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Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Jesus said nothing about homosexuals and he did his best to politely rebuke much of the old testament. I guess those in power editing our good or God's books left out the part where he said do unto others as you'd have them do unto you or judge not less ye be judged. I don't believe in forcing any church to do services for something they don't agree with, like wise I don't believe any church should try to stop others from doing what they believe is right in the sight of their God and maker.
Jude was a personal servant and friend of Jesus. He was one of Jesus' homies. He travelled everywhere with him and heard his teachings day after day after day. Jude 1 recalls the Old Testament's warnings about homosexuality and incorporates them into the New Testament. Jude reiterates the warnings as viable and endurable christian law. He says essentially that if you do not resist the spread of a homosexual culture, even Jesus cannot save you. He ends the warning passage saying in order to present yourself before God and Jesus, you must actively resist such a cultural trend and if you fail, you are damned for eternity.

For some reason the New Testament really bears down on the Sodom story and homosexual cultures like Sodom. God has His reasons I suppose. But they are clear in both the Old and New Testament alike.
Jesus said nothing about homosexuals and he did his best to politely rebuke much of the old testament. I guess those in power editing our good or God's books left out the part where he said do unto others as you'd have them do unto you or judge not less ye be judged. I don't believe in forcing any church to do services for something they don't agree with, like wise I don't believe any church should try to stop others from doing what they believe is right in the sight of their God and maker.
Jude was a personal servant and friend of Jesus. He was one of Jesus' homies. He travelled everywhere with him and heard his teachings day after day after day. Jude 1 recalls the Old Testament's warnings about homosexuality and incorporates them into the New Testament. Jude reiterates the warnings as viable and endurable christian law. He says essentially that if you do not resist the spread of a homosexual culture, even Jesus cannot save you. He ends the warning passage saying in order to present yourself before God and Jesus, you must actively resist such a cultural trend and if you fail, you are damned for eternity.

For some reason the New Testament really bears down on the Sodom story and homosexual cultures like Sodom. God has His reasons I suppose. But they are clear in both the Old and New Testament alike.
i don't follow jude or judes. be my guest and follow whom you like. as for me, I follow the lord not his hanger ons. put in a book by whom? king james?
Yes but these arguments are going to be revisited. Or didn't you know that? Yes, it would such a "bad thing" to deprive these people who do this in sober "pride" in broad daylight where they hope children will be attending from accessing legally children to adopt and bring behind closed doors...





Redneck vs Gay.....Whats the difference?

Oh that's easy. The first three photos are people who are sober, putting on an organized parade of "pride" where they hope children of all ages will be in attendance. The second picture is of Spring break type event held for young adults exclusively in areas well known for parents with young kids to avoid. I'm certain nobody there wants or expects young kids to be in attendance to an event they wake up from hung over and obviously not proud of.

Context is everything as it turns out.

Remember the stripper bus that came to the Lion football games for years and then one day some prude mom got invited to tailgate and she saw it and she broke up the fun. Guys don't care if its hot girls dressed like that, right? So it should be ok for them to dress like that.

Ever go to college? Except for the fruity costumes those could be any college kid on any college campus.

Does it make you feel icky? Get over it.
Jesus said nothing about homosexuals and he did his best to politely rebuke much of the old testament. I guess those in power editing our good or God's books left out the part where he said do unto others as you'd have them do unto you or judge not less ye be judged. I don't believe in forcing any church to do services for something they don't agree with, like wise I don't believe any church should try to stop others from doing what they believe is right in the sight of their God and maker.
Jude was a personal servant and friend of Jesus. He was one of Jesus' homies. He travelled everywhere with him and heard his teachings day after day after day. Jude 1 recalls the Old Testament's warnings about homosexuality and incorporates them into the New Testament. Jude reiterates the warnings as viable and endurable christian law. He says essentially that if you do not resist the spread of a homosexual culture, even Jesus cannot save you. He ends the warning passage saying in order to present yourself before God and Jesus, you must actively resist such a cultural trend and if you fail, you are damned for eternity.

For some reason the New Testament really bears down on the Sodom story and homosexual cultures like Sodom. God has His reasons I suppose. But they are clear in both the Old and New Testament alike.

Considering how much more bigoted and racist our parents and grandparents and great grand parents were, can you imagine how unenlightened the men who wrote the bible were thousands of years ago?

Even still they wrote a book/story good enough to fool millions into believing god told them anything. Liars. But here you are talking about the bibles as if god wrote them or even talked to the men who wrote them. FAIL!

Notice the old testament didn't have a problem with slavery? God approves of slavery? Really? Probably not. But the men who wrote the bibles had slaves so god didn't talk about that. They were also straight and homophobes. Proof to me they made it all up.

