Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

That shows how stupid and ignorant you are............ Did you even listen to your orange monkey conversation with Howard Stern, his conversation with Billy Bush, women that comes forward how he intrude them in dressing room, 5 women that comes forward how he assaulted them? Tell me if fucking I'm lying.
What I said, it was a lie that assaulting women would become a norm. That's a lie and who promote the lie become liars themselves. Don't spin.

Spinning? I asked you several times fuck face........ Tell me where I lied?

Assaulting women will become a norm because of fucked up people like you that support Trump. That's a fact........... There are hard evidence that your role model assaulted women and he even brag about it .............. Here you are supporting him. And there are millions of idiots like you that think this is normal. Even at the rally they asked several trump supporters........ oh it's okay. Yes this will be a norm.
Do you have evidence that this will not be a norm?
I am supporting anybody who is planning to bring jobs back, who doesn't want war, who vets immigrants, who prevents the unbridled flow of heroin into the country, who wants daycare tax credit for families, who wants paid maternity leave...etc... now, it that is a bad thing then you have that much brains as a rock (no insult to the rock)

You are deflecting...... Dude that is separate issue........ And why the fuck you cannot talk this without attacking me?

We are talking about your orange monkey behavior and what is normal. Go back to the topic. Answer my question.......... Do you have evidence that this will not be normal?
I am not deflecting, I am focusing on how women would benefit from a Trump presidency. You tried to derail the thread with lies about assault on women would become the norm. I pointed out that it was a lie and since then you are focusing on the lies and on me instead of the issues at hand.

I stayed on the topic...... it's about women scared if Trump won the election..... and I give a real good example why this will be normal because of idiots like you. And you are in big denial.
And I pointed to you why assaulting women will be normal if trump won.
We have problem right now with sexual assault...... Yet your role model bragging and abusing his power against women. Here you are supporting him and this is fucking normal......... That is not a lie. You are denying because you are lying........
Think how many stupid millions supporters like you that think this is normal....... That is not a lie...............
Stay with this topic and do not deflect.
Let me repeat my question again..... Do you have evidence that this will not be normal?
Let me repeat my question again..... Do you have evidence that this will not be normal?
Yes, indeed I do. There are laws in place dealing with assaults against anybody. For assault to become a norm laws need to be changed. Apparently you do not have any idea about the legislative process and display great ignorance in the matter by stating stupidity as you did above, I think you disqualified yourself from an intelligent conversation since you do not possess the mental capability do so and to hide your idiocy you are reverting to trolling.

^^^There it is, that's my answer what you chose to ignore.
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.
You call common sense Russian love fest. Interesting. Why Russia became the enemy all of a sudden? Maybe because Russia stands in the way of Globalists?

You are stupid. Russia has always been an enemy.

:) You have "very strange" knowledges about it... First serious problem with Russia and US were from times, when US occupied Russian territory (not because of, I about time...) Who knows, what could be, if Russia didn't help US in your Civil War or War for Independence? :)
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.
You call common sense Russian love fest. Interesting. Why Russia became the enemy all of a sudden? Maybe because Russia stands in the way of Globalists?

You are stupid. Russia has always been an enemy.

:) You have "very strange" knowledges about it... First serious problem with Russia and US were from times, when US occupied Russian territory (not because of, I about time...) Who knows, what could be, if Russia didn't help US in your Civil War or War for Independence? :)
At those times the U.S. was not under the control of Globalists.
You are deflecting...... Dude that is separate issue........ And why the fuck you cannot talk this without attacking me?

We are talking about your orange monkey behavior and what is normal. Go back to the topic. Answer my question.......... Do you have evidence that this will not be normal?
Yes, indeed I do. There are laws in place dealing with assaults against anybody. For assault to become a norm laws need to be changed. Apparently you do not have any idea about the legislative process and display great ignorance in the matter by stating stupidity as you did above, I think you disqualified yourself from an intelligent conversation since you do not possess the mental capability do so and to hide your idiocy you are reverting to trolling.

