Should Biden be impeached?

It looks like Biden has done two things that are wrong.

1. Carelessly storing classified material in his garage.

2. Having classified documents in a location accessible by foreign interests.

The first one is illegal but may only be simple stupidity by a President that is well known for not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

However, the second one is also illegal but also potentially a "high crime". The same foreign interest that had access to the office were the same ones that made his family very rich and that is very discerning. Potentially a very serious crime of treason worthy of removing him from office.

The Democrats in the House established a very low threshold to impeach Trump. What we know about Biden is something potentially a million times worse. Real treason.

Biden needs to be impeach and convicted by the Senate.
Wrong. Biden has done a good job so far and has not done anything to deserve impeachment.
If Trump doesn't deserve criminal charges for his classified papers then we have to admit that Biden doesn't either. There shouldn't be a double standard.

Sorry, but there is a double standard. Only the President can declassify documents, not the VP. Trump proclaimed that anything that leaves the White House in his possession is automatically declassified.
It looks like Biden has done two things that are wrong.

1. Carelessly storing classified material in his garage.

2. Having classified documents in a location accessible by foreign interests.

The first one is illegal but may only be simple stupidity by a President that is well known for not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

However, the second one is also illegal but also potentially a "high crime". The same foreign interest that had access to the office were the same ones that made his family very rich and that is very discerning. Potentially a very serious crime of treason worthy of removing him from office.

The Democrats in the House established a very low threshold to impeach Trump. What we know about Biden is something potentially a million times worse. Real treason.

Biden needs to be impeach and convicted by the Senate.
Why? What is the point? Do you think Kamala Harris will be better than Biden?
It looks like Biden has done two things that are wrong.

1. Carelessly storing classified material in his garage.

2. Having classified documents in a location accessible by foreign interests.

The first one is illegal but may only be simple stupidity by a President that is well known for not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

However, the second one is also illegal but also potentially a "high crime". The same foreign interest that had access to the office were the same ones that made his family very rich and that is very discerning. Potentially a very serious crime of treason worthy of removing him from office.

The Democrats in the House established a very low threshold to impeach Trump. What we know about Biden is something potentially a million times worse. Real treason.

Biden needs to be impeach and convicted by the Senate.
While it sounds wonderful to say, I hope they don't impeach him--look what we would get in return. They should go ahead and investigate and publicize every piece of wrong-doing that he and the democrats have done over the past seven years. They should keep it in the forefront for the next two years to deny democrats any chance at a place at the table in the next election. This would keep them from passing any cockamamie legislation as well.
Yes for derelect of duty and "Aiding and Assisting" millions of illegals including flying them into the USA at night.

Good luck, you are talking about trying to impeach THE NETWORK ,,,,not going to happen
Biden has not done anything like Trump.

Trump was authorized to declassify and remove documents from the White House as President, the VP doesn't have that authority. Any unauthorized person removing classified or secret information from the White House committed a felony.
It looks like Biden has done two things that are wrong.

1. Carelessly storing classified material in his garage.

2. Having classified documents in a location accessible by foreign interests.

The first one is illegal but may only be simple stupidity by a President that is well known for not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

However, the second one is also illegal but also potentially a "high crime". The same foreign interest that had access to the office were the same ones that made his family very rich and that is very discerning. Potentially a very serious crime of treason worthy of removing him from office.

The Democrats in the House established a very low threshold to impeach Trump. What we know about Biden is something potentially a million times worse. Real treason.

Biden needs to be impeach and convicted by the Senate.
Should he be? He should be raked over the coals hard for this. He was more than happy to tear Trump a new asshole for it, while he was guilty of the same thing, so I don't see why he shouldn't be held to his own standard.

Will he be? No. Never in a million years will the woketard DOJ do a damn thing about any of it.
Trump declassified his.
A VP cannot.

Next stupid statement please.
Back up there Cowboy. VP could under Obama.

Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President; and

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

I'm mostly sure that includes the Vulcan and Jedi Mind declassification techniques, mostly.
If Trump doesn't deserve criminal charges for his classified papers then we have to admit that Biden doesn't either. There shouldn't be a double standard.
There is a big difference here.

Trump was President and had the authority to declassify any documents he wanted.

The documents that Potatohead had in his possession was before he was President.

He violated the national security laws. That is a given once the documents were found.

It also remains to be seen if he committed treason by allowing access to foreign interest. The same foreign interest that made his family rich.

If the Democrats want to throw Potatohead under the bus because they want somebody new for 2024 then the boy is screwed. We have another Watergate on our hands.

However, if the filthy Democrats want to give Potatohead a pass like they did with Crooked Hillary then we will get a "he dinit have no intent" or some other bullshit.

This Special Council is no more than operation of the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department managed by that piece of shit Garland so it has no credibility. The findings of it will be just what the Democrat shitheads want it to be.
If Trump doesn't deserve criminal charges for his classified papers then we have to admit that Biden doesn't either. There shouldn't be a double standard.
Trump had docs stored in a secure, government-approved location--not the corner of his garage. Trump was also POTUS with the ability to declassify--Biden was VP without that ability. So Biden was the beneficiary of a double standard. No FBI raids of his home. So you're right, there shouldn't be a double standard.
Yes for derelect of duty and "Aiding and Assisting" millions of illegals including flying them into the USA at night.

Good luck, you are talking about trying to impeach THE NETWORK ,,,,not going to happen
Potatohead needs to be impeached for four legitimate reasons:

1. Stealing the 2020 Presidential election.

2. Destroying the sovereignty of the US by allowing an open border.

3. Getting rich by selling influence to foreigners.

4. Violating national security laws pertaining to classified documents.

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