Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

They were also bombing al Nusra. You know. AQ in Syria. And bombing FSA. You know. Those hahahaha moderate rebels who were selling all the supplied weaponry to ISIS and al Nusra.

Russia and Syria have been allies for almost three quarters of a century. It is America and other NATO nations who have no business being involved with Syria's destiny considering the West has been backing the Sunni Gulf states to overthrow leaders and establish a complete Wahabi territory.

Proven. CIA has been directly involved. And look at the mess they've created.

Russia as well as being an ally with Syria has actual skin in the game. Last year Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and promised 6,000 plus more men to the terror organization.

Putin's moves also came after ANOTHER United Nations report had ISIS securing huge swathes of territory in Afghanistan away from the Taliban. This puts ISIS at his back door.

Russia has every right to be in Syria to drive out the terrorists. No one else does.
Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

They were also bombing al Nusra. You know. AQ in Syria. And bombing FSA. You know. Those hahahaha moderate rebels who were selling all the supplied weaponry to ISIS and al Nusra.

Russia and Syria have been allies for almost three quarters of a century. It is America and other NATO nations who have no business being involved with Syria's destiny considering the West has been backing the Sunni Gulf states to overthrow leaders and establish a complete Wahabi territory.

Proven. CIA has been directly involved. And look at the mess they've created.

Russia as well as being an ally with Syria has actual skin in the game. Last year Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and promised 6,000 plus more men to the terror organization.

Putin's moves also came after ANOTHER United Nations report had ISIS securing huge swathes of territory in Afghanistan away from the Taliban. This puts ISIS at his back door.

Russia has every right to be in Syria to drive out the terrorists. No one else does.

If Washington did not whine about their "moderate opposition", they badly want to say, Russia would be done cleaning Syria from ISIS. Washington promised to separate their "moderate terrorists" from ISIS in February. Never has done a thing. Why? Because it's tying Russia's hands and saves terrorists.

1. Lavrov stressed the need to separate the so-called moderate opposition from the terrorist groups that continue fighting or to force it to commit to the truce regime, noting in this regard that what is happening is the opposite, since the terrorists are hiding among the ranks of the militants who are considered by Washington to be involved in the truce.
Lavrov reiterates calls to the US side to publish the items of the Russian-US agreement - Moscow Inquirer

2. Lavrov’s Interview to BBC
The US is keeping jihadist group al-Nusra for a “Plan B”, potentially to overthrow Syrian President Assad, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the BBC.

Speaking to the British outlet about increased violence in Syria, including in Aleppo, Lavrov said that Washington has still not delivered on its promise to persuade US-backed rebels to separate from Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists.
Lavrov noted that the West including the US is remaining silent over terrorist re-supplies in the city during the humanitarian pauses agreed between Moscow and Washington."Every time these pauses have been used by Nusra to get from abroad more fighters, more ammunition and more weapons,”the official said.

Lavrov countered that it’s the militants “controlled by al-Nusra” who jeopardize peace efforts. The terrorists are “shielding themselves with other armed groups” in order not to be attacked, Lavrov noted, stressing that Washington needs to do more to persuade moderate forces to dodge any cooperation with Jihadists.
US ‘spare Nusra for plan B’ to change regime in Syria – Lavrov
Russia's Sergei Lavrov: BBC interview in full - BBC News

3. Daniel McAdams is Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity:

No wonder the United States insisted that its Syria ceasefire deal with Russia remain secret! It turns out that one of the US demands was that the Syrian air force must be prohibited from attacking al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria). Crazy conspiracy theory? Listen to John Kerry's own words at the UN

Kerry argued at the UN that it would be impossible to separate Washington's "moderates" from al-Qaeda while al-Qaeda was under attack.

You would think Washington would tell its "moderates": "You must cease and desist from fighting alongside al-Qaeda in Syria within the next 48 hours or you will yourselves become targets of Syrian, Russian, and coalition planes."

