pushing reparations legislation since 1987.

Worrill, a lesser-known Obama friend, has been involved with the National Black United Front, a Chicago-based, '60s-style radical group. He's also with the National Coalition of Reparations for Blacks in America (N'COBRA).

The black professor doesn't admit that it was his own hatred, along with that of others like Michelle Obama, that beat this reparations and "slave masters" garbage into the black consciousness over the last four decades, but the meme is finally paying off for jet-setting Michelle.

According to Worrill, who showed up as Mr. Obama's special guest this past February when the president spoke at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, "white folk of all stripes owe reparations. Yes, they owe. They benefited simply because they white."

In 2002, Worrill actually organized a March in D.C. called "They Owe Us." He was also a close friend of Michelle's hero, Stokely Carmichael, and a rabid anti-Semite. He railed against Jewish organizations in 2010, stating, "They do not want to face the truth. The Jewish Zionist forces have consistently not wanted to address the truth of their involvement in the slave trade, controlling Black institutions in the philosophical and educational arenas." [emphasis added]

In a 2008 interview, Worrill let us know why Michelle and Barack will continue to spend our money without shame -- and why slavish blacks will continue to give him a pass.

Black people were inspired at the idea of a Black man being in the slave master's house, that the slave master built. So we're celebrating in this idea.

So you see, Michelle is entitled to fly all over the world as the surrogate beneficiary of reparations. Hope the poor black folk living in Obama's and Jarrett's tenement slums in Chicago are having a wonderful time watching their beloved First Lady enjoy her $5-million Irish holiday.

Now look at the

and then have a look at the new Black Panthers website and their focus on black reparations - exact same lingo - from both groups (NBFS & Black Panthers) Are you getting the "Big Picture" here yet or would you prefer to wait until this shows up in your own neighborhood?

I don't know speedshooters. I was trying to make sense of why he would post something that otherwise doesn't make any sense. As to Michele Obama being responsible for BOW violence - yes she is - look at the latest news on her statements concerning reparations to blacks. She is most certainly adding fuel to the fire as it is the number one demand from Black Panthers now and also National Black Foot Soldiers which is being investigated for inciting BOW violence although their website is still up as is the hip hop website posting BOW videos - World Star. As to Obama having public schools not punish black students for misbehavior - there are dozens of articles on it going back to last year - this is just one:

Obama asks public schools to ignore bad behavior by black students - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

I'll go get you the news article on Michele Obama's words on Reparation and then I'll post the Black Panthers and Black Foot Soldiers statement and you tell me where these guys are getting their marching orders from. Okay? - Jeremiah

I appreciate the response and your willingness to backup what you say. However, I urge you to read the actual Executive Order here:


The article you provide picks apart two tiny sentences, and takes the liberty of making quite a few extreme assumptions to conclude that Obama is "[giving] a green light for black students to misbehave in public", which he's clearly not if you read the entire document.

Look, I don't like Obama in the least bit, however I think you're stretching the truth just a little too far here to serve a very specific agenda.

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NOTE* You'll note both groups are anti-semitic and are identical to the words of Stokely Carmichael, a rabid anti semite and long time very close buddy of Michele Obama. As pointed out in the above article. Do you have any other questions? Articles you'd like to see? Just say the word. - Jeremiah

p.s. I don't like anti semitic racists - doesn't matter if they are arab, black, white, whatever.... a racist is a racist and the Obamas are racists. Straight down to their Black Foot Soldier Feet. So there it is.
WTF? How about knowing if the pilot is a Christian or an atheist, or a single parent, or if they eat peanuts?

Are those people granted affirmative action and thus allowed to be pilots even though unqualified?
Okay does anyone besides me wonder of SS isn't an agent provocateur?

I mean I know lots of racists and none of them are this stupid.

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting you have no arguments.
Kevin, I think time will tell if there is a connection here but surely you are not suggesting that Obama's request to NOT PUNISH black students that misbehave in Public Schools to be the way to educational excellence! The very suggestion would be absurd to say the least.

I have a couple dozen black on white violence bus incidents videos I saved since Obama's request to not punish misbehaving black students - the statistics on BOW violence in schools since Obama rolled this out has tripled. It is nothing short of discrimination and criminal behavior against students from the highest office in the land. The Oval Office.

His behavior is reprehensible. Imo.

Time will tell whether or not these "dots" connect or not. - Jeremiah p.s. the worst story I've got is a black on white attack on a retarded student - with a white girl reporting to bus driver and school and they continued to permit the blacks to beat up the retarded student. Finally the white girl could take no more and defended the retarded student ( who was only listed as special needs ) and the black students complained so the school suspended the white girl from the bus and left the special needs student there to continue to ride bus and said if she wants it to stop she will have to speak up for herself! Can you imagine? Both students have since been removed from those schools and the parents are bringing a lawsuit against the school system. Will they win? Not if the Obamas have anything to say about it. This is blatantly wrong behavior.

