Should assisted suicide be a federal right

If dying is your intent and you want to insure your family still get the insurance money.......
I'd say thats far better than blowing your brains out in the garage.
After watching my mom's horrible lingering death I did some research. There are ways to kill yourself that closely resemble a natural death. You just need someone who can keep their mouth shut to clean up the scene before the coroner arrives. Not going to go into detail on these methods without mod approval.
After watching my mom's horrible lingering death I did some research. There are ways to kill yourself that closely resemble a natural death. You just need someone who can keep their mouth shut to clean up the scene before the coroner arrives. Not going to go into detail on these methods without mod approval.

Been there and watched that.
How far do you want to go to assist a suicide? Tie the noose and kick the chair? Load the gun and help squeeze the trigger? Spike the drink with poison? Jump out of the car just before the RR crossing? Help the person over the edge of the bridge and nudge them into eternity? What do y'all want to do to show you care so much for the person that you are willing to kill them? Who is going to be your first willing/unwilling subject? A depressed old girlfriend? Your rich senile uncle? Watch out, you might get to like it.
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In the OP you said you have a wonderful life. You sounded like you were going to blow your head off last week.
God damn it!!! I am not trying to be obvious. I dont want folks to think I NEED this.
I am not BI POLAR
I am usually Average to semi-miserable to super miserable to PLEASE KILL ME

Aint no happy
I think most deserve the chance to die with dignity and efficiency
Suppose you are tired of your mental problems or you recently have been obliterated with physical problems or maybe the aging process is causing you daily nightmares and you can’t deal with it
Maybe you’re tired of being alone and eating alone

We all have that right!!!!

Human Life is G-d's Creation.

Suicide is a sin no less then murder.
Why do you think a govt has the right to tell someone they cant end their life in the way they want to?

There's a difference between someone doing it themself, and someone doing it for them. The latter is very bad news, for a number of reasons. I'm not going to explain it all right now.
By the time assisted suicide is an appropriate response, the patient has no hope of improvement. What they face is constant pain and degradation.
Some morbid curiosity keeps me wondering what would it be like to experience millennia of suffering which exceeds the worst suffering which a person can experience in this life by a factor of 60. Suicide is a great sin.
Thank you

What about a supposed man who has both mental and now physical problems
Hates his job and city and who is socially odd
Please speak to a therapist and a rabbi. I am not an expert.

Honestly, if I really valued my life as much as I should I would not eat tons of unhealthy food.

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