Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.
Wow.... Jon Voight... a great American Patriot... Thank you Jon Voight
....and thank you for posting it...

Jon Voight? Robert De Niro and Arnold Z. a republican governor not voting your role model.

Robert De Niro 'Went Off' on Donald Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger will not vote for Republican

Robert De Niro is a Democrat, not a Republican or even a Conservative, he's very Liberal.

That's true. And John Voight is republican.
Wow.... Jon Voight... a great American Patriot... Thank you Jon Voight
....and thank you for posting it...

Jon Voight? Robert De Niro and Arnold Z. a republican governor not voting your role model.

Robert De Niro 'Went Off' on Donald Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger will not vote for Republican

Robert De Niro is a Democrat, not a Republican or even a Conservative, he's very Liberal.

That's true. And John Voight is republican.
So, why did you say that De Niro was republican? That's a lie.
..................................."American women are justifiably concerned that a Trump ‘presidency’ would through judicial appointments jeopardize their right to privacy."
OK PEOPLE: If you have seen any of my postings you have seen that I back up my opinions (generally politely stated) with news articles, document excerpts and pics. I have even tried to have a sense of humor. PEOPLE: I am a female, Hispanic Trump supporter. In other words, I haven't fallen into the hands of the liberal zombie orgy. I don't like their tactics, especially all the nutty hysteria. But that quote above from some ignoramo just makes me mad. Trump would protect the privacy issues that matter to me. Privacy and safety in my home and country that settles back down to "law and order" again. Privacy in female bathrooms in public places. The right to privately worship in a church without Tim Kaine's efforts at retrofitting Christians into his anti- Christian- Christian doublespeak farce worldview. And since Trump is a moderate I don't imagine he would strip abortion away for the feminists that want it. In addition, he will work to improve the national healthcare and life quality for older women because he's a senior citizen. Trump could use to loosen up on solar and climate issues.
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..................................."American women are justifiably concerned that a Trump ‘presidency’ would through judicial appointments jeopardize their right to privacy."
OK PEOPLE: If you have seen any of my postings you have seen that I back up my opinions (generally politely stated) with news articles, document excerpts and pics. I have even tried to have a sense of humor. PEOPLE: I am a female, Hispanic Trump supporter. In other words, I haven't fallen into the hands of the liberal zombie orgy. I don't like their tactics, especially all the nutty hysteria. But that quote above from some ignoramo just makes me mad. Trump would protect the privacy issues that matter to me. Privacy and safety in my home and country that settles back down to "law and order" again. Privacy in female bathrooms in public places. The right to privately worship in a church without Tim Kaine's efforts at retrofitting Christians into his anti- Christian- Christian doublespeak farce worldview. And since Trump is a moderate I don't imagine he would strip abortion away for the feminists that want it. In addition, he will work to improve the national healthcare and life quality for older women because he's a senior citizen. Trump could use to loosen up on solar and climate issues.

Well, AZGAL, it's good to know about existence of such an interesting and thinking person like you.

Welcome to the club of smart women on USMB!
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.
I dont think any sane person wants to see the U.S and Russia go to war. This is a good reason to not have hillary in office. She will do everything she can to start something with them. At best we could hope for a return of the cold war.
Trumps idea of working with Russia to rid the world of ISIS is a much better choice.
And I would prefer not to see innocent people like you, your family and your friends killed by a war of that magnitude in Europe. I just wish the democrats would see it the same way. But evidently, they dont.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.
I dont think any sane person wants to see the U.S and Russia go to war. This is a good reason to not have hillary in office. She will do everything she can to start something with them. At best we could hope for a return of the cold war.
Trumps idea of working with Russia to rid the world of ISIS is a much better choice.
And I would prefer not to see innocent people like you, your family and your friends killed by a war of that magnitude in Europe. I just wish the democrats would see it the same way. But evidently, they dont.

On the other side, Clinton (and Obama) not only have created, financed and supported ISIS (and still are!), but now are spreading ISIS all over the world. They already flooded Europe with at least 5000 terrorists (according to EU officials), now with the help of Clinton (if enough dummies+illegals+dead people+traitors vote for her) they will flood USA the same way.
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Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.

Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.
I dont think any sane person wants to see the U.S and Russia go to war. This is a good reason to not have hillary in office. She will do everything she can to start something with them. At best we could hope for a return of the cold war.
Trumps idea of working with Russia to rid the world of ISIS is a much better choice.
And I would prefer not to see innocent people like you, your family and your friends killed by a war of that magnitude in Europe. I just wish the democrats would see it the same way. But evidently, they dont.

On the other side, Clinton (and Obama) not only have created, financed and supported ISIS (and still are!), but now are spreading ISIS all over the world. They already flooded Europe with at least 5000 terrorists (according to EU officials), now with the help of Clinton (if enough dummies+illegals+dead people+traitors vote for her) they will flood USA the same way.
And then they attack Donald Trump for not wanting to allow this to happen here.
To me its clear which candidate has the best interest of not only the U.S in mind, but the entire world.
and still that traitorous whore Hillary is going to win. I hope the first mother to lose her daughter to these animals is Hillary.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.
the first comment made this entire post not worth reading.
Trump start a war with Russia? really?
I thought Trump was the one that said we should work with Russia, and hillary was the one that said she would wage war against Russia to save her terrorist friends.
Not to mention that the left has been saying that Trump is in bed with Russia.
So which is it, is Trump in debt to Russia? that same Russia that the left is claiming to be supporting Trump and trying ruin hillary? Or does Trump want to go to war with Russia?
Certainly you can see how totally stupid the left is. Claiming Trump was in debt with Russia and best buddies with them didnt work, I know, lets change and suddenly try to claim he is going to try and go to war with Russia.
and the idiot retarded leftwing voters will buy it and try to pass it off as fact.

I was talking that Clinton might start war with Russia, not Trump. Trump wants to cooperate with Russia in fighting ISIS to begin with. And that's would be great for USA, for Russia, for Europe, for all mankind. Whoever doesn't understand it is even too stupid to vote.

We on the European Continent do NOT want war with Russia, this would be a Third War and with nuclear weapons, only the insane would want such a situation.

We will do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen, those of us who are young and with young children, we will NOT allow psychopaths to DESTROY OUR future.

Fuck ISIS, Fuck Aleppo, Fuck the UN, Fuck the Neo-Conservatives.

I would comment Fuck Hillary, but NOBODY wants to fuck Hillary, not even Bill.

View attachment 93651
Fly got taken out by cobwebs. Must have landed on hillarys dried up old vagina. the dead fish smell most likely attracted it
Stratford can you please edit and reduce that gigantum ugly fly to a thumbnail view. My stress level is already high and this will give me nightmares of a George Orwell psycho world under Queen Hillary.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.

You title your thread as if it's about Trump and then talk about Clinton without really mentioning Trump! :lol: WTH?

World is full of paradoxes :) Especially in politics
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia and your men will have to go to fight in that war. Who knows how many lives of Americans it might take. No guarantees your men would come home safe. Besides, they would be defending not so much your country, but the interests of Establishment and Wall Street, which Clinton represents and is a part of.

- an American woman who has a daughter(s). Be prepared Clinton will bring a lot of ME refugees to your country (just like “refugees” in Europe they will appear to be young single men, who actually are supposed to defend their countries from terrorists; nobody will check them at the border, so nobody will actually know how many terrorists will arrive into your country with the help of your new president. ) We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).

- all women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all Americans. In Nice (France) one terrorist on a truck (without any weapon!) killed hundreds. Even the EU officials admit: there are over 5 thousand terrorists among those “refugees”, whom they allowed to flood their countries. Just make a simple calculation and think: how many ordinary people could 5000 terrorists kill if just one killed hundreds. If Clinton wins and brings those thousands of “refugees”, same things will start happening in your country, your city, your neighborhood. Do you want it? Do you need it? I don’t think so. Can you prevent it? Yes. And you know how.

BTW, some American women I know are trying to hurry up to register to vote for Trump. So, not all American women are dumb as Clinton would love them to be.

scared to death?

it's scarier that we're surrounded by misogynists who think this pig is an acceptable candidate.

women are not registering to vote for trump. lol and if any woman you know is that messed up, she's in a minority and already in a red enclave so isn't making a difference.
Hillary Clinton is a dangerous misandrist candidate, who buys into feminist fantasies, such as the wage gap (mind you, while paying more to males in her staff).

She will KILL the males.

Trump is the equality under law candidate.

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