Dude your opinion or explanation doesn't mean a diidly squat about what is normal...... This just shows you are an ignorant moron. As always you are lightweight.

Since when it is normal to say pussy grabbing, assaulting women, treating women like a piece of meat, bragging how he force himself to women, talking about his daughter ass in public ........... is acceptable? For you that is acceptable and normal.
Since there are millions of morons like you that think and support this is normal and acceptable ........ this will become a norm if Trump won....... And you DUMBCON have proven yourself here. And that's a fact.
Here is the true choice. We can either:

1. Elect Trump, who will be held accountable by a hostile Congress and an even more hostile media more so than any other President in decades (if not ever).


2. Elect hiLIARy, who along with her hench thugs in the Permanent Administrative State and the Media, will mechanize the federal government against anyone who doesn't support her. She's already promised to void the 1st Amendment. And then there is the bit about all the dirt that Putin, China and other hostile regimes, NO DOUBT gained through hacking her email system, will use to blackmail her. She's an avowed no borders Global Elite Looter who will not protect the National Interests of the citizens of the United States.
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As I understand, while Trump just talking, like teenager in school locker room, Clintons acting. Bill using his position to force young women trainee to make something, that not "secual relations", and Hillary defends a real rapers, letting them to avoid justice "because of a lacks of proofs"...

America needs acting president... US women want a strong arm... :)

Trump wasn't "just talking" as witness the numbers of women who have come forward in recent days.

Trump is a poor choice for President for women, Hispanics, blacks, muslims, and anyone who believes in the freedoms and protections of the US Constitution.
Here is the true choice. We can either:

1. Elect Trump, who will be held accountable by a hostile Congress and an even more hostile media more so than any other President in decades (if not ever).


2. Elect hiLIARy, who along with her hench thugs in the Permanent Administrative State and the Media, will mechanize the federal government against anyone who doesn't support her. She's already promised to void the 1st Amendment. And then there is the bit about all the dirt that Putin, China and other hostile regimes, NO DOUBT have gained through hacking her email system, will use to blackmail her. She's an avowed no borders Global Elite Looter who will not protect the National Interests of the citizens of the United States.

According to you Obama has run roughshod over the Republican Congress and Senate, which has been unable to stop his destruction of the country. Now that same Congress and Senate will reign in Trump.

Ain't gonna happen.
Yes American women should be scared if this orange monkey become a president.
His aggressive behavior, how sees women as a piece of meat, pussy grabbing, assault against women...... will become a norm here in America.
Is this the kind of role model we want for our kids?

Talking to Howard Stern how he bragged invading women's privacy during beauty pageant........... he knows he is being r corded. That is fucking crazy.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

As I repeated several times.... Prove to me where I lied. I'm still waiting. This is your end of the line. Trust me.

Since when it's acceptable that pussy grabbing is acceptable? You are Trump supporter. This prove you are an idiot.
The statement I replied to pointed out that there is no evidence whatsoever that assaulting women would become a norm in the U.S. It is lie. You promoting the lie became a liar yourself. It is not hard to comprehend. Your coherent reply would be appreciated though.

No stupid........ because idiots like you that support Trump seems that pussy grabbing, bragging how he inspect these women as a piece of meat, how he abused his power....... forcing himself against women........ is fucking acceptable.
And if he won...... that will be a norm because we have fucked up people like you.

YES! It's a typical thoughtcrime and Trump guilty in it! Let's make him pariah. You can do anything - have sex with the trainee of White House, defend the serial rapists - but dont' speak about it in debates//. Silence - is a main law of US democracy....

P.S. Glasnost, you've already understood, who will be a next victim :)))
As I understand, while Trump just talking, like teenager in school locker room, Clintons acting. Bill using his position to force young women trainee to make something, that not "secual relations", and Hillary defends a real rapers, letting them to avoid justice "because of a lacks of proofs"...

