Should Biden be impeached?

Not only that but stealing the 2020 election.

However, this classified document scandal is something that can't be wept under the rug. It is serious.

At a minimum his security clearance should be revoked. It would be for anybody else in the government caught improperly storing classified documents.

Without a security clearance he can't do his job as President.
Yeah, you watch the propaganda media sweep away, someone needs to keep it on the front burner, because they will try to make this a non issue in the news.
Honestly... my apprehension of having Harris as a President, far supercedes any desire to see Biden impeached.
I don't expect this "investigation" will go into what happened with these documents, why they were there, and what was the purpose of them being there. Instead, it will only deal with what they are, and the wrong of them not being in the Nat archives.
I would not, at all, be surprised if Biden and Hunter was using these documents for their own benefit financially or to gain access to foreign interest. - But that is not going to be looked into.

The Democrats in the Senate would never throw him out, even if he was caught selling our nuclear codes to the Chinese. However an impeachment or two would greatly harm his chances for reelection. Unless (when the time comes) his approval rating is very high, the Democrats want him out for good. I think they see Newsom as their next rising star. He's extremely left, young, and survived a recall election in CA.
Is ol joe even competent for proceedings? He said he was "surprised" when they found the classified docs. No worries though, they were locked in the garage next to his vette.

If that's the case then we need to find who did move them. Only the President has authorization to remove any sensitive documents from the White House. Anybody else that does it committed a felony and they would be subject to legal charges.
If that's the case then we need to find who did move them. Only the President has authorization to remove any sensitive documents from the White House. Anybody else that does it committed a felony and they would be subject to legal charges.
Except he wasn't President at the time they were taken was he?
The Democrats in the Senate would never throw him out, even if he was caught selling our nuclear codes to the Chinese. However an impeachment or two would greatly harm his chances for reelection. Unless (when the time comes) his approval rating is very high, the Democrats want him out for good. I think they see Newsom as their next rising star. He's extremely left, young, and survived a recall election in CA.
We may disagree on this, but that is exactly my fear.
A Trump and Newsom election. And Newsom would win hands down.
I don't think DeSantis will run yet, but he is the only one who would beat Newsom. Which as unbelievable as that is... is.
Ah, there we have it, blaming the Government!

Well yes, the government is responsible for tracking classified documents. That we could have such things missing for 7 years and nobody even know should concern anyone that is not a mindless partisan fucking drone.
Only the President has authorization to remove any sensitive documents from the White House. Anybody else that does it committed a felony and they would be subject to legal charges.

Can you provide a link to this law?

Well yes, the government is responsible for tracking classified documents. That we could have such things missing for 7 years and nobody even know should concern anyone that is not a mindless partisan fucking drone.
Yep no blame falls on Biden:rolleyes:
Can you provide a link to this law?

Well I know he was granted original classification authority by Obama but I don't know if that includes being able to remove sensitive material without going through some kind of procedures.
Yep no blame falls on Biden:rolleyes:

Of course blame falls on Biden. I have said that 50 times now.

But that does not change the fact that our system is so flawed that both Biden and Trump had classified documents that nobody knew were missing. This is a huge fucking problem that goes well beyond your ignorant partisanship.

How many other classified documents are missing that nobody knows about?
Can you provide a link to this law?


No, but I have a story from an extremely left source:

In 2018, then-President Donald Trump signed a bill into law that could now be used to punish him if he's found to have taken classified information from the White House at the end of his tenure, Business Insider reports.

Speaking to Insider, national-security attorney Bradley P. Moss said that Trump could face five years in prison if he's found guilty under the national security bill he signed.

The law upgrades the crime of wrongly moving classified material from a misdemeanor to a felony. As Moss points out, Trump signed the bill after spending the 2016 presidential campaign accusing Hillary Clinton of improperly handling classified information.

It looks like Biden has done two things that are wrong.

1. Carelessly storing classified material in his garage.

2. Having classified documents in a location accessible by foreign interests.

The first one is illegal but may only be simple stupidity by a President that is well known for not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

However, the second one is also illegal but also potentially a "high crime". The same foreign interest that had access to the office were the same ones that made his family very rich and that is very discerning. Potentially a very serious crime of treason worthy of removing him from office.

The Democrats in the House established a very low threshold to impeach Trump. What we know about Biden is something potentially a million times worse. Real treason.

Biden needs to be impeach and convicted by the Senate.
hell no. Not with the ammuntion this dummy keeps giving us
If Trump doesn't deserve criminal charges for his classified papers then we have to admit that Biden doesn't either. There shouldn't be a double standard.

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