Should American Women Be Scared to Death if Trump Wins or Vice Versa?

We all were shocked how those “refugees” were raping and sexually assaulting the women in Cologne (as well as in many other places) and neither police nor the press were not allowed to prevent and to report about that. The ordinary people in the EU would love (but can’t now!) to send all those “refugees” back. In this country it’s still possible to prevent it by just not voting for Clinton (in just a few days this will be too late to repair).
I am not sure if Clinton supporters realize that she wants to increase "importing" young Muslim potential rapists and terrorists by 550% on our tax dollars! We pay for our own demise...The blindness of devotional Clinton supporters is like a cult.
The problem with Hillary is: she cares about Trump, Sunders and her own supporters the same way: she doesn't care about anybody at all. After she brings a lot of refugees/terrorists into the country (as soon as she's a president) and they start blowing up civilians (regardless of their political views) just like they are (and will be!) doing it now in Europe, even her supporters will realize what a mistake they've made with voting for her, but it will sure be too late..

Or somebody thinks the terrorists will give you a warning "Hey, people, we are going to blow you up in a moment. So, Hillary supporters, step aside, would you?"
The problem I see is with Clinton bringing unvetted people in that they will do harm here when they have enough of them in the country, especially on fast track citizenship. What I do not understand though why they cannot see the reason that terrorists did not do more terrorist acts. First they have to saturate the country. If they start blowing things up now, they work against themselves.
The problem I see is with Clinton bringing unvetted people in that they will do harm here when they have enough of them in the country, especially on fast track citizenship. What I do not understand though why they cannot see the reason that terrorists did not do more terrorist acts. First they have to saturate the country. If they start blowing things up now, they work against themselves.
Clinton will do whatever her bosses, Soros&Co will tell her to. I don't understand why, but they seem to enjoy ruining all the world: ME, EU,almost all post-Soviet states. Now they are about to ruin your country.

One reason they hate Russia so much is: Putin is not allowing them to mess with the country he's in charge. Recently Putin has kicked out a lot of Soros' NGO [Non-Government Organizations] from Russia. Made Soros pretty darn mad...
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.

If you keep your eye on recent events, you should know, John Kirby was threatening: Russia will receive their soldiers in bags and their cities may be blown. How would you liberals yell if Russian spokesperson said something like that about American soldiers and American cities? I'm just curious...

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American women ?

don't sell his sorry ass short ... there's only one American in his Miss Universe pageant ... and he's on record getting sb2 visas for over 250 foreign models ...
You said visas? They were legally here then, right? But let's return to the topic.
Yes, American women should be scared if Clinton is elected. Their sons and husbands and daughters and grand children will die in an all out war with Russia. The war mongers are already beating their war drums against Russia and ratcheting up their inflammatory propaganda.

You DO realize that all acts of terror that were done on American soil were because of either (a) US born citizens, (b) US naturalized citizens, or (c) foreign citizens who came here on a VISA.

None of the terror attacks have been done by refugees.
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.

Just for academician interest - could you said the same, if we not Russian, but, for example, Indian or African?
American women ?

don't sell his sorry ass short ... there's only one American in his Miss Universe pageant ... and he's on record getting sb2 visas for over 250 foreign models ...
You said visas? They were legally here then, right? But let's return to the topic.
Yes, American women should be scared if Clinton is elected. Their sons and husbands and daughters and grand children will die in an all out war with Russia. The war mongers are already beating their war drums against Russia and ratcheting up their inflammatory propaganda.

You DO realize that all acts of terror that were done on American soil were because of either (a) US born citizens, (b) US naturalized citizens, or (c) foreign citizens who came here on a VISA.

None of the terror attacks have been done by refugees.

It's right for US, not for EU. In EU a lot of terrorists and crimes live and act under "refugee" label..
American women ?

don't sell his sorry ass short ... there's only one American in his Miss Universe pageant ... and he's on record getting sb2 visas for over 250 foreign models ...
You said visas? They were legally here then, right? But let's return to the topic.
Yes, American women should be scared if Clinton is elected. Their sons and husbands and daughters and grand children will die in an all out war with Russia. The war mongers are already beating their war drums against Russia and ratcheting up their inflammatory propaganda.

As I understand, while Trump just talking, like teenager in school locker room, Clintons acting. Bill using his position to force young women trainee to make something, that not "secual relations", and Hillary defends a real rapers, letting them to avoid justice "because of a lacks of proofs"...

America needs acting president... US women want a strong arm... :)
American women ?

don't sell his sorry ass short ... there's only one American in his Miss Universe pageant ... and he's on record getting sb2 visas for over 250 foreign models ...
You said visas? They were legally here then, right? But let's return to the topic.
Yes, American women should be scared if Clinton is elected. Their sons and husbands and daughters and grand children will die in an all out war with Russia. The war mongers are already beating their war drums against Russia and ratcheting up their inflammatory propaganda.

