Should Christians Get Cremated?

I also wanted to add on here that me myself I'm sort of torn between cremation and burial.
Orthodox Judaism forbids cremation. They must be buried within 24 hours of death and the funeral is very simple and quiet. The family mourns for 3 days and that is called "Sitting Shivah".
sorry Viktor------SHIVAH means the number seven---the week of mourning gets STOPPED by an intervening Saturday
I also wanted to add on here that me myself I'm sort of torn between cremation and burial.
Neither Christians nor even Pagans believe in cremation. People of faith do not burn the body in preparation for a respectful burial. Pagans have a saying that "burning the body sends the soul into hell," whereas the "resurrection of the body" confessed in the Christian Creed demands a simple preservation and burial without arson or destruction of evidence. Desecration of a corpse by burning is a crime.
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
You think non-cremated bodies don't rot away?
Neither Christians nor even Pagans believe in cremation. People of faith do not burn the body in preparation for a respectful burial. Pagans have a saying that "burning the body sends the soul into hell," whereas the "resurrection of the body" confessed in the Christian Creed demands a simple preservation and burial without arson or destruction of evidence. Desecration of a corpse by burning is a crime.
Justin-----do yourself a favor and stop posting----you make a fool of
yourself. Hindus CREMATE----very nicely
fire is a purification - of something - or making it disappear is the same result. maybe the spiritual content made it to begin with and remakes it in the heavens, having freed itself first .... the issue with a&e being involved.
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
I wondered about this issue for quite a while but since I saw nothing against it in scripture, I assumed it wasn't forbidden. Add to that the fact that Christians down through the ages have often been burned or otherwise had their bodies ruined and it just makes sense that we will be given the new body regardless of the condition of our old one. On 9-11, it occurred to me that many Christians perished in those towers and no bodies were left. Being destroyed while dying isn't an "unforgivable" sin.
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
ASHES TO ASHES, dust to dust. You physical body means diddly squat. Your soul is what will rise..or fall....and your body given back to you I guess. Doesn't matter.

When I die, I will be cremated and tossed in the ocean along with my furbabies ashes that did NOT burn (again) in the Paradise Fire. Nope...I grabbed them when I grabbed the guns, water, my friend and her pets, MrG, and a few odds and ends, which is all I had time for. And if MrG goes before me, then I will personally toss them all in the ocean and eventually join them. My friend promised that she would toss us all at the same time if I wanted to wait and go with them. Don't know what I will do, but both MrG and I will be cremated.
This is the legacy of syncretism. Eastern Aryan religions said that there is the sky of Indra, the heavenly father Dyaus, with his kingdom, the old europeans believed in the earth, when the Franks went east, they tried to reconcile these two concepts. But on the whole, Christianity denies the idealism of polytheists, for them even the very ascension to heaven takes place in the flesh.
That doesn't make sense though. Wouldn't we already be glorified and like Christ if we went to Heaven directly after death as how I believe? Tagging JohnDB for this because I'm really curious to know his thoughts.

You go straight up. Your clay "earth suit" stays here until we take it up again. The souls that belong to Christ are already glorified through Him. But our bodies are not, yet. They will be though when we need them again, just like Abraham's dusty bones were remade to perfection and made immortal when he returned with Christ. It is what the bodies we will be inhabiting will be like in order to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years and for eternity. No pain, no arthritis, no past injuries always with you. No missing teeth. Strong and young and capable, just like our brother and savior, Jesus.

Your soul is weightless right now. Those who have had out of body experiences experience weightlessness. But, our exterior that houses us is really, really heavy and is subject to gravity. When the time comes, and your soul rejoins it's body, it will be transformed. It will no longer be effected by gravity. Or linear time. Your skin won't wrinkle. Your body parts won't sag. You will be free to travers dimensions at will. You can eat, but your body won't require it. Your brain will be working at 100% capacity. 100% understanding of all things. You can walk along the bottom of the ocean if you want. You can stand in space and watch a super nova close up. Or you can have dinner with your family.
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You go straight up. Your clay "earth suit" stays here until we take it up again. The souls that belong to Christ are already glorified through Him. But our bodies are not, yet. They will be though when we need them again, just like Abraham's dusty bones were remade to perfection and made immortal when he returned with Christ. It is what the bodies we will be inhabiting will be like in order to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years and for eternity.

