Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

Travel to any large city in Europe. Females of literally any age are terrified of going into any areas where "young muslim men' are hanging out on the street corners.
If the females aren't being sexually assaulted they are being spit on, having piss thrown at them.
If Hillary gets her "open borders" wet dream you all will get to watch the destruction of civil behavior perpetrated by 'young muslim men'
If anyone believes the epidemic of 'young muslim men' destroying all forms of human decency in Europe will not happen in the US they are fucking delusional!
Want a little sample of what Hillary is going to inflict on America? Go into downtown Dearborn this weekend. Bring along your female family members.
Encourage them to dress and behave just like they would anywhere.
Pack extra handi wipes and paper towels and some changes of clothes for your female family members.
Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.
Does Hillary pay you for spreading liberal propaganda on USMB or you are afraid you'll "commit suicide" if you refuse?


Everything I post is confirmed either with facts or with logic or with both while everything you liberals say doesn't make any sense. You never think on your own, you just repeat what you've been told by your Media. The facts in the real life differ quite a bit though.

Unfortunately, your Media only spins anti-Putin and anti-Trump propaganda, but doesn't report about lots of important events. Has your media told you about

- deliberation of Palmyra in spring?
- since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages).
- The ordeal of civilians risking their lives under rebel shelling in government-held western Aleppo does not get much coverage in Western media.
At least 5 children dead as rebels shell govt-controlled area in Aleppo (DISTURBING VIDEO)

And lots of others, That's why I'm here on USMB.
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Wow.... Jon Voight... a great American Patriot... Thank you Jon Voight
....and thank you for posting it...

Jon Voight? Robert De Niro and Arnold Z. a republican governor not voting your role model.

Robert De Niro 'Went Off' on Donald Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger will not vote for Republican

Robert De Niro is a Democrat, not a Republican or even a Conservative, he's very Liberal.

That's true. And John Voight is republican.
So, why did you say that De Niro was republican? That's a lie.

I was comparing celebrity to celebrity fuck head. You post John Voight so I gave De Niro and Arnold.
And I admit that was an error I forgot that De Niro was a democrat ....... I'm a man with integrity that accept if I made an error.
You on the other hand. My dog behave better than you lying bastard scumbag.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)

Can you post this in readable English please? Or, if you don't know how to, you can also post it in Russian because I'm fluent in both.
Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.
Does Hillary pay you for spreading liberal propaganda on USMB or you are afraid you'll "commit suicide" if you refuse?


Everything I post is confirmed either with facts or with logic or with both while everything you liberals say doesn't make any sense. You never think on your own, you just repeat what you've been told by your Media. The facts in the real life differ quite a bit though.

Unfortunately, your Media only spins anti-Putin and anti-Trump propaganda, but doesn't report about lots of important events. Has your media told you about

- deliberation of Palmyra in spring?
- since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages).
- The ordeal of civilians risking their lives under rebel shelling in government-held western Aleppo does not get much coverage in Western media.
At least 5 children dead as rebels shell govt-controlled area in Aleppo (DISTURBING VIDEO)

And lots of others, That's why I'm here on USMB.

It is always hilarious to witness how Russians try to claim that the western media is the one pushing propaganda...while backward Russia's primary news organizations are state run networks.

In the west it is well understood that media's independence is crucial to true democracy, but Russian civilization unfortunately hasn't yet evolved such basic concepts and still tolerates this propaganda bound arrangement.

Putin has been bombing the shit out of Syrian people. ISIS is just a pretense to justify military support to Assad and squash the uprising against his totalitarian regime. Everyone in the world knows it except poor brainwashed Russians.
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Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.
Does Hillary pay you for spreading liberal propaganda on USMB or you are afraid you'll "commit suicide" if you refuse?


Everything I post is confirmed either with facts or with logic or with both while everything you liberals say doesn't make any sense. You never think on your own, you just repeat what you've been told by your Media. The facts in the real life differ quite a bit though.