So gays, go ahead and butt fuck all you want. Be safe. Only butt fuck one guy and wear a condom for GODS sake.
lol. cute. I like my God who says I'm one of the chosen few destined and preordained to make all others my footstool and to slaughter women and children if they get in my way of home land or money power etc.. Who are my chosen people? muslims? nazi? jews? American? all of the above? no difference and totally ungodly
Oh that's easy. The first three photos are people who are sober, putting on an organized parade of "pride" where they hope children of all ages will be in attendance. The second picture is of Spring break type event held for young adults exclusively in areas well known for parents with young kids to avoid. I'm certain nobody there wants or expects young kids to be in attendance to an event they wake up from hung over and obviously not proud of.

Context is everything as it turns out.

How do you know they are sober?
Oh that's easy. The first three photos are people who are sober, putting on an organized parade of "pride" where they hope children of all ages will be in attendance. The second picture is of Spring break type event held for young adults exclusively in areas well known for parents with young kids to avoid. I'm certain nobody there wants or expects young kids to be in attendance to an event they wake up from hung over and obviously not proud of.

Context is everything as it turns out.

How do you know they are sober?
Because the parade is organized and it's...a parade of "pride". Few people if any in it are seen slurring, staggering or falling down drunk.

Next stupid question/obvious diversion. Admit it. There's a difference between soberly displaying lewd sex acts in public in a parade down a thoroughfare where you expect and hope little kids will be vs a drunken bacchanal at a well known yearly beach destination exclusively for young adults at Spring Break.
lol. cute. I like my God who says I'm one of the chosen few destined and preordained to make all others my footstool and to slaughter women and children if they get in my way of home land or money power etc.. Who are my chosen people? muslims? nazi? jews? American? all of the above? no difference and totally ungodly
No, in Jude 1 where christians are forbidden to enable the spread of a homosexual culture under threat of eternal damnation, they are cautioned to do so with compassion for the mentally ill. The whole point of Jude 1 is that mental illness must not be mainstreamed in human societies. And it makes sense if you think about it.
Churches should burn in Hell because religion is the single greatest lie in all of human history.

You have got to be kidding, right? because if religions are a lie, as you state, then how can there be a hell? Let me take it a step further, if there isn't a heaven how can there be a hell? Now some would say with out God is there a basis for morality and laws of society? Oh well good luck with your idles and numerous Gods. One word of caution, stay out of Muslim countries they take the belief in God very seriously.
As per the question as to if the government should have jurisdiction over the practices and teachings of a Church, the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and separation of church and state, thus the state has no power or jurisdiction over whether or not they recognize the gay community. According to the bible, as one example, it is a sin, in the Muslin religion punishable by death.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?


Yes, the impressive 83% of people voting against making churches perform gay marraiges in the poll above makes activists want to /thread this thread...lol.. It's one of the biggest and most telling polls on USMB to date.
One of the strongest proponents in England for the recent verdic by the European Court denying gay marriage as a "human right" was the church of England. Their argument was that if it became a "human right", then churches would have to perform gay marriages against their will:

..Church of England lawyers have already warned that if same-sex marriage goes ahead, then equality law is likely to force churches to fall into line and perform the wedding ceremonies.
The Strasbourg ruling won praise from campaigners against same-sex marriage.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said: ‘For too long campaigners have been using the language of rights in an attempt to add moral force to what are nothing more than personal desires.
In many cases they have bypassed the democratic process and succeeded in imposing their views on the rest of the population by force of law.
‘We are seeing the same principle at work in the Government’s sham of a consultation on same-sex marriage.’
He added: ‘The ruling from the ECHR will embolden those whose concerns about same-sex marriage and adoption are not inspired by personal hatred and animosity, but by a genuine concern for the well-being of children and the welfare of society.
‘Instead of rushing to legislate without seriously considering the views of the electorate, the Government should be encouraging a measured public debate on the nature and meaning of marriage.’ Gay marriage is not a human right European ruling torpedoes Coalition stance Mail Online
Churches should burn in Hell because religion is the single greatest lie in all of human history.

You have got to be kidding, right? because if religions are a lie, as you state, then how can there be a hell? Let me take it a step further, if there isn't a heaven how can there be a hell? Now some would say with out God is there a basis for morality and laws of society? Oh well good luck with your idles and numerous Gods. One word of caution, stay out of Muslim countries they take the belief in God very seriously.
As per the question as to if the government should have jurisdiction over the practices and teachings of a Church, the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and separation of church and state, thus the state has no power or jurisdiction over whether or not they recognize the gay community. According to the bible, as one example, it is a sin, in the Muslin religion punishable by death.
:stupid: This is what happens when a child does not have any exposure to "a power greater than self"; even parents cow to every whim of a child these days. The child grows up without a governing concept of belonging to an organized association for its own spiritual growth and betterment. It's more fun to eat cookies than it is to help the old lady next door take out her trash. So that child has zero perspective on religion.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?


Yes, the impressive 83% of people voting against making churches perform gay marraiges in the poll above makes activists want to /thread this thread...lol.. It's one of the biggest and most telling polls on USMB to date.