America needs acting president... US women want a strong arm... :)

Trump wasn't "just talking" as witness the numbers of women who have come forward in recent days.

Trump is a poor choice for President for women, Hispanics, blacks, muslims, and anyone who believes in the freedoms and protections of the US Constitution.

If Trump performed sexual crimes - why we don't know about it? In Russia any candidate in bulletin has info from justice - which crimes he performed... How can be else in a such transparent country, like US? :)
Yes American women should be scared if this orange monkey become a president.
His aggressive behavior, how sees women as a piece of meat, pussy grabbing, assault against women...... will become a norm here in America.
Is this the kind of role model we want for our kids?

Talking to Howard Stern how he bragged invading women's privacy during beauty pageant........... he knows he is being r corded. That is fucking crazy.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

As I repeated several times.... Prove to me where I lied. I'm still waiting. This is your end of the line. Trust me.

Since when it's acceptable that pussy grabbing is acceptable? You are Trump supporter. This prove you are an idiot.
The statement I replied to pointed out that there is no evidence whatsoever that assaulting women would become a norm in the U.S. It is lie. You promoting the lie became a liar yourself. It is not hard to comprehend. Your coherent reply would be appreciated though.

No stupid........ because idiots like you that support Trump seems that pussy grabbing, bragging how he inspect these women as a piece of meat, how he abused his power....... forcing himself against women........ is fucking acceptable.
And if he won...... that will be a norm because we have fucked up people like you.

YES! It's a typical thoughtcrime and Trump guilty in it! Let's make him pariah. You can do anything - have sex with the trainee of White House, defend the serial rapists - but dont' speak about it in debates//. Silence - is a main law of US democracy....

P.S. Glasnost, you've already understood, who will be a next victim :)))

I will let you know if you are even qualified to talk to me.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

Trump is an elite globalist. That's the thing you alt-right types don't understand. He is the very thing he claims to oppose. He gloated about the recession being a good time for him to make money. He's indebted to the Saudi's, the Russians and the Chinese because Americans banks refused to do business with him due to his multiple bankrupcies.

Here's the thing you stupid white guys don't ever seem to notice about Trump: When he talks about white men, he talks in terms of "we" and "us", and when he talks about women, Hispanics, blacks, and Muslims, it's "they" and "them". His whole campaign is "us" vs "them". Everything is for "us", meaning white men.

The problem is that the politics of "us and them" reduces his target audience to about 30% of American voters. When you write off 70% of the voters by demeaning, insulting and dismissing them as irrelevant losers, you have little hope of getting people on board with your message.

Pussy gonna take Trump down. Even the women in his own family have turned on him. Tiffany refused to kiss her father after the debate. Melania wore a hot pink "Pussy Bow" blouse to the second debate. Ivanka hasn't appeared publically on his behalf since she walked off the Cosmo interview.

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Women are coming out of the woodwork with "Trump assaulted me" stories, and we already have Trump on tape, more than once, admitting that yes he routinely sexually assaulted women and got away with it because he was famous, and yes, he did walk into beauty pageant dressing rooms, and yes he said it was perfectly acceptable to call his daughter a "piece of ass". Disgusting.
Trump is an elite globalist. That's the thing you alt-right types don't understand. He is the very thing he claims to oppose. He gloated about the recession being a good time for him to make money. He's indebted to the Saudi's, the Russians and the Chinese because Americans banks refused to do business with him due to his multiple bankrupcies.
He owes to the Saudis? hahaha.. Hillary got a better deal with them then, she got millions from them in return of.....????? while Secretary of Sate. Impropriety? Nah...we just turn our head the other way...
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

As I repeated several times.... Prove to me where I lied. I'm still waiting. This is your end of the line. Trust me.

Since when it's acceptable that pussy grabbing is acceptable? You are Trump supporter. This prove you are an idiot.
The statement I replied to pointed out that there is no evidence whatsoever that assaulting women would become a norm in the U.S. It is lie. You promoting the lie became a liar yourself. It is not hard to comprehend. Your coherent reply would be appreciated though.

