Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
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That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


9000 airstrikes, 2000+ bombs dropped against people you fucking nutters say administration supports.

Can you seriously not spot the insanity of such position?
Now as to the OP. Being a positive type of soul I always try to find a bright side. A silver lining in every cloud. So if Hillary wins and her dreams of bringing in a quizzillion immigrants from the ME, first thing I'm going to do is become a hijab and burka designer.

I will make millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Now as to the OP. Being a positive type of soul I always try to find a bright side. A silver lining in every cloud. So if Hillary wins and her dreams of bringing in a quizzillion immigrants from the ME, first thing I'm going to do is become a hijab and burka designer.

I will make millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

May be you'll be the first, whose design makes hijab and burka almost unnoticeable. When I look at those poor women, bundled up in all black in the summer heat (or any time), I feel really sorry for them.
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It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


9000 airstrikes, 2000+ bombs dropped against people you fucking nutters say administration supports.

Can you seriously not spot the insanity of such position?

75% were never completed. No refineries were hit. The US and the west were holding fire on the refineries because ISIS was selling oil to Turkey. Erdogan was turning around and selling oil and antiquities on the black market.

Don't hand me bullshit. This is common knowledge now. Only when Putin jumped into the fray last year was any progress made against ISIS.

U.S. bombers hold fire on Islamic State targets amid ground intelligence blackout
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.

Frankly, I do't think women care .... the government has already taken control of their ovaries.

They are more interested in the APPEARANCE of a woman president than they are in the competency and qualification of that woman for president.
It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


9000 airstrikes, 2000+ bombs dropped against people you fucking nutters say administration supports.

Can you seriously not spot the insanity of such position?

75% were never completed. No refineries were hit. The US and the west were holding fire on the refineries because ISIS was selling oil to Turkey. Erdogan was turning around and selling oil and antiquities on the black market.

Don't hand me bullshit. This is common knowledge now. Only when Putin jumped into the fray last year was any progress made against ISIS.

U.S. bombers hold fire on Islamic State targets amid ground intelligence blackout

Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!
Now as to the OP. Being a positive type of soul I always try to find a bright side. A silver lining in every cloud. So if Hillary wins and her dreams of bringing in a quizzillion immigrants from the ME, first thing I'm going to do is become a hijab and burka designer.

I will make millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

May be you'll be the first whose design makes them almost unnoticeable. When I look at those poor women, bundled up in all black in the summer heat (or any time), I feel so sorry for them.

I couldn't imagine these poor womens lives. And here women bitch about being oppressed because they are not getting free birth control. YIKES!.
It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


9000 airstrikes, 2000+ bombs dropped against people you fucking nutters say administration supports.

Can you seriously not spot the insanity of such position?

75% were never completed. No refineries were hit. The US and the west were holding fire on the refineries because ISIS was selling oil to Turkey. Erdogan was turning around and selling oil and antiquities on the black market.

Don't hand me bullshit. This is common knowledge now. Only when Putin jumped into the fray last year was any progress made against ISIS.

U.S. bombers hold fire on Islamic State targets amid ground intelligence blackout

Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Sometimes the truth can be found not in what is being said, but what is missing from the picture. Everyone knew that ISIS was raking in millions of dollars to finance their terror organization.

Media black out of what should have been obvious. Who is buying the oil and how are they getting it and who are they selling it to?

Erdogan and Turkey. So what would have been the strategy if the US really wanted to destroy ISIS? Cut the financial support from the oil fields by bombing them and hit the convoys of trucks delivering to Turkey.

AND bitch slapping Erdogan into a new galaxy for supporting ISIS. But no. Nothing was done. Purposefully not done.
12 year old girls that get raped should be scared if Crooked Hillary is elected because she has a record of defending the rapist of 12 year old girls and then laughing about it later.
That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


9000 airstrikes, 2000+ bombs dropped against people you fucking nutters say administration supports.

Can you seriously not spot the insanity of such position?

75% were never completed. No refineries were hit. The US and the west were holding fire on the refineries because ISIS was selling oil to Turkey. Erdogan was turning around and selling oil and antiquities on the black market.

Don't hand me bullshit. This is common knowledge now. Only when Putin jumped into the fray last year was any progress made against ISIS.

U.S. bombers hold fire on Islamic State targets amid ground intelligence blackout

Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Sometimes the truth can be found not in what is being said, but what is missing from the picture. Everyone knew that ISIS was raking in millions of dollars to finance their terror organization.

Media black out of what should have been obvious. Who is buying the oil and how are they getting it and who are they selling it to?

Erdogan and Turkey. So what would have been the strategy if the US really wanted to destroy ISIS? Cut the financial support from the oil fields by bombing them and hit the convoys of trucks delivering to Turkey.

AND bitch slapping Erdogan into a new galaxy for supporting ISIS. But no. Nothing was done. Purposefully not done.

This is how US led coalition helped ISIS and killed pro-government troops in Syria. They called it "mistake", but apparently it was pre-planned.

