Should assisted suicide be a federal right

Why a Federal right? Why not leave it up to the states? States can now compel rape victims to carry resulting pregnancies to term. They can compel vaccinations. They can tell you what you can eat, drink, smoke, fuck, think, and speak. Our bodies and lives are subject to whatever the state thinks appropriate.
In other words, not much has changed in 6000 years.
It’s very odd ???
Old age just comes at you like a bolt of lightning

I go to bed a young man and wake up like an old one
Life insurance does not pay out for suicide. For this reason people have to endure slow lingering death for the sake of their loved ones. This is why there has to be a law that protects suicide for the terminally ill.
Not true.

Most insurance companies have a 2 year exclusion clause for suicide. After 2 years the death benefit will be paid assuming the policy premium is paid up to date even if the cause of death is suicide.
Life insurance does not pay out for suicide. For this reason people have to endure slow lingering death for the sake of their loved ones. This is why there has to be a law that protects suicide for the terminally ill.
well yeah the point of insurance is for accidents not intentional things you do.
well yeah the point of insurance is for accidents not intentional things you do.
Not true.

Most life insurance policies will pay out even for suicide after the policy has been in force for 2 years
The point of insurance is to make money for the insurance company.
well yeah they want to make money, that’s the point of running a business. The product they sell is insurance…and insurance is not met for intentional things…who would insure someone if they have to pay out when someone does something intentional to themselves or property?
well yeah they want to make money, that’s the point of running a business. The product they sell is insurance…and insurance is not met for intentional things…who would insure someone if they have to pay out when someone does something intentional to themselves or property?
Most life insurance policies will pay out even for suicide if the policy has been in force for 2 years
Not true.

Most life insurance policies will pay out even for suicide after the policy has been in force for 2 years
interesting never heard of. such a policy

i suppose there could be such a product for life insurance…but i was speaking in general for insurance

for example my home owners insurance isn’t going to pay me if i purposely take a hammer to my wall.
interesting never heard of. such a policy

i suppose there could be such a product for life insurance…but i was speaking in general for insurance

for example my home owners insurance isn’t going to pay me if i purposely take a hammer to my wall.
The only insurance that would come into play for suicide is life insurance.
The only insurance that would come into play for suicide is life insurance.
I suppose that makes some sense after two years, because the person being paid is the surivor...with that said, they wouldn't pay if that person murdered the policy holder.
Suicide is an overt act and presumably a decision by the victim. You do the hardworking people in the medical field a disservice when you accuse them of assisted suicide when they terminate life support.
I am not talking about terminating life support.
Look up what a DNR is.
Also terminally ill patients have to choose between spending $10k's - $100k to keep someone alive to only die anyway days or weeks later - or simply let them comfortably die.

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