The president and his wife are racists and are a disgrace upon the American people. Both of them make me sick. Thanks for reading.

When the President tells public school systems not to punish black students for misbehavior its wrong no matter what fancy title and EO order he signs to make it happen. WRONG IS WRONG.

This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

First off Shootspeeders, your claim is that most blacks (a) can't read and (b) can't count past 10. Can you back that up with evidence? I have never met a black person in the United States who can't read, and each one has been able to count to ten. "Most" is at least a majority, so I'd expect some sort of evidence showing that at least 50% of the black population in the US is illiterate AND can't count past ten.

Or (at the very least), prove that at least 50% of black students in flight school can't read or count. Either one will suffice.

Secondly, your other claim is that black pilots (who get into flight school via affirmative action) are dangerous. Given that claim, can you demonstrate that there is a significant problem with US commercial planes crashing due to error on the part of black pilots? You claim they're dangerous, so show us the backup now to strengthen your case.

Prove you're more than just a racist.

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ShootSpeeders, Buckeye, and squeezeberry are among the most vicious racists on the Board, for those who are unaware. All of their postings need to be seen through that filter.

Jeremiah, in my opinion, is not a racist, although I do not think she is cognizant of reparations argument with which she is struggling.
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The biggest problem with Shootspeeders is that he won't respond to posts that challenge his logic.

You'd think he'd at least try to defend his own thoughts and ideas, but perhaps he'll prove us wrong. I'm only calling him out on this because he started the OP.
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That is fair, Kevin. I don't agree with him on his OP. There is no any evidence of such claims. It actually takes away from the valid concerns many americans are sharing right now on real issues. Which is a shame.

On the subject of Zimmerman, I just read that the defense is expecting to finish up end of today or tomorrow with closing statements coming as early as this Thursday. Just in time for the weekend.

I personally believe Zimmerman should be found guilty of manslaughter. The prosecution didn't do its job. Still if any innocent Americans die because of that fact it will be no different than the two Boston Bombers who maimed and killed because they were unhappy with America.

People cannot prey upon and mass murder innocent people because their skin is a different color. They are no different from any other terrorist and should be prosecuted the same way. imo.
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

Can we have THIS GUY -----


Take SS up in a Lear Jet, tie him to his seat. And force him to watch the "Tuskeegee Airmen" a couple times while doing figure eights????

SS hasn't got a clue what gets you thru flight school... Hint --- it has a lot more math and science than he has ever tasted..
This is yet another horrible legacy of affirmative action. In flight school, as in all schools, blacks are held to a lower standard. Most of them can't even read or count past 10. We have a right to know.

You are the biggest whiny bitch on the planet. Go patch up your bleeding pussy.
That is fair, Kevin. I don't agree with him on his OP. There is no any evidence of such claims. It actually takes away from the valid concerns many americans are sharing right now on real issues. Which is a shame.

On the subject of Zimmerman, I just read that the defense is expecting to finish up end of today or tomorrow with closing statements coming as early as this Thursday. Just in time for the weekend.

I personally believe Zimmerman should be found guilty of manslaughter. The prosecution didn't do its job. Still if any innocent Americans die because of that fact it will be no different than the two Boston Bombers who maimed and killed because they were unhappy with America.

People cannot prey upon and mass murder innocent people because their skin is a different color. They are no different from any other terrorist and should be prosecuted the same way. imo.

Yea Jeremiah, to be honest I haven't really been keeping up with the trial all that much, but as far as I can gather I feel like Zimmerman was acting in self defense to a degree, but provoked much of the confrontation and therefore probably should get hit with a manslaughter charge.

It's not like Martin was actively tracking Zimmerman down, and/or broke into his home, ect.

Personally, think it's a tad ridiculous how much coverage our media is giving the event. What it does is strengthen people's preexisting stereotypes, and drives our country further apart. I guess it's ratings #1, responsible and meaningful reporting somewhere else (#11?).

Okay does anyone besides me wonder of SS isn't an agent provocateur?

I mean I know lots of racists and none of them are this stupid.

I dunno, the racists I've known are all pretty stupid. That's the main thing they seem to have in common.
Okay does anyone besides me wonder of SS isn't an agent provocateur?

I mean I know lots of racists and none of them are this stupid.

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting you have no arguments.

Hey Shoot, why is it that the only responses - to your own post - are the ones related to personal attacks?

I had a post that refuted all of your OP claims - how come you won't respond to it? Do you only pick and choose things that you can easily respond to without having to think or backup your ideas?

What's the point of being in a discussion forum when you're unwilling to discuss any of the points that you bring up?

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