Should all Trump/Russia collusion threads be moved?

Should all the Trump/Russia collusion threads be moved?

  • No. It is a legitimate issue

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Yes, to the rubber room because it's moonbat shit crazy

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Yes, to the conspiracy section

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Yes and then tucked into one thread because it's repetitive bullshit.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
What's wrong with merging them and leaving them in politics, Pete? I know it's getting boring, but you don't HAVE to read it.

I agree with that. But it seems that on USMB, there is no uniformity. I don't start many threads, but a few of mine got merged into another because somebody beat me to the punch. Yet with these Russia threads, we have one after another and it's littering the forum; nobody seems to address it.

yeah, littering the forum taking space away from OBAMA SUCKS threads.

deal with it princess
And that said....O B A M A S U C K S !
They should all go to the rubber room or conspiracy.


the investigations between Trump/Russia isnt a conspiracy. There was probable cause or there wouldnt be an investigation much less five.

better just suck it up and deal with it
To all those who are still on board with this bogus investigation even in the aftermath of Veritas videos showing FAKE news media was lying all along, I think maybe it's time you experience what Trump is going through.

I mean although to this day the newly formed railroading kangaroo court hit squad that Mueller is spearheading has yet to produce a smoking gun or any evidence at all regarding collusion or obstruction, it still doesn't persuade liberal hate mongers like yourselves from trying to destroy the man this country elected for president. Personally I would like to see Trump be allowed to do some of the things for which we voted him into office but all you whiny little cry babies keep getting in the way of that while you continue supporting the REAL criminals which are left of the aisle.

Yup for some of you I think we should start a new thread stating you are Russian spies who recently infiltrated the U.S. through the southern border and you've been colluding with Hillary Clinton to assassinate Bernie Sanders. Others we'll say belong to the MS13 gang and are involved in guns and drug running in and out of Mexico. And lastly we'll claim another bunch are grabbing children off the streets and sex trafficking them to other countries.

We'll make up enough BS to call for an extensive team of special prosecutors in each case and throw out tidbits of hogwash to keep it going even without a shred of evidence for the next 4 to 8 years destroying your lives in the process. Sound good?
What's wrong with merging them and leaving them in politics, Pete? I know it's getting boring, but you don't HAVE to read it.

I agree with that. But it seems that on USMB, there is no uniformity. I don't start many threads, but a few of mine got merged into another because somebody beat me to the punch. Yet with these Russia threads, we have one after another and it's littering the forum; nobody seems to address it.

yeah, littering the forum taking space away from OBAMA SUCKS threads.

deal with it princess
And that said....O B A M A S U C K S !

yeah, so .. I didnt vote for him.

United States Intelligence does not conduct investigations without probable cause.

What's wrong with merging them and leaving them in politics, Pete? I know it's getting boring, but you don't HAVE to read it.

I agree with that. But it seems that on USMB, there is no uniformity. I don't start many threads, but a few of mine got merged into another because somebody beat me to the punch. Yet with these Russia threads, we have one after another and it's littering the forum; nobody seems to address it.

yeah, littering the forum taking space away from OBAMA SUCKS threads.

deal with it princess
And that said....O B A M A S U C K S !

yeah, so .. I didnt vote for him.

United States Intelligence does not conduct investigations without probable cause.

Please tell me you were just being sarcastic and didn't really mean,
"United States Intelligence does not conduct investigations without probable cause." because otherwise that would be mean you're beyond naive.

Obviously given all the corruption on the left, this entire Mueller crap is just a diversion to keep all eyes off the real criminals which are the Democrats who while all of this is going on, are no doubt spending their days hiding and burying evidence so deep in the ground investigators would have to dig to China to retrieve it.

The real tragedy is that the American people have NO ONE in the least bit interested in doing their jobs regarding bringing the true criminals to justice and instead are allowing the despicable democRATS to run the show and make horses asses out of everyone. Apparently both sides of the aisle think the American people are total idiots and they're right, but only about half the country. The other half that voted for Trump are well aware what's happening.

And therefore, every one of the GOP better get their asses in gear and do something about all this corruption or they themselves will be looking for a job at the end of their terms as well. And I'd suggest that starts with Trey Gowdy who obviously let Hillary walk when he had all he needed to indict her. That BS of allowing Comey's suggestion to stand when he claimed even though he knew Hillary committed several crimes, he didn't feel she should be indicted, was totally absurd. At that second, Trey should have stopped the proceedings and called for a special prosecutor to take over and do an investigation not only regarding Hillary but also on James Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Obama as well. The fact Trey didn't and he just let them walk was testament that he was told to stand down and the fix was in.
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What's wrong with merging them and leaving them in politics, Pete? I know it's getting boring, but you don't HAVE to read it.

I agree with that. But it seems that on USMB, there is no uniformity. I don't start many threads, but a few of mine got merged into another because somebody beat me to the punch. Yet with these Russia threads, we have one after another and it's littering the forum; nobody seems to address it.

yeah, littering the forum taking space away from OBAMA SUCKS threads.

deal with it princess
And that said....O B A M A S U C K S !

yeah, so .. I didnt vote for him.

