Should carrying a firearm become mandatory?

Masks are worn to protect others in the event we have the virus but are asymptomatic.
Stop smoking weed and get some fresh air.
It’s the act of protecting others that confounds conservatives, who only care about themselves.
It's the gentlemen of the district and the Iranian mullahs who must take such a deep bow to offer protection to the veiled ladies of the court. America isn't that country, and I don't want to live in that country.
The willfully ignorant conservative – one reason why the pandemic continues to rage out of control.

Lewis Hamilton contracted covid. His entire industry has been living in a bubble. They still got it because masks and lockdowns don't work. Scientifically proven, not that you ever pay attention to real science.
Lewis Hamilton contracted covid. His entire industry has been living in a bubble. They still got it because masks and lockdowns don't work. Scientifically proven, bot that you ever pay attention to real science.
Gunsmithing as well as gunnery in general is arguably an art -- rather than a science.
Why are liberals demanding that we sacrifices liberal arts as well as fine arts for the sake of science, as when Odin threw his eye down the well?
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.

Accidental death rate?

As in .....oops I just killed someone?

No other product has as high an intentional death rate.
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.

Accidental death rate?

As in .....oops I just killed someone?

No other product has as high an intentional death rate.

So what?

People have always murdered other people

People will always murder other people. That one fact alone is more than enough reason to carry a gun.

And accidental death rate as in an unintentional discharge that kills a person.
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.

Accidental death rate?

As in .....oops I just killed someone?

No other product has as high an intentional death rate.

So what?

People have always murdered other people

People will always murder other people. That one fact alone is more than enough reason to carry a gun.

And accidental death rate as in an unintentional discharge that kills a person.
So what?
So 30,000 deaths a year are “on purpose” rather than “by accident”
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.

Accidental death rate?

As in .....oops I just killed someone?

No other product has as high an intentional death rate.

So what?

People have always murdered other people

People will always murder other people. That one fact alone is more than enough reason to carry a gun.

And accidental death rate as in an unintentional discharge that kills a person.
So what?
So 30,000 deaths a year are “on purpose” rather than “by accident”

By definition suicide is always on purpose and that accounts for 70% of deaths by firearms.

And Suicide is a choice not a crime.

Murder is murder whether committed with a gun, a knife, a bat , or bare hands.

I'm more concerned with people who get murdered than I am those who choose to end their own lives.

And the single best tool for self defense is a firearm PERIOD.
I wear a mask when I go out to a store. I've had Covid and it really, really sucked.

I also carry a gun.

Guess I'm ready for anything.
According to the Constitution, the federal government has no weapons jurisdiction at all.
They shouldn't. There's a militia, regular armed forces etc., "being necessary" and all, but by the letter of the Second Amendment, no, the government has no right to charge the possession or trade of firearms in private hands as a crime.

There not only were no significant police until around 1900, but police never are there quick enough to protect anyone now either.
So it is individuals who should be armed, not mercenaries like police or a paid military.
ALL of my local mayors and city councils. Not that it matters as in certain situations I would wear it anyways. Like my current job. I am working for a LIBERAL black couple with teenage daughters. Both parents work all day but the girls are home so no matter what I have worn the mask when doing anything around their home. Not because I fear anything but because I respect the fact that others might.

But that isn't the point now is it?
Masks are worn to protect others in the event we have the virus but are asymptomatic.

It’s the act of protecting others that confounds conservatives, who only care about themselves.

Those who can spread infection but do not yet feel the symptoms are pre-symptomatic, not asymptomatic.
The word asymptomatic means they are inherently immune and will never spread it to anyone.

And masks pretty much do not work. While they may be 95% effective at filtering stuff, you only need 1% or less to spread infection. If you really want to save lives, masks don't hurt, but they are way too little.
You need to either fully quarantine the infected and vulnerable, or go with accelerated herd immunity.
Those are the only things that work.
Lock down are in the middle, do neither, and actually prevent herd immunity, so make the epidemic last longer and kill more.
No it doesn't.
I mean it provides far more protection than the masks we are mandated to wear for protection.
Having a firearm increases your chance of dying from gunfire.
Being a CRIMINAL in possession of a firearm does.

You assholes always seem to leave off the important part.

as soon as you include accidental deaths and suicides you're clearly less safe with a gun than without

Our violence rate is way too low to justify owning a gun in most fo the country.