Unfortunately, your Media only spins anti-Putin and anti-Trump propaganda, but doesn't report about lots of important events. Has your media told you about

- deliberation of Palmyra in spring?
- since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages).
- The ordeal of civilians risking their lives under rebel shelling in government-held western Aleppo does not get much coverage in Western media.
At least 5 children dead as rebels shell govt-controlled area in Aleppo (DISTURBING VIDEO)

And lots of others, That's why I'm here on USMB.

It is always hilarious to witness how Russians try to claim that the western media is the one pushing propaganda...while backward Russia's primary news organizations are state run networks.

In the west it is well understood that media's independence is crucial to true democracy, but Russian civilization unfortunately hasn't yet evolved such basic concepts and still tolerates this propaganda bound arrangement.

Putin has been bombing the shit out of Syrian people. ISIS is just a pretense to justify military support to Assad and squash the uprising against his totalitarian regime. Everyone in the world knows it except poor brainwashed Russians.

Here is a perfect example how Washington "fights" terrorists:

"More than 9,000 Daesh fighters from Mosul will be redeployed to eastern Syria to carry out a large-scale offensive which will involve among other things taking control over Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra," the source detailed.

For Washington, this plan, the source suggested, will be an attempt to diminish Russia's success in Syria. Moscow has been credited with helping the Syrian Arab Army turn the tide of war that has seen Damascus fighting against foreign-sponsored terrorist groups for more than five years.

The expert further said that the Democrats will try to claim any success in Mosul, whether perceived or real.
Washington and Riyadh 'Plan to Let Daesh Leave Mosul and Move to Syria'

The jihadi army – and their families – will allegedly be let back in to Syria to battle president Bashar al-Assad and his Russian allies.
US 'plotting to allow 9,000 ISIS fighters to escape terror capital Mosul', Moscow claims

Thanks to the irresponsible foreign policies of both President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the terrorist group ISIS has been allowed to spread in more than 30 Nations. This group has caused a lot of damage to United States soldiers and civilians.

Meanwhile President Obama and Clinton have never come up with a plan to completely destroy ISIS. Despite the fact that they are the ones that helped create them in the first place, they don’t seem keen on making sure they don’t spread. As a result, other nations have been forced to help clean up their mess.

Russian military leaders have said that President Obama is allowing thousands of ISIS fighters to be given a safe passage out of Iraq! They would then be let back into the country to fight against the Russian army, or go somewhere else to fight them!

The military source in Moscow said: “In preparation for the operation in Mosul, US intelligence agencies and Saudi Arabia agreed that before the assault all militants will be offered a safe route to leave the city with their families.” President Obama is literally allowing people to leave the city!
BREAKING: Obama Approved Operation To Release 9,000 ISIS Soldiers Inside Moscow

And this is how Putin fights terrorists: since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages).

Did your "independent" Media report you about that or it has been too busy with "reporting" whole bunch of alleged stories?
Clinton has opened a wide lead among women in particular — 58 percent to his 35 percent. Among college-educated women, she leads Trump by 19 percentage points, 57 percent to 38 percent.
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)

Can you post this in readable English please? Or, if you don't know how to, you can also post it in Russian because I'm fluent in both.

Trying to ignore question? Ok, fixed :)
Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.
Does Hillary pay you for spreading liberal propaganda on USMB or you are afraid you'll "commit suicide" if you refuse?


Everything I post is confirmed either with facts or with logic or with both while everything you liberals say doesn't make any sense. You never think on your own, you just repeat what you've been told by your Media. The facts in the real life differ quite a bit though.

Unfortunately, your Media only spins anti-Putin and anti-Trump propaganda, but doesn't report about lots of important events. Has your media told you about

- deliberation of Palmyra in spring?
- since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages).
- The ordeal of civilians risking their lives under rebel shelling in government-held western Aleppo does not get much coverage in Western media.
At least 5 children dead as rebels shell govt-controlled area in Aleppo (DISTURBING VIDEO)

And lots of others, That's why I'm here on USMB.