I pretty much knew this from the start. There was a brief blip where folks felt like they were being pushed into making the decision. Knee jerk reactions are not always the right decisions. In fact when they are emotional and lean on ancient held beliefs, many times those are the ones that need more reasoned thought. This is why we eat pork now. After more reasoned thought, it turns out there were actual biologic reasons that could be corrected that caused ancients to warn against eating pork. They assumed these reasons were messages from god. And maybe they were, but many times when god tells us something, we may not be listening correctly. Are sodomy and non-monogamous relationships riskier than male female monogamous relationships... probably but that does not necessarily mean god is saying the former are against his word.. I think the ancient religious folk meant well, but as Jesus said, and I paraphrase, all these things of old had their time and need to be re-evaluated with love and understanding of all things holy.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?


Yes, the impressive 83% of people voting against making churches perform gay marraiges in the poll above makes activists want to /thread this thread...lol.. It's one of the biggest and most telling polls on USMB to date.

I pretty much knew this from the start. There was a brief blip where folks felt like they were being pushed into making the decision. Knee jerk reactions are not always the right decisions. In fact when they are emotional and lean on ancient held beliefs, many times those are the ones that need more reasoned thought. This is why we eat pork now. After more reasoned thought, it turns out there were actual biologic reasons that could be corrected that caused ancients to warn against eating pork. They assumed these reasons were messages from god. And maybe they were, but many times when god tells us something, we may not be listening correctly. Are sodomy and non-monogamous relationships riskier than male female monogamous relationships... probably but that does not necessarily mean god is saying the former are against his word.. I think the ancient religious folk meant well, but as Jesus said, and I paraphrase, all these things of old had their time and need to be re-evaluated with love and understanding of all things holy.

Maybe it has nothing to do with physical risk and everything to do with spiritual risk. Since the warnings against sodomy continue into the New Testament, they are timeless with christianity. The spiritual risk, if you believe the Hindus are onto something, is that we incarnate in a certain physical body for certain contractual reasons. A female body to learn how to interact with the male. A male body to learn how to interact with the female. Both types lend a certain fire of temper to the spirit. A unique fire.

You go gender-blending with homosexuality and it's the same as fire-bombing a school. The lessons that God intended to be learned no longer have a framework.

And THAT is the spiritual damage done by homosexuality. But there is plenty of physical damage as well in using the lower intestinal tract as an artificial vagina.
Churches should burn in Hell because religion is the single greatest lie in all of human history.

You have got to be kidding, right? because if religions are a lie, as you state, then how can there be a hell? Let me take it a step further, if there isn't a heaven how can there be a hell? Now some would say with out God is there a basis for morality and laws of society? Oh well good luck with your idles and numerous Gods. One word of caution, stay out of Muslim countries they take the belief in God very seriously.
As per the question as to if the government should have jurisdiction over the practices and teachings of a Church, the Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and separation of church and state, thus the state has no power or jurisdiction over whether or not they recognize the gay community. According to the bible, as one example, it is a sin, in the Muslin religion punishable by death.

You would have people praying to the gods of homosexuality. You're already up to forcing those dogmatic values on schoolkids in CA. Do we think that marriage of religion and state will be limited to just California as the cult of LGBT steamrollers forward across the country using the courts as its engine?
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?


Yes, the impressive 83% of people voting against making churches perform gay marraiges in the poll above makes activists want to /thread this thread...lol.. It's one of the biggest and most telling polls on USMB to date.

I pretty much knew this from the start. There was a brief blip where folks felt like they were being pushed into making the decision. Knee jerk reactions are not always the right decisions. In fact when they are emotional and lean on ancient held beliefs, many times those are the ones that need more reasoned thought. This is why we eat pork now. After more reasoned thought, it turns out there were actual biologic reasons that could be corrected that caused ancients to warn against eating pork. They assumed these reasons were messages from god. And maybe they were, but many times when god tells us something, we may not be listening correctly. Are sodomy and non-monogamous relationships riskier than male female monogamous relationships... probably but that does not necessarily mean god is saying the former are against his word.. I think the ancient religious folk meant well, but as Jesus said, and I paraphrase, all these things of old had their time and need to be re-evaluated with love and understanding of all things holy.

Maybe it has nothing to do with physical risk and everything to do with spiritual risk. Since the warnings against sodomy continue into the New Testament, they are timeless with christianity. The spiritual risk, if you believe the Hindus are onto something, is that we incarnate in a certain physical body for certain contractual reasons. A female body to learn how to interact with the male. A male body to learn how to interact with the female. Both types lend a certain fire of temper to the spirit. A unique fire.

You go gender-blending with homosexuality and it's the same as fire-bombing a school. The lessons that God intended to be learned no longer have a framework.

And THAT is the spiritual damage done by homosexuality. But there is plenty of physical damage as well in using the lower intestinal tract as an artificial vagina.
That's right being homosexual is the same as fire bombing children. :cuckoo:
When the state seeks to impose its will upon the churches of the land, bloodshed is a heartbeat away.

No. In our country, the state does not have the authority to dictate what the church must *allow*.

What else would they force the church to do? :eek-49: There is a lot of fragile territory within. Faith is a delicate thing.

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