Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

Refugees. Please point out incidences of "marauding".
The entire situation is marauding. ALL of it.

Now go ahead and answer my questions, Mr DODGE. Would you call them block partiers ? Picnicers ?

And "Refugees" ? Yeah ? How so ? "Refugees" from WHAT ? Or are you going to dodge that question too ?
Maybe you should look up that word. I don't think you know what it means.
Only RWNJs are saying the word invasion.

These caravans happen all the time. You guys are just trying to fearmonger.
Oh, so you are OK with this whole thing, is that right > If so, that makes you a TRAITOR, who is opposed to defending America from foreign invasion, You could be arrested for Treason. It carries the death penalty.

Now answer my question. How do you justify the carvaners being depicted as "Refugees" ???? (YOUR WORD, not mine)
[QUOTE="Kittymom1026, post: 21026445, member: 70739”]Have you ever seen the movie, Animal House?" You would be Neidermyer, killed by his own troops. No one in their right mind would kill a toddler in cold blood walking along with their parent but an evil psychopath with no soul. Sound familiar?[/QUOTE]

Never seen it. Not the sort of thing I watch.

No ANERICAN wants even a single more foreigner in this country until we’ve corrected the problems we have here and put systems in place to ensure wh is here, where, and why.

I’ve been called worse, honey.
You are wrong.

It's not a surprise.
I am right and you know it, and you are LYING. There's no question here. National Gurad is not under PC law. Neither is Coast Guard, and even US military has been used inside the US at times (ex Eisenhower in Little Rock,Arkansas, 1957)

All posted previously, Mr Troll.

Well, I'll post it all Again, but you are on the brink if being reported for trolling this thread.
Well, there you have it, folks.......tiny trumpanzee logic.
So, By your logic also, the US Navy sailors who shot back at invading Japanese planes in the attack on Pearl Harbor, would be called murderers, if they shot down any of those planes, and killed the pilots.

That's YOUR Liberal ass clown logic.
A couple of those assholes getting an arm or leg blown off and having it caught on video sure would save alot of $$ and lives.

Circulate that shit and those fuckers will be heading south to Antarctica. Fuck them
I do, every time I hear one of these crazy ass ideas about shooting illegals at the border. That was a national tragedy. Never should have happened.
Our military pretty much knows better than to fire on unarmed civilians.
A mob of thousands of people criminally storming our borders are hardly what one might call "unarmed civilians"

First, we don't know if they are armed or not.

Secondly, "unarmed" is moot. This isn't a duel.

Third, police shoot unarmed or armed civilians every day.

Fourth, you seem to have a lack of concern about law and order and national security-defense.
Can you just imagine the optics of our military shooting unarmed men, women, and children on the border?
Can you all believe that while our country is facing a national catastrophe, this person is talking about optics ?

EARTH TO BODECEA: If this were 1944, would you oppose the carpet bombing of German cities ? It killed thousands of innocent people, including children. That was REALLY BAD OPTICS.

And would you oppose the dropping of atomic bombs on 2 Japanese cities ?

Would you talk about the "optics" ? Oh, those has very bad optics all right.

Now how about the optics of the US being overrun and defeated, by Nazis and Japs in 1945 ?

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