It is always hilarious to witness how Russians try to claim that the western media is the one pushing propaganda...while backward Russia's primary news organizations are state run networks.

In the west it is well understood that media's independence is crucial to true democracy, but Russian civilization unfortunately hasn't yet evolved such basic concepts and still tolerates this propaganda bound arrangement.

Putin has been bombing the shit out of Syrian people. ISIS is just a pretense to justify military support to Assad and squash the uprising against his totalitarian regime. Everyone in the world knows it except poor brainwashed Russians.

And Ukrainians also dug a Black Sea... :)
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)

Can you post this in readable English please? Or, if you don't know how to, you can also post it in Russian because I'm fluent in both.

Trying to ignore question? Ok, fixed :)

No I'm seriously trying to understand what the fuck you are saying, I looked at it again and it is still ill formed nonsense:

"Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you?"


Are you asking if I think that the war is beyond the realm of possibility?? Or that I think that the war will be far away and not concern me?
Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)

Can you post this in readable English please? Or, if you don't know how to, you can also post it in Russian because I'm fluent in both.

Trying to ignore question? Ok, fixed :)

No I'm seriously trying to understand what the fuck you are saying, I looked at it again and it is still ill formed nonsense:

"Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you?"


Are you asking if I think that the war is beyond the realm of possibility?? Or that I think that the war will be far away and not concern me?

At least Putin realizes his responsibility, as a leader of a nuclear power country. The current administration seems to be just insane: they are trying whatever just for one single reason: to stop Trump. Actually, the current administration, creating, financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra, exposes itself as a main terror organization in the world.

Putin: Today, the number one problem in the entire election campaign is Russia. It is the main talking point.

That is very welcome of course, but only partially. Why partially? Because all participants in this process are abusing anti-Russian rhetoric and spoiling our interstate relations. And this is bad both for our countries and for the entire international community. Let us not forget that globally, we bear a special responsibility as the two largest nuclear powers for maintaining international peace and security at the global level.
Russia Calling! Investment Forum
At least Putin realizes his responsibility, as a leader of a nuclear power country. The current administration seems to be just insane: they are trying whatever just for one single reason: to stop Trump.

How are they trying to stop Trump?

Talks about him? How crazy! How insane! OMG!
Putin: Today, the number one problem in the entire election campaign is Russia. It is the main talking point.

Entire campaign about Russia? You Russian nutters have ZERO clue what the fuck you are talking about. Your every post ranges somewhere between hyperbole and lunacy.

Russia is certainly of some discussion given they have recently land grabbed a part of Ukraine, backed Assad's repressive regime in Syria against popular uprising and according to some evidence have involved themselves in hacking emails of an American political party. But it rarely makes up even a small fraction of the of the politics surrounding this election.
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Here is a perfect example how Washington

How about you directly RESPOND to what I said instead of dodging?

You quote my post as if you are responding to it but in reality are simply throwing up a bunch of links that address nothing of what was said.

It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.
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It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

That's what I thought: you'll keep posting your BS anyway. BTW, it's not my job to educate ignorant people like you.
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It's very difficult if not impossible to talk to a deeply brainwashed person. You are stuffed with alleged stories about "Russian aggression", but prefer not to notice Washington aggression. The current administration has created, keeps financing and supporting ISIS and Nusra in ME, Washington is the main terrorist organization in the world. May be if Trump becomes president, your Media will start reporting the truth for change, so you'll finally figure it out. Until then it doesn't make too much sense to talk to you.
View attachment 94116

That's what I thought, now put that tail between your legs and run along Sharik.

P.S. you fucking lunatic: US has been bombing the shit out of ISIS and conducted nearly 9000 airstrikes against them in last two years. You think that's something perhaps worth mentioning when describing administration's attitude towards ISIS? The disconnect between reality and your little brain is astounding.

Of those air missions only 25% dropped bombs. Most airstrikes were on convoys with leaflets dropped in advance to warn the terrorist truck drivers to run away.

Yeah. Obama was real serious about damaging ISIS.


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