Instead Washington argues that because its "moderates" refuse to separate from al-Qaeda the Russians and Syrians must stop attacking al-Qaeda!

George W. Bush famously said, "either you're with us, or you are with the terrorists." But what happens when Washington itself is "with the terrorists"?
In Kerry's Own Words: Syria Prohibited from Attacking al-Qaeda

Putin: What is the difference between terrorists and "moderate" terrorists? Do "moderate" terrorists cut the heads more gently or what?
Lets ask Ambassador Steven if his former boss is suitable to be Commander in Chief.

Oh, wait. He is unavailable for comment.
I was comparing celebrity to celebrity fuck head. You post John Voight so I gave De Niro and Arnold.
And I admit that was an error I forgot that De Niro was a democrat ....... I'm a man with integrity that accept if I made an error.
You on the other hand. My dog behave better than you lying bastard scumbag.

View attachment 94130

Perhaps if you did your research prior to posting you look like such an idiot.

As for women being scared the female interns hoping to get White House duty best hope they don't get assigned anywhere near Billy Boy if the election goes that way. Of course there'll be an enabler wife to ensure everything runs.... smoothly or I'm sure there's a convenient river nearby to get rid of any problems.



You are stupid you don't know what you are taking about. Women should be scared of your role model pussy grabbing Nazi Clown messiah.
Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

1. The Russian expeditionary force has been vastly more harmful to Islamic State forces than the US coalition. The US coalition is sort of on again, off again in its effectiveness, Virginia Senator Richard Black told RT.

RT: Are you surprised that no consensus has been reached between Moscow and Washington?

Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia, 13th District: I know there was a lot of hope initially that the agreement would be successful. I know that the Syrians were excited about it; I know that the Russians were also. But very shortly after the agreement went into effect the US launched a very intense bombing attack against the Syrian Army at Deir ez-Zor. This is an area where the lines were very static, they had not moved very quickly and planes launched an hour-long attack against the Syrian Army. And as John Kerry recently said: “The US jets conduct their strikes with exceptional precision, no other country can match.”
'Russia is the only truly effective fighting force in Syria' - Virginia Senator

2. NY Times:
It reinforced the sense that Mr. Putin has managed to maintain the initiative in Syria against an American president who wants to keep the war at arm’s length.

Since September, when Russia thrust itself into the conflict Mr. Putin has consistently seemed a step ahead of United States on Syria.

3. Independent:
The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

4. At the meeting last week, Mr. Kerry was trying to explain that the United States has no legal justification for attacking Mr. Assad’s government, whereas Russia was invited in by the government.

Mr. Kerry lamented being outmaneuvered by the Russians, expressed disagreement with some of Mr. Obama’s policy decisions and said Congress would never agree to use force.

5. Franco Frattini, former Italian Foreign Minister, currently President of the Italian Society for International Organization: " Both America and the Russian Federation say we want a political process. The problem and frankly speaking a mistake of the Western coalition is not highlighting the distinction between the so-called moderate rebels and not all the terrorist groups because there is an agreement on ISIS but Al-Nusra. There is a shadow position over the inclusion or not of Al-Nusra in the targets. Al-Nusra should be one of the targets."
For the last five and a half years, the US has been backing these opposition organizations in Syria. They have not been successful in toppling the government, but they have been successful in bringing about a lot of social distress and a lot of displacement. And this of course is spilling out beyond the boundaries and borders of Syria itself. But they do not want peace in that country for the simple fact that it will not coincide with what their ultimate objectives are: They want to get rid of the government in Damascus

We see that they accuse Russia in Syria of accusing atrocities, but they say nothing about the organizations they are supporting openly and clandestinely on the ground, and who are creating the situation for all this displacement and disorder in Syria.
'US-led criminal enterprise in Syria threatens the world'

So....... if Putin is so effective in Syria...... Why is it that ISIS still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallons and sell them to Syria? Sure he is killing few ISIS here and there but mostly civilians even as we speak.
Senior and Junior Assad has been murdering his own people for many years. At the same time supporting terrorism with the help of Putin. Dictatorship doesn't last forever one way or the other the people will revolt just like any other countries.

