Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

These are not soldiers engaged in a war. So stoppit. You're talking stupid. My brother is National Guard and he would no more shoot someone crossing the border than he would shoot you. And he is a veteran, also.
There is something very wrong with you protectionist. Maybe you need to go join the French Foreign Legion or just STFU.
The National Guard has fought in every war that America has fought in. You don't know what you're talking about. And if these borders stormers get here, it will be war against them to defend the USA, period.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
Illegal border crossing is a misdemeanor. Maybe the traffic cop should shoot you next time you fail to signal?
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?

Currently serving Maryland Army National Guardsman here.

While viewing yesterday footage of the screaming caravanner mobs howling their way north to collide with Mexico's southern borders, I arrived at two possible solutions to deter, prevent or stop the brigade sized human wave migrant army coming our way with new lives in America in minds. Keep in mind first and foremost, the theme of the psychological warfare tactic both the American MSM and Democratic Party will fall back on and throw at the rest of us like daggers is "Suffer The Cute Little Children".

Tactical Solution #1

Deployment of Chemical Battalions and a light, mobile armored infantry brigade with Scout/LRS capability. Use of non-lethal chemical agents and soundwave non-lethal weapons technology to put down the migrant mob, all coordinated with an Air Cavalry wing/Air Assault Battalion to track down and round up strays. Follow this with mass arrests while the migrant horde is "out having their naps". Load them on ships in the Gulf, and then deport them home, alive and safe.

Tactical Solution #2

Lethal Engagement ROE. Some American force, at some time now or in the future provided the migrant waves keep on coming, will have to defend our sovereign border with lethal force. Either we will lethally enforce our border, or we damn well don't even really have a border to begin with, and will (or have been) overrun. Do I want to see innocent men, women and children gunned down in a hail of 30mm HE rounds? No I do not--no one does, however, as I mentioned, either we have a border and use whatever violence is necessary to defend it, or we do nothing to enforce and defend our border, and thus do not have a damn border after all.

Tactical Solution #3 (Bonus)

Six irregular US Army low intensity warfare detachments (300 men and women) infiltrate the northbound migrant caravan between our border and where the horde is currently located, and do their damn best to "dissuade" the horde members from continuing north with all manner of first verbal warnings and "scary stories" about American border crossing—even play on their tribal and Catholic superstitions, anything to prevent them from continuing north. If the migrant horde is not deterred, the low intensity warfare detachment personnel "take apart" the groups from within, with say, a few thermobaric grenades here or there or something similar.

Either we have a border, and we defend it. Or we don't defend it and then we have no border.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
OF COURSE NOT! WTF is wrong with you?

How about shooting over their heads or missing nearby?

Rubber bullets?
Wooden blocks?
Stun guns?
Water cannons (free shower)?
Tear gas?
I was doing a follow-up on an incident that was mentioned in this topic. Sue me.
I'll settle out of court. You look pretty good. How about a date ? Northern Wisconsin gets pretty cold in the winter. 75-80 degrees here in Tampa, FL in December. :biggrin:
one would hope troops ordered to kill people like this would stand this really what this country has come to?
i am amazed at the continued support of this president...i never thought i would hear the words mother fucker in the oval office..
They probably all said it, bones. He didn't tweet it did he? Or say it at a press conference?
Are y'all going for the 'gossip party' affiliation now too? If the invaders are aggressive like they were at Mexico's southern border they are sending out invites to be shot at if they pull that crap at our southern border.
You talking about that group of guys and gals that were cornered in the drainage pipe? I don't know what you're talking about, "aggressive."
I'm talking about following that circus show that was held in DC and now an obscure claim "hear the words mother fucker in the oval office".

The reports at the southern border called the latest caravan "aggressive" as they stormed the gates and were told to "stop their aggression" by the authorities there. Hell who knows maybe they have a death wish and plan on continuing with that behavior.
if needed to repel an invasion

central America said that in the latest caravan

headed this way they caught 100 ISIS members
That is fake news.

The caravan passed through a country where they have caught 100 isis militants in the past. None have been found as part of the caravan.

Rwnj media lies.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
No, of course not.

You do not shoot UNARMED mothers and fathers and their kids. Why not arm the border with a ton of judges to hear their cases quickly, (send back those who do not qualify for refuge protection status)?
Hell yes. Kill 'em all!
If need be.

When my National Guard commander, Lt Colonel Shaw

, was asked by a reporter, if captured enemies should be given trials in civilian courts, he said "That's not the procedure." Then asked what is the Army procedure to deal with your enemies ? The Colonel replied, "How we deal we our enemies in the Army is simple. it can be explained in 3 simple words. >> We Kill Them."
Then he is a nut-bar with no business in the military much less a position of command.
They don't hate their COUNTRY. They hate the violence being perpetrated by drug cartels and the corruption and mismanagement that keeps them poor. Who wouldn't rather stay home than move to a foreign country where you don't know the language or anything else? And taking the chance of prison ? These folks are desperate.

Why not stay in Mexico if they are so desperate?
Shoot unarmed civilians?
"civilians", huh... Try criminal invaders overtly breaching a sovereign nation's borders, posing a known national security risk and significant loss of life to American "civilian" citizens... In instances where there is an interdiction presence before, during & directly after the first step is taken across our border, by overt criminals crossing, there is every reason to use any means necessary to preserve the sanctity of our sovereign borders (dogs, bullets & a plethora of non lethals should be implemented, as seen appropriate by our border patrol, with the support of a state's National Guard! There is precedence to take into consideration as well, the coddling of criminal crossers has led to the understandable disregard that these illegal invaders hold; ('just cross over and chances are one can stay' or get lost in the court shuffle while being released on one's own recognizance').
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
The National Guard has fought in every war that America has fought in. You don't know what you're talking about. And if these borders stormers get here, it will be war against them to defend the USA, period.
At issue (your issue) is can the National Guard use deadly force to turn back the refugees from Guatemala? No. This is still a civilian matter and is being handled by the US Border Patrol and local law enforcement. No matter how many time you use the word "invasion" it is not legally or constitutionally classified as one. The Guard may assist the USBP and LEO's but cannot arrest or shoot them.
And I sure hope they take credit for it, but they will find a way to put it on Democrats.
Where I come from, people who promote MURDER such as the OP advocates and those who sit silently by and do or say nothing about it, are equally as guilty of murder...which in this case includes christians, evangelicals and conservatives.

Moron...what part of the teachings of Jesus condone murder? ARe you this stupid in real life or do you just pretend to be stupid.

You and your asshats believe in killing babies..... you and your asshats support the racist, violent, democrat party, a party that controls the actual murder cities in this country where actual minorities are killing each other under the watchful eye of democrat politicians who only care about those minorities one day every two years.....

You are the one condoning the slaughter of innocent people..... look in the mirror.
Don't you see the self professed christians here promoting murder?
Of course they should be shot, especially these organized invasions, and their enablers here in the States should be arrested and deported. So should employers of criminal illegal aliens. You want to hire illegals, you get to go live south of the border and run your business there, where you can operate legally for the rest of your life, after you get out of prison.
I'm sure our military will be quite happy to shoot innocent women and children. /sarcasm

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