Should anti-vaxers be denied ICU treatment for COVID?

Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
So you are for irrational discrimination...

It seems you have bought into Lying Joe Biden's debunked bullshit about how vaccinated people cannot get the virus or pass it own. Hell, TRIPLE vaccinated people on Biden's own staff have gotten COVID, yet the media lets the crazy bastard get away with repeating the lie over and over.

Biden has demonized the unvaccinated so much that idiots like you are all for punishing or letting them die if they get COVID.

Well, what about the vaccinated? If you are triple vaccinnated and get the virus, which Biden claims is impossible, you should be abandoned to die as well. Since Joe says it's not possible they are obviously lying and unvaccinated.

Biden has also sold you on '1 size fits all' for the vaccine. A POLITICIAN has declared HIS word is law over what medical professionals / doctors say. If you have an existing condition that getting the vaccine may cause you harm no need to consult your personal physician - Biden says you'll be fine.

Religious and other civil and Constitutional Rights? Biden and Marcist Dems claim they know what's better for you than your own doctor AND you need to get used to surrendering your rights when Democrats say you have a good little sheep.

I also posted a study published by the primary Inventor of the vaccine. He wrote how Pfizer bypassed safety protocols and testing requirements in a rush to produce the vaccine. During testing the fact that the vaccine potentially would cause heart problems was detected. Pfizer was caught manipulating the data - something they have a long history of doing and paying millions of dollars in fines for.

A panel of doctors studied the data and wrote there was nothing to prevent the vaccine from being given emergency use approval. Everyone of these doctors were on Pfizer's board, owned Pfizer stock, or was paid by Pfizer.

Pfizer argued that the best way to find serious medical problems with the vaccine was to release / use it on people. The CDC amazingly agreed and it was granted emergency use...amazing if you don't think most of the CDC members owning Pfizer stock is a problem.

In the 1st several months of uuse Pfizer reported inconsequential deaths (there were 1200) and minor problems / complications (some 25,000, to include micaditis). The doctor who revealed all of this added that research shows the potential for people who have heart problems as a result but do not die are extremely likely die within the next 6 years.

This was not and has not been highly reported...and for good reason. ALL of this is more than enough justification for Americans to refuse to blindly obey and get vaccinated without conferring with their doctors and / or making up their own minds about the risks.

Those who have chosen not to be vaccinated - many of them - are not the monsters Biden gas made them out to be but are following the science and weighing the risks for themselves ... instead of being sheep, some being led to the slaughter.
So you are for irrational discrimination...

It seems you have bought into Lying Joe Biden's debunked bullshit about how vaccinated people cannot get the virus or pass it own. Hell, TRIPLE vaccinated people on Biden's own staff have gotten COVID, yet the media lets the crazy bastard get away with repeating the lie over and over.

Biden has demonized the unvaccinated so much that idiots like you are all for punishing or letting them die if they get COVID.

Well, what about the vaccinated? If you are triple vaccinnated and get the virus, which Biden claims is impossible, you should be abandoned to die as well. Since Joe says it's not possible they are obviously lying and unvaccinated.

Biden has also sold you on '1 size fits all' for the vaccine. A POLITICIAN has declared HIS word is law over what medical professionals / doctors say. If you have an existing condition that getting the vaccine may cause you harm no need to consult your personal physician - Biden says you'll be fine.

Religious and other civil and Constitutional Rights? Biden and Marcist Dems claim they know what's better for you than your own doctor AND you need to get used to surrendering your rights when Democrats say you have a good little sheep.

I also posted a study published by the primary Inventor of the vaccine. He wrote how Pfizer bypassed safety protocols and testing requirements in a rush to produce the vaccine. During testing the fact that the vaccine potentially would cause heart problems was detected. Pfizer was caught manipulating the data - something they have a long history of doing and paying millions of dollars in fines for.

A panel of doctors studied the data and wrote there was nothing to prevent the vaccine from being given emergency use approval. Everyone of these doctors were on Pfizer's board, owned Pfizer stock, or was paid by Pfizer.

Pfizer argued that the best way to find serious medical problems with the vaccine was to release / use it on people. The CDC amazingly agreed and it was granted emergency use...amazing if you don't think most of the CDC members owning Pfizer stock is a problem.

In the 1st several months of uuse Pfizer reported inconsequential deaths (there were 1200) and minor problems / complications (some 25,000, to include micaditis). The doctor who revealed all of this added that research shows the potential for people who have heart problems as a result but do not die are extremely likely die within the next 6 years.