If you live in a poor part of Chicago or some other major urban center that is basically a warzone.....Then maybe it becomes rational
The great thing about rights are you don't need to justify exercising them.

It in no way follows that I think they should be taken away. Gun owners take all the risk of keeping elites scared of us?

But he seems to be confused about the statistical realities of safety and gun ownership. They will not make you safer on average.

Yes surprise your suburban little girl who you treat like a princess is not some disciplined little child soldier who won't accidentally shoot herself or some one else. Your family is probably not safer for having a gun in the house. You're in a catch 22 where you need easy access but that same access increases the threat level. *shrug*

Can't even trust the average suburban american kid at a gun range much less with 24/7 access. Going to be very few scenarios where a gun can keep you safe. Infinite where gun ownership can end up hurting you.
if anything guns are neutral when it comes to safety.

People who own guns legally are not the problem. If other activities had an accidental death rate as low as legal gun ownership they'd be praised as being extremely safe.

The problem with guns is and always has been the people who possess carry and use guns illegally.

You're very unlikely to ever need it

Which makes the claims they're neutral sort of insane
According to the Constitution, the federal government has no weapons jurisdiction at all.
In your subjective, wrongheaded opinion.

In fact, the Federal government has the authority to regulate firearms, provided Federal firearm regulatory measures comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

The 4473 and NICS background check are proof of that.

The 2nd amendment is quite clear.
The states, municipalities, neighborhoods, and even individuals need to protect themselves, and THEY are the militia. The feds can't create the National Guard and then try to claim you don't need a militia any more.
The founders were quite clear they did not want or trust a mercenary federal standing military force that worked for pay, because they would do illegal things for money, like invade Iraq on WMD lies.
The federal government has no legal authority to regulate weapons at all, not a single bit.
The 4473 and NICS are totally illegal.
The need for weapons is local, so then the regulation of weapons has to also be local.
That is what the founders wrote, and that is what we should be doing now.
The BATF is illegal and should not exist at all.
To be legal it would have to have been explicitly authorized in the Constitution, and it isn't.
It is a modern violation of the constitution.
According to the Constitution, the federal government has no weapons jurisdiction at all.
In your subjective, wrongheaded opinion.

In fact, the Federal government has the authority to regulate firearms, provided Federal firearm regulatory measures comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

The 4473 and NICS background check are proof of that.

The 2nd amendment is quite clear.
The states, municipalities, neighborhoods, and even individuals need to protect themselves, and THEY are the militia. The feds can't create the National Guard and then try to claim you don't need a militia any more.
The founders were quite clear they did not want or trust a mercenary federal standing military force that worked for pay, because they would do illegal things for money, like invade Iraq on WMD lies.
The federal government has no legal authority to regulate weapons at all, not a single bit.
The 4473 and NICS are totally illegal.
The need for weapons is local, so then the regulation of weapons has to also be local.
That is what the founders wrote, and that is what we should be doing now.
The BATF is illegal and should not exist at all.
To be legal it would have to have been explicitly authorized in the Constitution, and it isn't.
It is a modern violation of the constitution.

None of the founders thought private citizens should be armed

THeir biggest fear was getting lynched by mobs

The original conception of the second amendment was clearly about state organized militias. Our modern interpretations do away with that
Masks are worn to protect others in the event we have the virus but are asymptomatic.
Stop smoking weed and get some fresh air.
It’s the act of protecting others that confounds conservatives, who only care about themselves.
It's the gentlemen of the district and the Iranian mullahs who must take such a deep bow to offer protection to the veiled ladies of the court. America isn't that country, and I don't want to live in that country.
The willfully ignorant conservative – one reason why the pandemic continues to rage out of control.

Partial lock downs can not succeed, have never succeeded, and never will succeed.
Only full quarantine or herd immunity can ever work or have ever worked.
So stop pushing a strategy known to not work.
Flattening the curve just makes it last longer, so then it kills far more.
Flattening the curve can easily make an epidemic last forever.
I wear a mask when I go out to a store. I've had Covid and it really, really sucked.

I also carry a gun.

Guess I'm ready for anything.

If you already had covid, then the mask it totally unnecessary.
You can not get it again or spread it to others.

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