You DO realize that all acts of terror that were done on American soil were because of either (a) US born citizens, (b) US naturalized citizens, or (c) foreign citizens who came here on a VISA.

None of the terror attacks have been done by refugees.
If you cannot see the tactical importance of laying low in order of NOT to antagonize the population, not to fuel anti "fake refugee" sentiments, then I cannot help you. And again, they are not refugees. They are getting paid to leave their shitholes as part of the bigger plan to destroy Western civilization.
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.
You call common sense Russian love fest. Interesting. Why Russia became the enemy all of a sudden? Maybe because Russia stands in the way of Globalists?
Oh, what a nice little Russian love fest going on're only missing tiny dncer! :rolleyes:

No one's going to war with Russia, UNLESS Russia begs for it... diplomacy usually works its way through....and if one fails, try, try, again.
You call common sense Russian love fest. Interesting. Why Russia became the enemy all of a sudden? Maybe because Russia stands in the way of Globalists?

If somebody wants to know why Russia became an enemy all of the sudden, read the following article. It goes through the events since the USSR collapsed (Yeltsin's times) and until now, when Putin stood up for his country:

By Sam Gerrans, an English writer, translator, support counselor and activist.

Under Yeltsin, Russia became a vassal state of the type the US specializes in. Vitally, it created – or rather recreated – the Russian Central Bank, and pegged the ruble to the dollar. This meant that it had surrendered currency sovereignty.

As Nathan Rothschild famously said: “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.”

With Russia on its knees in abject abasement before the power of the international banking elite the US Administration was – at last – happy with Russia.

Russia under Putin – ever so slowly – became something like a proper country again.

And almost on a parity with the rate at which Russia climbed off her knees and onto her feet, the US position towards it soured.

Soft Cold War combined with a Hard Cold War as the US destabilized countries traditionally under Russia’s umbrella.

Like any psychopath, the US claims good intentions. Generically, it claims to wish to spread Democracy. Democracy is a concept sufficiently elastic to adapt to all and any requirements, but given what the US does rather than what it says, Democracy may reasonably be inferred to meaSince wars require funding and according to my analysis the money spigot terminus is controlled at the Bank of International Settlements, I regard wars as a mechanism for achieving unstated (and often superficially contradictory) social-engineering outcomes which, by means of the Hegelian dialectic, serve the interests of bodies which transcend any particular government.n complete abjection before the international banking elite.there can be no doubt who is the aggressor; the US has consistently attacked and undermined Russia and destroyed her allies over many decades. These are simply facts.

American aggression against Russia is nothing new
Yes American women should be scared if this orange monkey become a president.
His aggressive behavior, how sees women as a piece of meat, pussy grabbing, assault against women...... will become a norm here in America.
Is this the kind of role model we want for our kids?

Talking to Howard Stern how he bragged invading women's privacy during beauty pageant........... he knows he is being r corded. That is fucking crazy.
Yes American women should be scared if this orange monkey become a president.
His aggressive behavior, how sees women as a piece of meat, pussy grabbing, assault against women...... will become a norm here in America.
Is this the kind of role model we want for our kids?

Talking to Howard Stern how he bragged invading women's privacy during beauty pageant........... he knows he is being r corded. That is fucking crazy.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.
Establishment/Elites have been building this world to suit themselves since the USSR collapse or even earlier. They have spent lots of money, they have brought bunch of their puppets to power in many countries (including this one), they have brainwashed millions of people so that those people could feel comfortable in artificially created "reality" and if Trump wins, all that expensive construction will collapse and they will become nobody. Trump said: "On January,20 all Americans will wake up in a different world!" But so will the Elites. And what will be good for the majority of Americans won't necessary be good for the Elites.

That's why they are fighting for "Anybody but Trump" for president and that's why the rest of the people should stand for "Nobody but Trump!"
yes very afraid

yes very afraid

Look at that lapel pin. What does that tell you? It is customary for politicians to have the American flag lapel pin to show their fake loyalty to the country. Slick has a "Hillary" lapel pin. Nothing is wrong with that but it shows that his fake loyalty is not for the country any longer but he displays his real loyalty to a criminal bitch. At least he is honest about that one and honesty is respectable.
Yes American women should be scared if this orange monkey become a president.
His aggressive behavior, how sees women as a piece of meat, pussy grabbing, assault against women...... will become a norm here in America.
Is this the kind of role model we want for our kids?

Talking to Howard Stern how he bragged invading women's privacy during beauty pageant........... he knows he is being r corded. That is fucking crazy.
That's a lie based on assumptions and anti-American propaganda. Trump wants to break the diabolical cycle of the ruling elite who are the puppets of Gobalists. The porn industry has been alive and well for over half a century now without Trump and you have to admit it. You are lying again.

As I repeated several times.... Prove to me where I lied. I'm still waiting. This is your end of the line. Trust me.

Since when it's acceptable that pussy grabbing is acceptable? You are Trump supporter. This prove you are an idiot.

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