Putin: We have reached repeated agreements with the Americans that they will differentiate between Jabhat al-Nusra and its like and the so-called healthy opposition forces, including in Aleppo. They have agreed that this is necessary. What’s more, we have even agreed on concrete deadlines, but nothing is done from one month to the next.

We recently reached a ceasefire agreement, a D-day agreement, as our American friends said. I insisted that they first of all resolve the matter of separating Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorists from the healthy opposition forces and only then declare the ceasefire.

But the Americans insisted that we first need to declare a ceasefire and then they will take care of separating the terrorists from the non-terrorists. Finally, we agreed to make concessions, agreed to their terms, and on September 12 declared a day of silence and cessation of hostilities. On September 16, American aircraft launched a strike against Syrian army forces that killed 80 people.

At this same moment, immediately after the airstrike, ISIS launched an offensive in this very same place. Our American colleagues told us that this airstrike was made by error. This error cost the lives of 80 people and, also just coincidence, perhaps, ISIS took the offensive immediately afterwards.

At the same time, lower down the ranks, at the operations level, one of the American military service personnel said quite frankly that they spent several days preparing this strike. How could they make an error if they were several days in preparation?

Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel
Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.
I was comparing celebrity to celebrity fuck head. You post John Voight so I gave De Niro and Arnold.
And I admit that was an error I forgot that De Niro was a democrat ....... I'm a man with integrity that accept if I made an error.
You on the other hand. My dog behave better than you lying bastard scumbag.


Perhaps if you did your research prior to posting you look like such an idiot.

As for women being scared the female interns hoping to get White House duty best hope they don't get assigned anywhere near Billy Boy if the election goes that way. Of course there'll be an enabler wife to ensure everything runs.... smoothly or I'm sure there's a convenient river nearby to get rid of any problems.


Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

1. The Russian expeditionary force has been vastly more harmful to Islamic State forces than the US coalition. The US coalition is sort of on again, off again in its effectiveness, Virginia Senator Richard Black told RT.

RT: Are you surprised that no consensus has been reached between Moscow and Washington?

Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia, 13th District: I know there was a lot of hope initially that the agreement would be successful. I know that the Syrians were excited about it; I know that the Russians were also. But very shortly after the agreement went into effect the US launched a very intense bombing attack against the Syrian Army at Deir ez-Zor. This is an area where the lines were very static, they had not moved very quickly and planes launched an hour-long attack against the Syrian Army. And as John Kerry recently said: “The US jets conduct their strikes with exceptional precision, no other country can match.”
'Russia is the only truly effective fighting force in Syria' - Virginia Senator

2. NY Times:
It reinforced the sense that Mr. Putin has managed to maintain the initiative in Syria against an American president who wants to keep the war at arm’s length.

Since September, when Russia thrust itself into the conflict Mr. Putin has consistently seemed a step ahead of United States on Syria.

3. Independent:
The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

4. At the meeting last week, Mr. Kerry was trying to explain that the United States has no legal justification for attacking Mr. Assad’s government, whereas Russia was invited in by the government.

Mr. Kerry lamented being outmaneuvered by the Russians, expressed disagreement with some of Mr. Obama’s policy decisions and said Congress would never agree to use force.

5. Franco Frattini, former Italian Foreign Minister, currently President of the Italian Society for International Organization: " Both America and the Russian Federation say we want a political process. The problem and frankly speaking a mistake of the Western coalition is not highlighting the distinction between the so-called moderate rebels and not all the terrorist groups because there is an agreement on ISIS but Al-Nusra. There is a shadow position over the inclusion or not of Al-Nusra in the targets. Al-Nusra should be one of the targets."
For the last five and a half years, the US has been backing these opposition organizations in Syria. They have not been successful in toppling the government, but they have been successful in bringing about a lot of social distress and a lot of displacement. And this of course is spilling out beyond the boundaries and borders of Syria itself. But they do not want peace in that country for the simple fact that it will not coincide with what their ultimate objectives are: They want to get rid of the government in Damascus

We see that they accuse Russia in Syria of accusing atrocities, but they say nothing about the organizations they are supporting openly and clandestinely on the ground, and who are creating the situation for all this displacement and disorder in Syria.
'US-led criminal enterprise in Syria threatens the world'
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Women are going to get a lot of freedom back when Trump is elected. There's a lot of work to do folks, but we are going to do it.

Like what? He thinks women who get abortions should be punished. And Pence wants to have funerals for fetal tissue from abortions.

Hey asshole the deal with punishing a woman who has an abortion was a gotcha question by Matthews.

So jerks like you could run around taking the quote out of context. Trump answered that they would be subject to punishment if the law was changed to make abortion illegal.
oh now the realistic prospect of anti choice policy is "out of context" uh huh
1. The Russian expeditionary force has been vastly more harmful to Islamic State forces than the US coalition.

Your response adds up to admitting that I am correct, Russians are in fact propping up Assad's regime and bombing non-ISIS Syrians.
1. The Russian expeditionary force has been vastly more harmful to Islamic State forces than the US coalition.

Your response adds up to admitting that I am correct, Russians are in fact propping up Assad's regime and bombing non-ISIS Syrians.

Are you able to read the whole post or you don't when you don't like the content?

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