Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

Are they going to allow their territory to be violated?
Crepitus et al seems to be OK with it. Problem with leftist lunatics is, they have no sense if nationalism. No sense of national borders. To them, their territory is the whole world.

To them, a Honduran, a Mexican, a Guatemalan are all the same as an American. I think most Americans aren't quite focused on how deranged leftists are.
Clearly our military needs to train its weapons on the huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. Mow 'em down!

They have their own country to breathe free in asswipe. Just because they don't like it there doesn't give them the right to come here, nor us the responsibility to take them. Why don't they go south into South America or just stay in Mexico? You know the answer: BECAUSE THOSE COUNTRIES WON'T TAKE THEM EITHER.
.Are you calling the Army National Guard not professional soldiers ?

If so, you have no idea what your talking about.

The ANG are not full time soldiers. They have other jobs and lives. That makes them semi-pro at best. They’re good but not to par with the men who call soldiering their actual profession.
Why not? The 'Guard' murdered at least eight Americans at Kent State & not a goddamn one paid any price for it.

Go ahead; just f***ing shoot. :19:
What happened at Kent State has no connection to the current caravan situation. They are 2 entirely different situations. Kent State was not a situation of national defense from invading hordes.

Liberals are getting really goofy in here now.
Are they going to allow their territory to be violated?
Crepitus et al seems to be OK with it. Problem with leftist lunatics is, they have no sense if nationalism. No sense of national borders. To them, their territory is the whole world.

To them, a Honduran, a Mexican, a Guatemalan are all the same as an American.

Indeed. To the Left, a Honduran may be better, have more right to be here than an American themself. Especially if they are a Deplorable. The Hondurans and Guatemalans have "need." Time for us to give up our "American Privilege" and share our country with all of the rest of the world!

That's what America was founded for, to divvy it up, cut it up like a cake and hand out to the rest of the planet so there is no more America left at all.

200 million Americans and 250 million illegal aliens and 3rd world foreigners all voting Democrap.
You didn't read my link...hell, you didn't even fully read the link you sent me. They assist local law enforcement. They have NO arrest powers. They cannot shoot people. The Coast Guard has nothing to do with this event, you are confusing yourself.

The Military, the Mexican Border and Posse Comitatus: Four Key Takeaways
Who said anything about "arrest" ? This is the invasion of our country, not shoplifting in a convenience store. (see Post # 28)
Maybe you need a bit more convincing. OK. We can do that >>

Exclusions and limitations[edit]
There are a number of situations in which the Act does not apply. These include:

Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia
These NPCs should have tried going out in the streets after curfew when our government implemented Marshall law during the MLK killing riots in 1968.

Come on people! It's MARTIAL law, not marshall law!
I was doing a follow-up on an incident that was mentioned in this topic. Sue me.
I'll settle out of court. You look pretty good. How about a date ? Northern Wisconsin gets pretty cold in the winter. 75-80 degrees here in Tampa, FL in December. :biggrin:

You're not her type. Someone in College Hill might be, if you get my drift.

I wouldn't hit that with Ropey's dick.
The ANG are not full time soldiers. They have other jobs and lives. That makes them semi-pro at best. They’re good but not to par with the men who call soldiering their actual profession.
I disagree. I served 2 years in the regular US Army + 4 more years in the Army National Guard. When it comes to the tough stuff, I found both of them about equal.

Also, the Army National Guard has served in every war that America has fought. My unit has a plaque on the wall with the names of 128 National Guard soldiers of the unit who got killed in the Korean War. My own uncle, a NG master sergeant was killed in the World War II Pacific war (Marianas). They got killed and wounded, but they helped to defeat the Japanese.

Lastly, defending the US inside the US border, is the job of the Army and Air National Guard and Coast Guard, not the US military
The National Guard has fought in every war that America has fought in. You don't know what you're talking about. And if these borders stormers get here, it will be war against them to defend the USA, period.
At issue (your issue) is can the National Guard use deadly force to turn back the refugees from Guatemala? No. This is still a civilian matter and is being handled by the US Border Patrol and local law enforcement. No matter how many time you use the word "invasion" it is not legally or constitutionally classified as one. The Guard may assist the USBP and LEO's but cannot arrest or shoot them.

Why would they arrest or shoot the USBP and LEOs? That's what you just said. Try learning about antecedents.
Why would they arrest or shoot the USBP and LEOs? That's what you just said. Try learning about antecedents.
She doesn't have the foggiest idea of what is being discussed here. Listen to liberals talking about arresting people of the caravan.

Hey liberals, this is a WAR situation, not shoplifting in a convenience store. This is THOUSANDS of people openly talking about busting their way across our border, and right into our territory, in full disregard for our laws and sovereignty. Are you able to get this ?

And don't give me that "refugee" crap. These people are looking to get inside the US and than grab at every social program you loon tunes will serve up to them. That's about it.

Asylum or Refugee Status: Who Is Eligible?
.Are you calling the Army National Guard not professional soldiers ?

If so, you have no idea what your talking about.

The ANG are not full time soldiers. They have other jobs and lives. That makes them semi-pro at best. They’re good but not to par with the men who call soldiering their actual profession.

The ANG is is the Air National Guard. The other is Army National Guard, usually referred to as NG.
Asylum from what?

Corrupt government.

They can request "asylum" in Mexico where they speak the language already!

Mexico isn't much better. It's actually flattering that they still look to us for hope, despite Mad King Donald.

The thing is, when you strip away the rhetoric and fear tactics, this is just a trade issue. The fact is, we have a huge demand for cheap labor, and Mexico has an abundant supply. That's the kind of situation that ought to be mutually beneficial. Again, Republicans used to understand this.

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