No stupid........ because idiots like you that support Trump seems that pussy grabbing, bragging how he inspect these women as a piece of meat, how he abused his power....... forcing himself against women........ is fucking acceptable.
And if he won...... that will be a norm because we have fucked up people like you.

YES! It's a typical thoughtcrime and Trump guilty in it! Let's make him pariah. You can do anything - have sex with the trainee of White House, defend the serial rapists - but dont' speak about it in debates//. Silence - is a main law of US democracy....

P.S. Glasnost, you've already understood, who will be a next victim :)))

I will let you know if you are even qualified to talk to me.

Why so late? Because I'm not enough white in your conceptions?
As I understand, while Trump just talking, like teenager in school locker room, Clintons acting. Bill using his position to force young women trainee to make something, that not "secual relations", and Hillary defends a real rapers, letting them to avoid justice "because of a lacks of proofs"...

America needs acting president... US women want a strong arm... :)

Trump wasn't "just talking" as witness the numbers of women who have come forward in recent days.

Trump is a poor choice for President for women, Hispanics, blacks, muslims, and anyone who believes in the freedoms and protections of the US Constitution.

If Trump performed sexual crimes - why we don't know about it? In Russia any candidate in bulletin has info from justice - which crimes he performed... How can be else in a such transparent country, like US? :)

Did you not hear Trump brag about groping women and getting away with it because he's famous? He's already told the American public, on more than one occasion, that this is what he does around attractive women. When Mike Tyson was tried, convicted and imprisoned for rape, Trump was one of his staunchest defenders, who vilified his victim.

Women are now coming forward and confirming the things Trump bragged about on those tapes. And there are numerous "unnamed sources" from Trump's TV show, and corporations who refuse to come forward fearing being treated like Alicia Machada, or fired. I don't place much stock in unnamed sources, and with ironclad non-disclosure agreements in place and Trump's penchant for law suits, I don't expect his treatment of women working on this TV show to ever be made public. That's how powerful men protect themselves from being turned on by those they interact with on a daily basis.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

Trump is an elite globalist. That's the thing you alt-right types don't understand. He is the very thing he claims to oppose. He gloated about the recession being a good time for him to make money. He's indebted to the Saudi's, the Russians and the Chinese because Americans banks refused to do business with him due to his multiple bankrupcies.

Here's the thing you stupid white guys don't ever seem to notice about Trump: When he talks about white men, he talks in terms of "we" and "us", and when he talks about women, Hispanics, blacks, and Muslims, it's "they" and "them". His whole campaign is "us" vs "them". Everything is for "us", meaning white men.

The problem is that the politics of "us and them" reduces his target audience to about 30% of American voters. When you write off 70% of the voters by demeaning, insulting and dismissing them as irrelevant losers, you have little hope of getting people on board with your message.

Pussy gonna take Trump down. Even the women in his own family have turned on him. Tiffany refused to kiss her father after the debate. Melania wore a hot pink "Pussy Bow" blouse to the second debate. Ivanka hasn't appeared publically on his behalf since she walked off the Cosmo interview.

Tie-neck silk-georgette blouse | Gucci | MATCHESFASHION.COM

Women are coming out of the woodwork with "Trump assaulted me" stories, and we already have Trump on tape, more than once, admitting that yes he routinely sexually assaulted women and got away with it because he was famous, and yes, he did walk into beauty pageant dressing rooms, and yes he said it was perfectly acceptable to call his daughter a "piece of ass". Disgusting.

How can you seriously discuss the thing, who is sexually abusing of telling any mucks at the threshhold of nuclear war? Is it would be bad, if Trump will continue to talking bad things about women, but you wouldn't die from radiation illness? I'm really choking of your logic...
Trump is an elite globalist. That's the thing you alt-right types don't understand. He is the very thing he claims to oppose. He gloated about the recession being a good time for him to make money. He's indebted to the Saudi's, the Russians and the Chinese because Americans banks refused to do business with him due to his multiple bankrupcies.
He owes to the Saudis? hahaha.. Hillary got a better deal with them then, she got millions from them in return of.....????? while Secretary of Sate. Impropriety? Nah...we just turn our head the other way...