This was not and has not been highly reported...and for good reason. ALL of this is more than enough justification for Americans to refuse to blindly obey and get vaccinated without conferring with their doctors and / or making up their own minds about the risks.

Those who have chosen not to be vaccinated - many of them - are not the monsters Biden gas made them out to be but are following the science and weighing the risks for themselves ... instead of being sheep, some being led to the slaughter.
What slaughter? Which unfounded conspiracy are you sucking on?
What slaughter? Which unfounded conspiracy are you sucking on?
'Slaughter', as in all of the people who have died from the vaccine, developed the miocarditis, etc....conditions they KNEW were dangers to some in the vaccine, as testing proved but which they ignored in their rush to get emergency approval for use.

Again, this was proven in the doctor's published report.
I have no sympathy for hospitals that are shorthanded and overwhelmed. They fired employees that refused the vax. They sent out thousands of home covid tests flooding the area with positive covid tests. Now hundreds of not sick people are trying to get into hospitals.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?

I can't ever advocate withholding medical treatment from anybody, but this is a case where they need to create those so called "death panels", groups of medical professionals who ration out care when it's in short supply. Where they reserve hospital and ICU beds for those with the most points.

With the vaccinated receiving extra points because of higher likelyhood of survival, and the unvaccinated losing points.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?

Do we deny emergency care to people who were at fault in car accidents. Do we deny emergency care to people who overdose on drugs or alcohol. Do we deny emergency healthcare to a person who suffered a heart attack from smoking all their life. The answer is No. Anyone who would deny someone treatment based on their refusal to take a certain injection is a very small pitiful person. They need some serious help.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
Yes, I believe unvaccinated patients should be denied ICU beds, but I think a triage should be set-up in a separate facility (say, a parking garage) and unvaccinated patients treated there, freeing up ICU beds.
The Hippocratic Oath (Modern Version) I SWEAR in the presence of the Almighty and before my family, my teachers and my peers that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this Oath and Stipulation. TO RECKON all who have taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents and in the same spirit and dedication to impart a knowledge of the art of medicine to others. I will continue with diligence to keep abreast of advances in medicine. I will treat without exception all who seek my ministrations, so long as the treatment of others is not compromised thereby, and I will seek the counsel of particularly skilled physicians where indicated for the benefit of my patient. I WILL FOLLOW that method of treatment which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patient and abstain from whatever is harmful or mischievous. I will neither prescribe nor administer a lethal dose of medicine to any patient even if asked nor counsel any such thing nor perform the utmost respect for every human life from fertilization to natural death and reject abortion that deliberately takes a unique human life. WITH PURITY, HOLINESS AND BENEFICENCE I will pass my life and practice my art. Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual. Into whatever patient setting I enter, I will go for the benefit of the sick and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief or corruption and further from the seduction of any patient. WHATEVER IN CONNECTION with my professional practice or not in connection with it I may see or hear in the lives of my patients which ought not be spoken abroad, I will not divulge, reckoning that all such should be kept secret. WHILE I CONTINUE to keep this Oath unviolated may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art and science of medicine with the blessing of the Almighty and respected by my peers and society, but should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse by my lot.
That's not the oath my daughter, the emergency room doctor took.
Yes, I believe unvaccinated patients should be denied ICU beds, but I think a triage should be set-up in a separate facility (say, a parking garage) and unvaccinated patients treated there, freeing up ICU beds.

Of course you do. You need help.
False narrative. CDC approved vaccines are researched for POSITIVE medical treatment, and if they have problems, THEN they should be treated.
If you choose NOT to follow medically approved treatment, then you should go to the end of the line, or be serviced by your own family.
Like Lipitor which arthritis in 95% of the people who take it?

So they fired all the unvaccinated workers who don't have covid and allowed the vaccinated with covid to work. I really don't have any words to describe stuff like this.
The reality is no covid patient should be in the ICU.
When the cytokine storm hits, that should be reduced with immuno suppressants, and not the ICU.
If the lungs start to fill with liquid phlegm, a ventilator can not possibly do any good.
You can not force air into something filled with liquid.
All you will do is cause the lungs to hemorrhage.

Instead, Germany, Russia, Israel, etc., has found it is better to NOT put any covid patients into the ICU on ventilators, and instead keep them conscious and rotating, especially face down, to drain the lungs.
And by the way, there has never been an overwhelmed hospital yet.
That is because when it gets close, then FEMA emergency facilities are called in, and that has never happened yet.
FEMA set up a few times at different places, but always left because they were never needed.

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