Your soul is weightless right now. Those who have had out of body experiences experience weightlessness. But, our exterior that houses us is really, really heavy and is subject to gravity. When the time comes, and your soul rejoins it, it will be transformed. It will no longer be effected by gravity. Or linear time. Your skin won't wrinkle. Your body parts won't sag. You will be free to travers dimensions at will. You can eat, but your body won't require it. Your brain will be working at 100% capacity. 100% understanding of all things. You can walk along the bottom of the ocean if you want. You can stand in space and watch a super nova close up. Or you can have dinner with your family.
and how do you know this?.....
Once again it must be pointed out..........God is Spirit. "God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship Him IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH." -- John 4:24 First.....what is truth? The scriptures answer: "Sanctify them through thy TRUTH; THY WORD IS TRUTH" -- John 17:17. Second what is a spirit? The scriptures inform you what a spirit is not, "Behold MY (Jesus) hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; Handle Me, and see; for a spirit has not hands flesh and bones as you see I have." -- Luke 24:39.

There is only one that can physically ascend into heaven (a spirit realm), "And NO MAN has ascended up to heaven; but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man that is in heaven." -- John 3:13

Once in HEAVEN, what is the purpose of the saved souls of Christians? The Scriptures answer, Nothing "unclean" is allowed in heaven (Rev.22:15)......Jesus' body never saw corruption He was without sin. our physical bodies are corrupt and will be changed in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor. 15:52) What is the responsibility of the spirits in heaven? To serve/worship God (Rev. 22:3) That worship/service will be continual (Rev. Rev. 7:15)

Again.........We are to be sanctified in the Word of God (devoted) and the Word of God is TRUTH; (John 17:17) We are to Worship IN SPIRIT and in TRUTH. There will be no physical bodies in heaven. Its moot as to what happens to the physical body after death if it has been sanctified by the word of God.....dust to dust. The same God that first created man from the dust of the earth can simply make all the physical bodies come together at the last TRUMP and be changed into an incorruptible spirit in the twinkling of an eye as declared by the Holy Spirit of God in scripture.

Even the Christ had to go to Hades/Hell (a spirit realm) in spirit form and leave his body at rest for 3 days in His burial chamber in order to preach to the spirits that were in prison in the realm called Hades/Hell. As described in scripture.....this realm is a place that cannot be reached by anyone in the physical realm there is a great divide between the 2. Its clearly separated into 2 different were the spirits rest in peace in the Bosom of father Abraham, the spirits that were righteous during the days of Noah, the other abode where the unrighteous attempt to warn the living what awaits for the unrighteous after physical death...eternal separation from God and the righteous. (1 Peter 3:18-21).

Then we have the teaching parable about Hell and punishment for the unrighteous. (Luke 16:20-26). Even between the dead beggar named Lazarus (the righteous in the bosom of Abraham) and the rich man (the unrighteous) there exists a GREAT GULF that cannot be traveled.

After the Christ preached to the spirits in prison.........only 8 were found righteous in the days of Noah and they were saved by Water......and Peter compares that salvation with Water Baptism saving the Christian by washing away their sin in a symbolic death and resurrection, i.e. an NEW BIRTH, born again. Its not our bodies that are physically reborn (that is impossible)......its our Spirit that has become dead to Sin and arises from a watery grave into a new life where sin can be defeated.

The Kingdom of God is a SPIRITUAL KINGDOM......its never been a physical kingdom, its always existed as a Spiritual Experience. Unlike the fake religions that want and expect a physical kingdom to reign, thinking and reasoning as men instead of being lead by the Holy Spirit of God IN TRUTH. The Kingdom of God has always rested in the heart of those who BELIEVE. (John 17:20-21). It is our SPIRIT/MIND that guides our fate.........not the inverse. Thus we worship IN SPIRIT and TRUTH, as truth is what sets ones spirit free.................2 Cor. 3:17 where there is truth, there is freedom.
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On my computer when someone replies to The Doctor's Wife, the copy of the post says it was from Potterhead2021. Are they the same person or is there a glitch?

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