The Trump Hotel in Toronto, was built with Saudi money. Trump announced the construction with great fan-fan in 1999. Originally it was to be a condo but nobody was buying, in large part because Trump's name was poison after his Atlantic City bankruptcies. The Saudi's rescued the project financially and it became the Trump Hotel. Construction commenced in 2007. I have friends who worked on the construction and he said that Trump's name was on it but the Saudi's signed his paychecks.

One of the Saudi oil sheiks has commented on how many times he personally bailed Trump out, and thinks it's kind of two-faced of him to take Saudi money and then bad mouth Muslims. I'm paraphrasing of course.
Trump is an elite globalist. That's the thing you alt-right types don't understand. He is the very thing he claims to oppose. He gloated about the recession being a good time for him to make money. He's indebted to the Saudi's, the Russians and the Chinese because Americans banks refused to do business with him due to his multiple bankrupcies.
He owes to the Saudis? hahaha.. Hillary got a better deal with them then, she got millions from them in return of.....????? while Secretary of Sate. Impropriety? Nah...we just turn our head the other way...

DUMBCON you are lying again......He owe a lot of money everywhere. He has several business in ME. So......... do you have proof that he doesn't owe any money to Saudis? Since he doesn't release his tax returns who the hell knows what his business dealings are.

As I repeated several times.... Prove to me where I lied. I'm still waiting. This is your end of the line. Trust me.

Since when it's acceptable that pussy grabbing is acceptable? You are Trump supporter. This prove you are an idiot.
The statement I replied to pointed out that there is no evidence whatsoever that assaulting women would become a norm in the U.S. It is lie. You promoting the lie became a liar yourself. It is not hard to comprehend. Your coherent reply would be appreciated though.

No stupid........ because idiots like you that support Trump seems that pussy grabbing, bragging how he inspect these women as a piece of meat, how he abused his power....... forcing himself against women........ is fucking acceptable.
And if he won...... that will be a norm because we have fucked up people like you.

YES! It's a typical thoughtcrime and Trump guilty in it! Let's make him pariah. You can do anything - have sex with the trainee of White House, defend the serial rapists - but dont' speak about it in debates//. Silence - is a main law of US democracy....

P.S. Glasnost, you've already understood, who will be a next victim :)))

I will let you know if you are even qualified to talk to me.

Why so late? Because I'm not enough white in your conceptions?

I'm not talking about colors. I'm talking about your knowledge and agenda that you don't have.
How can you seriously discuss the thing, who is sexually abusing of telling any mucks at the threshhold of nuclear war? Is it would be bad, if Trump will continue to talking bad things about women, but you wouldn't die from radiation illness? I'm really choking of your logic...

The only person in this campaign talking about nuclear weapons is Donald Trump. Putin desperately wants Trump in the White House because Trump is an idiot. Putin is now claiming Hillary will start nuclear war if she's elected, and Putin is full of shit.

I trust Hillary with nukes more than any of the candidates. I trust her foreign policy experience and she's dealt with Putin in the past. Look how she manhandled Trump in the debates. Putin is scared shitless of Hillary because she's smarter than him.

Since the Russian economy is collapsing due to low oil prices, Putin is seeking to distract Russians from their economic woes by reclaiming the old Soviet empire. The problem for Putin's plans is that a number of former Soviet satellite nations have joined NATO since the fall of the USSR, and the United States is pledged to protect them.

Trump has said that NATO should be scrapped, and that as President, he will not defend NATO countries who haven't met their financial commitments to the Alliance. This plays into Putin's expansion plans. Clinton has pledged to defend NATO Allies. Putin is actively trying to influence this American election so that he can continue to expand the Russian Empire.
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