Where do you think the US government should stand?
You are stupid you don't know what you are taking about. Women should be scared of your role model pussy grabbing Nazi Clown messiah.


Yeah. No one's ever accused your rape enablers husband of rape. I can see that now... NOT!

Just as she would never leave people in a lawless foreign country that she helped create to be butchered.

How many people were butchered by your progressive measures a year earlier in Libya? Wasn't the body count well over 25,000 people? Still want to call it a military action? There are wars that have produced less of a death toll than progressive military actions.


You are stupid you don't know what you are taking about. Women should be scared of your role model pussy grabbing Nazi Clown messiah.


Yeah. No one's ever accused your rape enablers husband of rape. I can see that now... NOT!

Just as she would never leave people in a lawless foreign country that she helped create to be butchered.

How many people were butchered by your progressive measures a year earlier in Libya? Wasn't the body count well over 25,000 people? Still want to call it a military action? There are wars that have produced less of a death toll than progressive military actions.



But your messiah support the elimination of Gaddafi. And Dictatorship doesn't last forever. Either we get involved or not people will revolt against dictators.

Nice song by the way.
You are stupid you don't know what you are taking about. Women should be scared of your role model pussy grabbing Nazi Clown messiah.


Yeah. No one's ever accused your rape enablers husband of rape. I can see that now... NOT!

Just as she would never leave people in a lawless foreign country that she helped create to be butchered.

How many people were butchered by your progressive measures a year earlier in Libya? Wasn't the body count well over 25,000 people? Still want to call it a military action? There are wars that have produced less of a death toll than progressive military actions.



Putin: Libya, Iraq was never a centre of terrorism. But after all the government institutions were destroyed, both countries turned into hotbeds of terrorism.

How to proceed with Libya is not clear at all. The state ceased to exist. Now it is a hotbed of terrorism, with a massive flow of refugees. Are you sure our relations with the US deteriorated because of Syria? No, not because of Syria but because of attempts by one country to impose its decisions on the entire world.

We are not against USA, but we are against unilateral and ill-considered decisions that disregard the historical, cultural and religious specificities of any country, even if there are conflicts and tensions there.
Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russian journalists
But your messiah support the elimination of Gaddafi. And Dictatorship doesn't last forever. Either we get involved or not people will revolt against dictators.

Nice song by the way.


Which messiah would that be?

Gaddafi was ruler of that country for decades. He posed no imminent threat to the United States. Yet your messiahs felt an urgent need to throw that region of Africa into upheaval and have four US citizens and over 25,000 people murdered under their watch.

Ruthless dictators are people who want to call a war a military action instead and get around Congress without getting the approval and declaration of war they need to do so.

The butcher progressives are known for their violence as put on display recently in both Dallas and Baton Rouge along with their recent activities in North Carolina.


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Women are going to get a lot of freedom back when Trump is elected. There's a lot of work to do folks, but we are going to do it.

Like what? He thinks women who get abortions should be punished. And Pence wants to have funerals for fetal tissue from abortions.
I am amazed at just how adroitly you, and other liberals, distort the spoken word.

You're right - there's a lot of work to do, but I still don't think you can be saved.
But your messiah support the elimination of Gaddafi. And Dictatorship doesn't last forever. Either we get involved or not people will revolt against dictators.

Nice song by the way.

Which messiah would that be?

Gaddafi was ruler of that country for decades. He posed no imminent threat to the United States. Yet your messiahs felt an urgent need to throw that region of Africa into upheaval and have four US citizens and over 25,000 people murdered under their watch.

September 17: The CIA has been coordinating weapon deliveries on the Turkey-Syria border, German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who recently spoke with a Jabhat al-Nusra commander, said. He added that the US knows that the weapons it delivers to rebels end up with terrorists.

