Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

And yet, this a MOST serious situation. If this invasion succeeds, there are others already queuing to come after.
My question is: if they can marshal this kind of manpower to invade the US, why can they not coordinate to assault their own governments and take control, establishing a better country where they come from? Oh, wait, no freebies there...let's go where they'll pay for everything for us. No work, no effort, let's go...
And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

I believe it is a pure "invasion" if they try to - without any hesitation - to cross the border. And if they use their children as "pawns" to get in, they should be turned back. No one should be shot unless they try to cause friction with the border patrols or the military.

It's like if I went into Mexico - knowing that I could be sent back to the US - but chose to cross anyways, then Mexico has a right to shoot me. Especially, if I am "invading" their land. Each country has a right to protect their own. No one has a right to just "walk in" to some country just because.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
Why wait for them to get to the border? If you know they are coming here -- just send over a few F18's to kill them there....

As Bush famously and eloquently said -- we need to kill them over there before they kill us here...

Republicans should all campaign on pre-emptive strikes against immigrants.....even the legal ones, how do we know they aren't evil too
You're talking about bombing Mexico.

I'm afraid you folks are all thinking about this thing wrong. The USA merely needs to set up an aid station ahead of them with free food and rest, except the food gives them all major cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Ain't nothing worse than 7,000 smelly people in the hot sun all with the uncontrollable shits, puke and belly aches.

If somehow that still doesn't stop them, start saving up all the septic waste from 10,000 porta-potties and when they get close to the border, have the National Guard launch shit cannons of waste over the wall at them. Then release 10,000,000 flies, wasps and bees. Sooner or later these people will get the idea that it was just better back home.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
Why wait for them to get to the border? If you know they are coming here -- just send over a few F18's to kill them there....

As Bush famously and eloquently said -- we need to kill them over there before they kill us here...

Republicans should all campaign on pre-emptive strikes against immigrants.....even the legal ones, how do we know they aren't evil too
You're talking about bombing Mexico.

I'm afraid you folks are all thinking about this thing wrong. The USA merely needs to set up an aid station ahead of them with free food and rest, except the food gives them all major cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Ain't nothing worse than 7,000 smelly people in the hot sun all with the uncontrollable shits, puke and belly aches.

If somehow that still doesn't stop them, start saving up all the septic waste from 10,000 porta-potties and when they get close to the border, have the National Guard launch shit cannons of waste over the wall at them. Then release 10,000,000 flies, wasps and bees. Sooner or later these people will get the idea that it was just better back home.
Obviously too sick to be permitted into this country?...
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
Why wait for them to get to the border? If you know they are coming here -- just send over a few F18's to kill them there....

As Bush famously and eloquently said -- we need to kill them over there before they kill us here...

Republicans should all campaign on pre-emptive strikes against immigrants.....even the legal ones, how do we know they aren't evil too
You're talking about bombing Mexico.
Not like we haven't done it before.
Not in recent times.
I just wish the st00pid ass caravan was 1,000 miles closer...shit needs to happen before election day! Mutherfuckers need to walk faster.
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?
I just wish the st00pid ass caravan was 1,000 miles closer...shit needs to happen before election day! Mutherfuckers need to walk faster.
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?

Capitalism does work when implemented correctly
It's redistribution that doesn't.
Proof is taking a look at the African countries who changed back to capitalism.
Capitalism helps small businesses and entrupenures.
Government solutions at the border Because capitalism fails.
I just wish the st00pid ass caravan was 1,000 miles closer...shit needs to happen before election day! Mutherfuckers need to walk faster.
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?
I just wish the st00pid ass caravan was 1,000 miles closer...shit needs to happen before election day! Mutherfuckers need to walk faster.
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?

Capitalism does work when implemented correctly
It's redistribution that doesn't.
Proof is taking a look at the African countries who changed back to capitalism.
Capitalism helps small businesses and entrupenures.
Government solutions at the border Because capitalism fails.

Capitalism works.
GDP Growth
United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.

Yeah but thankfully, very few embrace that sentiment s0n!:113:

One sticks out like a sore thumb in here when they have an inability to think on the margin!:bye1:
capitalism doesn't work and Government has all Solutions?

Capitalism does work when implemented correctly
It's redistribution that doesn't.
Proof is taking a look at the African countries who changed back to capitalism.
Capitalism helps small businesses and entrupenures.
Government solutions at the border Because capitalism fails.

Capitalism works.
GDP Growth
United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar


Is this chart right:


IS China's economy more capitalistic than ours?
Agreed. The migrants need to prove their claim that they are persecuted, and thus could be eligible for refugee status. They are the only ones making a claim - nobody eles.
Wrong. Trump said there were criminals in that bunch. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. So, if you make a statement like Trump did, then he must have proof they are criminals. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth, asshole!
Hey butt head I suppose you know all 7000 and have vetted them.
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
There's plenty of evidence that they will be attacking. They are marching toward our borders. They openly proclaim that they will cross the border en masse, without any authorization. That's plenty of reason to have the military ready to act to stop them.
That’s not an attack. You can’t even say they’re armed.
A club is a weapon, so is a knife.
That is the prescribed orders of the Army National Guard. Don't like it ? Call your congressman.
Posse Comitatus Act
"it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;"
Article II of the US Constitution authorizes the President to initiate military action in order to repel sudden attacks upon our sovereign nation. While I think the NG is the best force to repel this invasion, if required, we should not negate the possibility of augmenting the NG with regular military troops and equipment. If any circumstances warranted such military action it would be thousands of individuals having organized themselves into an invasive force with the stated intent to illegally take territory within our borders.
Posse Comitatus Act actually supports the President providing military resistance to active invasion of the US.
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
No when they attack the border that is a invasion and threats to the troops is a attack.
Use whatever non-lethal force is necessary to prevent their entry or to capture and contain them until they can be deported. But you can't start shooting them.
No one wants our military or guard or border patrol to fire shots into Mexico. There is already one pathetic case of this at least and the border agent is in mucho trouble for killing a Mexican youth on that side. Best to declare a DAY of ALL PORTS of entry CLOSED. Best to throw up some temporary fence on unfenced and unwalled areas. Best to create noise and smell. Best to get rid of desert water tanks. Best to look like an army that can scare the people by presence.
I haven't seen anything encouraging shooting them while they still occupy Mexico. Shoot them when they set foot on our soil.

Go right ahead, bigmouth. You'll be first in line to go to jail before any illegal aliens.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?

We should use the military to shoot actual violent people...alt right conservatives.
We should use the military to shoot actual violent people...alt right conservatives.
You have it backwards. the alt-LEFT are the violent ones. (ex Charlottesville riot, Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, Chicago, San Jose, and all the words from leftist loons > Erratic Eric Holder, Mad Maxine, Hellfire Hillary, etc)
No, dumbass. You can't start shooting unarmed civilians at the border. That would be seen as a war crime.

The goddamn leftists in this country would love love love to see some poor Honduran woman and her baby shot to death at the border.

Use whatever non-lethal force is necessary to prevent their entry or to capture and contain them until they can be deported. But you can't start shooting them.
You can and must, IF the situation gets so out of hand that that would be the only recourse to stop them. One must always remember that THEY *, the invaders are responsible for WHATEVER happens here, not the defenders.

* And whoever instigated them. I suspect Democrats.

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