United States Intelligence does not conduct investigations without probable cause.

Please tell me you were just being sarcastic and didn't really mean,
"United States Intelligence does not conduct investigations without probable cause." because otherwise that would be mean you're beyond naive.

Obviously given all the corruption on the left, this entire Mueller crap is just a diversion to keep all eyes off the real criminals which are the Democrats who while all of this is going on, are no doubt spending their days hiding and burying evidence so deep in the ground investigators would have to dig to China to retrieve it.

The real tragedy is that the American people have NO ONE in the least bit interested in doing their jobs regarding bringing the true criminals to justice and instead are allowing the despicable democRATS to run the show and make horses asses out of everyone. Apparently both sides of the aisle think the American people are total idiots and they're right, but only about half the country. The other half that voted for Trump are well aware what's happening.

And therefore, every one of the GOP better get their asses in gear and do something about all this corruption or they themselves will be looking for a job at the end of their terms as well. And I'd suggest that starts with Trey Gowdy who obviously let Hillary walk when he had all he needed to indict her. That BS of allowing Comey's suggestion to stand when he claimed even though he knew Hillary committed several crimes, he didn't feel she should be indicted, was totally absurd. At that second, Trey should have stopped the proceedings and called for a special prosecutor to take over and do an investigation not only regarding Hillary but also on James Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Obama as well. The fact Trey didn't and he just let them walk was testament that he was told to stand down and the fix was in.

my bad, I left out Agencies ... United States Intelligence Agencies ... 17 in all, and yes they certainly conduct investigations.
Keep whining. The investigations are ongoing. You can't call it a conspiracy theory until it's proven false. Like Benghazi and pizza-gate.

Whining ass mother fuckers.
You're a faggot who robbed a bank and shot 3 tellers but have never been caught.

Now that's TRUE until you PROVE IT FALSE.

Fuck that INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY shit.

Dumbass mother fucker.

Go ahead and see if you can get a law enforcement agency to investigate my bank robbery, bitch. Then we can talk.
Sorry, you're GUILTY, because you can't PROVE IT WRONG. We're just going with that, like you think we should do with PRESIDENT TRUMP.


Nope. You might be too upset to discuss this rationally. Your boy is dirty. Might not be guilty of personally establishing collusion with Putin. But he's ABSOLUTELY guilty of obstruction. He said it himself.

Get used to it. He will be questioned under oath. It will be fantastic.

so huuuuuuuuuge & bigly.
all the candy ass RW snowflakes want it to end. They cant take it like they dished it out.


now remember this girls ...

Trump/Russia is just getting started. He has 3 1/2 more years ... ENJOY !

Oh, we will, because voters will remember how FOS Democrats are in creating fake news, and I hope they consider that next election.

so ray ray, why would alex jones' infowars get press credentials for WH briefings? & why does the grope'nfuhrer have breitbart's steve bannon whispering sweet nothings in his ear everyday?
They should all go to the rubber room or conspiracy.
They should be around at least as long as the Benghazi threads.

yes please. & how many investigations were there? many more than the current russia interference ones.

& hillary testified UNDER OATH for 11 freakin hours & still nuthin'. didn't donnie from queens say he's willing & able to testify himself UNDER OATH?

anybody have faith in that statement? anybody?
It's a conspiracy theory that makes flat earther look like a genius.
That's precious coming from you. Dude, you don't even know the correct verb tense to use in composing your question about ongoing activity.

So in other words, you got nothin'.

That's precious coming from you. Dude, you don't even know the correct verb tense to use in composing your question about ongoing activity.

So in other words, you got nothin'.
Ah, no. I "have" what I earlier wrote.

Though you responded to it with your characteristic drivel and counterfactual speculation it was just that, tosh. I know you thought you'd said something of substance, but you didn't, which is why I opted not to dignify it with a direct rebuttal/refutation.

What I responded to was the irony of your insolent attestation about your intellect, the sparsity of which is apparent in the very post in which you made the claim.
If the mods were to move every thread in the Politics section that was based on rumor, theory, partisan babble, distortion, guesses, unsubstantiated reporting, political attacks, anonymous sources or pure bullshit, the place would get lonely pretty quickly.

Which was bullshit, you should have been satisfied I regarded it as nothing and moved on. Instead you had to jump on your little perch and parrot pseudo-intellectual gibberish like the dedicated zealot you are.

Put them all in this.

You just keep thinking that....

It's something I know.

If you had a functional frontal lobe you would have the capacity to think for yourself and you wouldn't be a leftist drone.

You just keep thinking that....

It's something I know.

If you had a functional frontal lobe you would have the capacity to think for yourself and you wouldn't be a leftist drone.

If your sorry provincial ass had enough money, you'd pay someone to think for you because with your every utterance you bestow nothing beyond boorishly malingering vulgarity that blights society, all and sundry.

You are dismissed.

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