‘US knows weapons sent to Syrian rebels end up with terrorists’ – German journo to RT
Watch the video ^, a jihadist is telling how Washington supplies them with weapons and provides all kins of support.

Jurgen Todenhofer: In Iraq the Saddam's overthrowing cost 1 million lives; in Libya Qaddafi's overthrowing cost 500 thousand lives; in Syria for the sake of Assad's overthrowing 400 thousand people have been already killed. I'd like to ask: how many innocent people have to be killed to overthrow "the dictator"? This is a moral question, which Washington has to answer.
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September 17: The CIA has been coordinating weapon deliveries on the Turkey-Syria border, German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who recently spoke with a Jabhat al-Nusra commander, said. He added that the US knows that the weapons it delivers to rebels end up with terrorists.

‘US knows weapons sent to Syrian rebels end up with terrorists’ – German journo to RT
Watch the video ^, the jihadist is telling how Washington supplies them with weapons and provides all kins of support.

Jurgen Todenhofer: In Iraq the Saddam's overthrowing cost 1 million lives; in Libya Qaddafi's overthrowing cost 500 thousand lives; in Syria for the sake of Assad's overthrowing 400 thousand people have been already killed. I'd like to ask: how many innocent people have to be killed to overthrow "the dictator"? This is a moral question, which Washington has to answer.


The 25,000 I mention in my post are the Libyans murdered during the bombing the US conducted on Obama's orders without Congressional approval.

I figured at minimum ten times that number died in the aftermath as terrorists fought for control there and in other regions. Your input lends credibility to my thoughts on the matter since I was not into doing that much research to discover the truth of the matter.

At least with Bush there was Congressional approval, a Declaration Of War, and a plan to help restore order in the aftermath.

The current policy of just destroying the government and letting the region lawless is the policy of a butcher dictator.


Let’s imagine the sweet dream of many American women comes true and Clinton becomes a president.
Well, if you are:

- an American womanwho has a son(s) and a husband. Be prepared Clinton may start a war with Russia

Do you get paid for your Russian propaganda spreading?

I'm serious, it's really weird.

Where's propaganda? Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you? :)

Can you post this in readable English please? Or, if you don't know how to, you can also post it in Russian because I'm fluent in both.

Trying to ignore question? Ok, fixed :)

No I'm seriously trying to understand what the fuck you are saying, I looked at it again and it is still ill formed nonsense:

"Do you really think, war with Russia will be "somewhere far beyond" for you?"


Are you asking if I think that the war is beyond the realm of possibility?? Or that I think that the war will be far away and not concern me?

Sorry, I've just checked - it really sounds like nonsense in English-Ukrainian translator, instead of Google...
I just used citation, associated with Dark Tower of Steven King - you should read this surely... Forget about question - now I see, war is your target...
Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

They were also bombing al Nusra. You know. AQ in Syria. And bombing FSA. You know. Those hahahaha moderate rebels who were selling all the supplied weaponry to ISIS and al Nusra.

Russia and Syria have been allies for almost three quarters of a century. It is America and other NATO nations who have no business being involved with Syria's destiny considering the West has been backing the Sunni Gulf states to overthrow leaders and establish a complete Wahabi territory.

Proven. CIA has been directly involved. And look at the mess they've created.

Russia as well as being an ally with Syria has actual skin in the game. Last year Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS and promised 6,000 plus more men to the terror organization.

Putin's moves also came after ANOTHER United Nations report had ISIS securing huge swathes of territory in Afghanistan away from the Taliban. This puts ISIS at his back door.

Russia has every right to be in Syria to drive out the terrorists. No one else does.
Since Putin started bombing ISIS in Syria last year (Sept,30), 35 thousands of terrorists have been killed (27 hundreds of Russian and post-Soviet states citizens among them), over 12 thousand square kilometers of Syrian territory has been deliberated from terrorists (over 700 towns and villages). I wonder if Western Media has reported about that?

And Washington pretends "to stop the fire" by pouring more and more gasoline into it!

Here is what Russian bombing in Syria looked like in those opening days compared to American strikes:


Notice something? THEY WERE MOSTLY BOMBING NON-ISIS AREAS. Because ISIS is obviously not their priority - propping up Assad's regime is.

1. The Russian expeditionary force has been vastly more harmful to Islamic State forces than the US coalition. The US coalition is sort of on again, off again in its effectiveness, Virginia Senator Richard Black told RT.

RT: Are you surprised that no consensus has been reached between Moscow and Washington?

Richard H. Black, Senator of Virginia, 13th District: I know there was a lot of hope initially that the agreement would be successful. I know that the Syrians were excited about it; I know that the Russians were also. But very shortly after the agreement went into effect the US launched a very intense bombing attack against the Syrian Army at Deir ez-Zor. This is an area where the lines were very static, they had not moved very quickly and planes launched an hour-long attack against the Syrian Army. And as John Kerry recently said: “The US jets conduct their strikes with exceptional precision, no other country can match.”
'Russia is the only truly effective fighting force in Syria' - Virginia Senator

2. NY Times:
It reinforced the sense that Mr. Putin has managed to maintain the initiative in Syria against an American president who wants to keep the war at arm’s length.

Since September, when Russia thrust itself into the conflict Mr. Putin has consistently seemed a step ahead of United States on Syria.

3. Independent:
The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra. And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

Less than a week after the lost souls of the 'Islamic Caliphate' destroyed the lives of more than 30 innocent human beings in Brussels, we should - should we not? - have been clapping our hands at the most crushing military reverse in the history of Isis. But no.

Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Why, if the Americans hated Isis so much, didn't they bomb the suicide convoys that broke through the Syrian army's front lines? Why didn't they attack Isis?

I could not help but smile when I read that the US command claimed two air strikes against Isis around Palmyra in the days leading up to its recapture by the regime. That really did tell you all you needed to know about the American "war on terror". They wanted to destroy Isis, but not that much.

Aren't we supposed to be destroying Isis? Forget it. That's Putin's job. And Assad's. Pray for peace, folks.
Robert Fisk: Why is David Cameron silent on the recapture of Palmyra?

4. At the meeting last week, Mr. Kerry was trying to explain that the United States has no legal justification for attacking Mr. Assad’s government, whereas Russia was invited in by the government.

Mr. Kerry lamented being outmaneuvered by the Russians, expressed disagreement with some of Mr. Obama’s policy decisions and said Congress would never agree to use force.

5. Franco Frattini, former Italian Foreign Minister, currently President of the Italian Society for International Organization: " Both America and the Russian Federation say we want a political process. The problem and frankly speaking a mistake of the Western coalition is not highlighting the distinction between the so-called moderate rebels and not all the terrorist groups because there is an agreement on ISIS but Al-Nusra. There is a shadow position over the inclusion or not of Al-Nusra in the targets. Al-Nusra should be one of the targets."
For the last five and a half years, the US has been backing these opposition organizations in Syria. They have not been successful in toppling the government, but they have been successful in bringing about a lot of social distress and a lot of displacement. And this of course is spilling out beyond the boundaries and borders of Syria itself. But they do not want peace in that country for the simple fact that it will not coincide with what their ultimate objectives are: They want to get rid of the government in Damascus

We see that they accuse Russia in Syria of accusing atrocities, but they say nothing about the organizations they are supporting openly and clandestinely on the ground, and who are creating the situation for all this displacement and disorder in Syria.
'US-led criminal enterprise in Syria threatens the world'

So....... if Putin is so effective in Syria...... Why is it that ISIS still capable of producing oil by the millions of gallons and sell them to Syria? Sure he is killing few ISIS here and there but mostly civilians even as we speak.
Senior and Junior Assad has been murdering his own people for many years. At the same time supporting terrorism with the help of Putin. Dictatorship doesn't last forever one way or the other the people will revolt just like any other countries.

Where do you think the US government should stand?

Sounds like US should upkeep ISIS... Great! They'll rapidly learn, public murder of US citizens could be unpunished, depending of political games... And they'll spread this fact to whole muslim world... What will be next? :)
The current policy of just destroying the government and letting the region lawless is the policy of a butcher dictator.

I'd like to tell you something worth some attention. which not too many people know. It shows how Russian soldiers in Syria are ready to do a lot of dangerous things, which not too many others are.

Putin: An exotic proposal has been made – I am going to surprise you and your audience. It has been proposed that our armed units, Russian military personnel, be deployed on the road to ensure transit safety. The Russian military, who are courageous and decisive people, have said they would do it.

But I told them that this could only be done jointly with the US, and ordered them to make the proposal. We have proposed this, and they [the Americans] promptly refused.

They do not want to deploy their troops there, but they also do not want to pull these opposition groups back, who are really terrorists. What can we do in this situation?

We must increase mutual trust and admit that these are common threats, and it is only together that we can curtail and eradicate them.
Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel
A Woman's View on Trump

Someone asked a woman how she could vote for Trump, a “misogynist, a racist and a bigot".

Here is her answer:
  • Because I use my head to research and find out what candidates really are, not what the media wants me to think.
  • Because Donald Trump has more women in executive and managerial positions than any comparable company, which tells me he is not a misogynist.
  • Because he pays these women the same or more than their male counterparts, which tells me looks for capacity and skills in people, not color, gender or race.
  • Because he fought the West Palm Beach City Council to be able to open his newly purchased club, so he could include blacks and Jews as members, who had been banned until then. This tells me he is not a racist.
  • Because I am fed up with open borders, millions of illegals in this country costing billions every year... drug cartels operating in our major cities, thousands of illegal criminals on our streets, over 1 million gang members many of which are illegals.. MS 13 gangsters raping and murdering in our communities
  • Because I am fed up with the rampant corruption of this administration including the corrupting and politicizing of the Justice Department & the FBI, and Obama & Clinton's use of government agencies such as the IRS to target individuals and groups opposed to their policies. Accountability in government is paramount, and as this administration has demonstrated, it is a foreign concept to them.
  • Because I fear for my family’s safety if the current trend of not confronting blatant terrorism continues – which is a threat to our way of life.
  • Because I want a Supreme Court that will uphold the Constitution, not behave as minions of the administration. I have had enough with judges who are more like political activists than law enforcers.
  • Because everybody, the left and the right are afraid of him, the left biased news media is pulling out all the stops in their efforts to destroy his image, and even foreign governments are voicing their opinions, so he must be doing something right. Clean house maybe?
  • Because his economic plans makes sense, are conservative in nature, and I vote based of what is best for my family, my friends and my country.
  • Because I am fed up with Obama & Clinton's diminishing, demeaning and demoralizing the American military
  • Because he has raised wonderful children who have turned out to be outstanding, hard working and compassionate adults. He must be doing something right.
  • Because I am fed up with the political correctness gone wild, and because Trump is not afraid to say what everybody thinks but does not dare to say. A thug is a thug, regardless of color, and that's it.
  • Because it is about time someone puts America's interests ahead of other countries.
  • Because I am fed up with Obama & Clinton's war on the Christian religion
  • Because I know he recognizes and embraces America's exceptionalism, and will not tour the World apologizing for who we are. That tells me he is a patriot.
  • Because, unlike HRC, he has actually held a job, worked hard and achieved success.
  • Because I am less offended by what Trump says than what Hillary has done and continues to do including years of lies including Benghazi , corruption, & scandals (Cattlegate, Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster) and now her now illegal e-mail activities
  • Because I do not want Bill Clinton even near or remotely associated with the White House ever again. His Lewinsky affair in the White House, his continuing extra marital affairs and related attempts at cover ups, his disbarment for lying, are a disgrace to the nation

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